May 26, 2006 15:51
As you likely know, I went back to the US for Flury’s wedding a few weeks ago and what a week it was. I can’t put into words how nice it was to be back in the states and to be able to see everyone again. It’s actually taken me a long time to write about this trip because every time I start writing, I get all nostalgic and bummed out that I’m back in Yokkaichi. Ah well, I will put up what I’ve written so far.
My flight out of Japan was much the same as that flight always is: long, boring, and full of screaming children. They got off the ground about 45 minutes late, so I almost missed my connecting flight in Detroit. They had even bumped me to a later flight, but put me back on since I made it.
I arrived in Greenville about 10 minutes early and waited outside in the wonderful weather for JHayz to come pick me up. It was nice to see the color green in abundance after living in a land of grays and browns. It was also nice to smell nature again rather than smog.
Anyhow, after JHayz arrived and picked me up, we went straight to Flury’s place in Atlanta. While immediately traveling again was not at the forefront of my desires at that point, sitting in a car with comfortable seats and a nice view while chatting was a welcome change from the monotony of the airplane. We made good time to Atlanta, but had a little trouble finding Flury’s apartment. This was compounded by the fact that Flury neglected to mention crucial information like that there was a gate with a password outside his apartment complex.
It was really great to see Flury again. He has lost a lot of weight since I last saw him and he looks great. His apartment is also great. It is both large and nice. Since it was about dinner time, Flury took us to his favorite bar, the Rock Bottom Brewery. It was kind of like a Chiles. Needless to say, it was a welcome change from what they serve me in Japan. Real food from a nice restaurant at a reasonable price. I was very pleased. We hung out, chatted, and feasted there for some time before returning to Flury’s place.
We spent much of the rest of the evening playing Halo on his 360 and his huge TV. Hayz got really quite drunk. Flury gave him a lot of liquor. Flury happened to come in third one game and kept giving Hayz more and more alcohol in hopes of making him lose, but Hayz played better and better. Flury did redeem himself right around when Hayz started closing one eye to make the room stay still.
When we tired of games, we went to the main room and chatted. Flury was very jealous of my Japanese cell phone and discovered some things it can do that I didn’t even know about. I think he was most impressed with the TV feature and the flashy light feature. Hayz more or less fell asleep on the floor after we finished playing video games. Of note, Flury’s carpet was more comfortable than my futon in Japan. We ended up crashing on Flury’s extremely comfortable couches.