Well. That was strange.

Sep 06, 2009 13:51

So, as those of you who have been my LJ friends for a while can atest to, I'm a walker. I do my 2.5 miles down to Trader Joes and the 2.5 miles back with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. I go out wandering around the park next to the graduate school at strange hours of the night. I have paced around the path the circled the playing fields more times than is healthy.

If you've friended me sometime before May last year, you probably also know that I found the derelict old graveyard behind the English house right around finals week. So, today I decided "What the hell, why not go visit it?"

Now, the path up there is creepy enough as it is. It's mostly uphill, there this little creek off to the side that comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere, and my God, is it ever washed out. If it weren't for the fact that this path also runs to the old staff housing and has a dedication to a dead alumn halfway through, I would be skeptical that it was even a college path. Also, it's pretty far away from everything and everyone and I cannot tel you how much spiders love to spin their webs across it. Yuck. And, creeeeepy.

But, still. I wasn't expecting to step on a pile of bones.

Naturally, my first reaction was a mental OMGWTFBBQ, followed closely by a very verbal "OH CRAP!". After giving myself a minute to let my brain reboot, I realized that they probably weren't human, and I should probably tell someone about them anyway.

So I walked back to the main part of campus and down to the public safety office, where I told the man behind the desk that I'd found a pile of bones behind the English House, and it probably wasn't anything terribly important but it would probably still be a good idea to figure out what it was, becuase I have the vaguest of notions how bones fit together and, if nothing else, it was probably unsanitary.

He told about WITCHES. I managed to contain my O_o face with difficulty because, seriously. He does know he works at Bryn Mawr, right? Home of Athena and Quidditch and a great number of powerful pagan women? If nothing else, you'd think that fifteen years of working here would have made sure that his thought process didn't go dead animal->animal sacrifice->WITCHES!!!111!!!11!! as it so clearly was here.

Thankfully, the woman logging the complaint broke the tension by asking me about my name/year/major/other things, and then the younger security gaurd came in and made hurrying up vibes.

So. I go back to my dorm, LOL with the roommate about said strangeness, read about con artists on HowStuffWorks, and then one of the HA people called me saying the Public Safety was here to talk to me.

It was the younger guy: turns out I'm the only person who knows what the Morris Woods is, so I had to go show them where the bones are.

It was certainly an interesting experience, as the older guy was having trouble, and I could hear the younger guy wondering whether or
not he should check my room for happy drugs as I cheerfully walked up this washed up path in my crocheted shoes.

So, anyway, I showed them the bones, and they managed to find some jaw bones to determine that they weren't from a person, but rather from either a fox or a small dog. Cool beans.

So, yeah. Bones. Not as creeeeeepy as this, I guess, but still pretty odd for a Sunday afternoon.

bryn mawr, i actually teeheehee, college, wtf?, someone please shoot me, i r dumb, life, we're all going to die

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