Never thought this would happen.....especially last spring

Jan 07, 2006 19:00

I thought I would switch degrees and stay at Mo'ville like everyone else to get my bachelor degree. However after something this fall that opened my eyes. Also taking all core classes the spring semester (achieving a 3.6, amazing after being bored in equine-such a fake degree and doesn't teach anything about business) and fall semester (3.33-only business I was in 2 hard class business stats and math 149) opened my eyes up. After taking to my professors in business I was recommended to transfer because I have potential and shouldn't waste here at Mo'ville. They gave me the typical college that everyone can get into when they heard my GPA with equine include, but then they asked me for my grades just in business (including electives such as english, history, bio, math) which is 3.5....yes higher because I have classes from my other college that boost that up.

Anyways it was funny how it went from okay schools to ivey league schools. I'll give a short list of the ones recommended; Clarkson Un, Hamilton College, Colgate Un, Cornell U, Penn State, NYU, Le Moyne College, St Lawrence Un, etc.....get the idea. I can say I've chosen my number one and I didn't list it because I have reasons why. My BS degree is ranked high in nation and they give out many scholarships. I've also wanted to go on and challenge myself, now I got the opportunity too. Also I'm the first to graduate college and soon to be the first to graduate from an ivey league college.

So fair well Mo'ville!!!!!!!

Signing off,
Marie aka Shortie
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