Oct 17, 2009 00:16
So me and my friend Mursa went to go see "Where the Wild Things Are" and my opinion on this film is more on the positive side. I remember reading the book when I was a child and I liked it, and now after seeing there was a movie, I questioned: How they will squeeze a 10 page or whatever story with words only in formation of sentences to a hour and 1/2 movie? Well simple, give a little more of a background to the main character and add some more things to the story. Though a risky action, it was an action that was taken well.
The movie was like a surreal life for kids film. There was a lot of emotional moments, some dark moments, but also happy moments. It really dived into the imaginary level of a child (in all of us even). Are they Wild things real, or are they fake? That's not the question, the question is are we ourselves still even when grown up, or have we given up on imagination. but even imagination can have its negative effects.
All in all, this movie was good and I say give it a chance. Kids will like it, but you surely will too. There is a kid in all of us really.