Oct 27, 2006 22:59
it's the night before the night before my BIG race (26.2 miles)! i don't think i'll have any problems sleeping tonight, it was a half day of school so i only had to work from 8am to 5:30pm, yikes. my plan is to be up earlyish in the morning to do my LAST training run (3 miles and some short sprints) in the exact garb i'll be wearing for the marathon. then laundry and homework til around 11am, then leave for detroit where i'll attempt to find where hannah lives so i can break into her apartment. then to cobo hall to pick up my race number and timing chip, then walk around the expo and look at all the awesome running stuff that is available until around 5:30pm when i'll leave to find my parents hotel and meet up with them for dinner. then back to hannah's to get to bed early (maybe before she even gets home from the hockey tourney in london?) so i can get up ridiculously early sunday morning so i can be totally ready when the gun goes off at 7:15am. my runner number is 7227 if you want to track me on detroitfreepressmarathon.com. i'd be happy with any time under 5 hours. i'd be quite please with under 4 1/2 hours. i'd be more pleased with under 4h22minutes, because that would be sub-10 minute miles for the whole marathon. i'd be SUPER happy and amazed and excited if i broke 4 hours, because that would be sub-9 minute miles for the whole marathon. i predict my time to be 4h10m.
wish me luck, here i go!!!!!!!! :)