To-Do Fic List

Sep 07, 2009 00:39

->Martha during CoE
->Ianto backstory fic
->Owen and John fic
->Gecko!Ianto fic
->Fucking creepy fic
->Team Torchwood in the gap between their return from the Himalayas and KKBB
->Gwen Cooper's Bad Day
->Recruitment fic
->Fix-it, sort of, only not really fic

...not to mention, that little thing called real life.


Thankfully, I think the fix-it will largely be about Ianto making lists, and I've got a fair amount of these fics already started. Also, I'm pretty sure that at least two of these fics will be of more-or-less drabble length.

someone please shoot me, writing ideas, i r dumb, torchwood, doctor who, rant, fanfic

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