I have returned...

Jul 05, 2010 14:14

I just got back from Anime Expo in LA, and I had an amazing time. I met many new folks, and even ran into some folks from Dragon*Con, which was wonderful. Overall, a great time.

Now, I know I didn't put up pics of Batman, but I will shortly. I'm planning on dumping my AX photos onto FaceBook, then write a full con report here on LJ for everyone to read.

As of right now, I'm trying to consider which con to go to next. Graduation is a year away, and my parents are letting me go to a summer con as a grad gift. A few people at AX made a great pitch for San Diego Comic-Con, and I really do want to see them again, so I'm giving serious thought to changing my con choice from D*C to SDCC. It also helps that I was into comics first anyway, but there's a few things I need to find out first, such as when I take my board exam.

I'll say this, no matter what, I'm gonna go to another con next year.


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