When Life Turns Upside Down for a Day! : Part 4

Apr 25, 2013 20:49

Title: When Life Turns Upside Down for a Day
Part: Four
Author: hanny2luv and allboutp
Pairing: Ryoda
Genre: Crack, Fluff.
Summary: A Bet + A Contract = Unlikely Love Story.
Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine. *sigh*
A/N : This fic is unbeta-ed. RL is taking over my life. Huhu….

After a long one hour of posing and photo shooting, KAT TUN is finally release for their break.  Koki, Nakamaru and Junno walk ahead, talking about what food will be served to them. Hearing about food, Jin quickly joins the group ahead of him, which now left Kamenashi and Tatsuya behind.

“So Tat-chan, mind telling me why you were late?” Kame asks, as they walk to the dressing room.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just got caught up with something. Nothing for you to worry about.” Tatsuya answers with a shrug.

“You sure?” Kame asks again with a lifted eyebrow.

“Yes, I’m sure Kame. Stop worrying. You’ll get wrinkles.”  Tatsuya says teasingly. Kame just glares playfully at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya just chuckles at his friend.  Throwing his arm over Kame’s shoulder, he drags the younger man to the waiting room where their friends have already assembled.

Once he arrives at the room, he notices that Ryo was not at the place where he left earlier. Curious, he walks out of the room, searching for the younger man.


He searches everywhere that he could think of, but Tatsuya still haven’t found Mae aka Nishikido Ryo.

Where could he be, Tatsuya mutters to himself. I thought I told him to stay put, but does he ever listen to me? NO, after all he is the sexy Osakan man, and he can do anything that he likes. Oh, he is so going to get it when all of this is over. Tatsuya chuckles darkly to himself thinking what he plans to do to Ryo once he completes his bet. If Ryo is there at the time, he surely will start to regret signing the contract.

Just as he walks along the unknown corridor where he has never been before, he hears voices from one of the closed room. Curious, he goes near the door and put his ear on it.

“You are so cute today, what’s your name?”  He hears the first voice spoken.

“Nikaido Mae.”  The other person answers. That‘s Nishikido, Tatsuya whispers. What is he doing in there, he asks to himself.  But what puzzles him is the tremor in Ryo’s voice.

“So, Mae-chan, wanna have fun? Today is extremely boring. Perhaps you can make it more exciting.”  His eyes widen at the statement. What the….!! Tatsuya thinks incredulously. So, that’s why he sounds afraid. I must do something.

Tatsuya tries to open the door the usual way, but unfortunately the door is already locked. Then, he tries to use his body to break open the door, but it still didn’t budge. Tatsuya frowns at the door, then after taking a deep breath to calm himself, he kicks the door as hard as he can, and it’s open with a BAM!

“What do you think you’re doing? Let go of hi…err, her. Let go of her!” Tatsuya shouts at the staff, well, he thinks it’s a staff since he is wearing the staff’s pass. The staff had Ryo cornered and Ryo looks relief when he sees Tatsuya at the broken door.

The staff turns to look at the person who dares interrupts him. He sneers at Tatsuya. “Who are you? Go away and mind your own business.”

That’s weird, Tatsuya thinks. If he is a staff, shouldn’t he know me?

“I don’t think so, you jerk. That’s my girlfriend you’re harassing.” Tatsuya tells him off. Ryo gawks in disbelief at Tatsuya’s announcement.

The supposed-to-be-staff gives Tatsuya a smirk and says, “Ha, like I believe you. Even if that’s true, what a girly looking boy like you can do to me? “

Tatsuya walks to the staff wanna be and says, “I can do this!” before kicking the man at where it hurts the most. The man curses in pain before fainting, while Tatsuya grabs Ryo and run out of the room.

Once Tatsuya is sure there are at the safe distance, he stops and glares at Ryo. “Didn’t I tell you to stay put in the makeup room?”

Ryo avert his eyes to the floor, feeling guilty for not listening to Tatsuya. “I was bored and I was just trying to help.” He mumbles.

Tatsuya just sighs. “Yeah, well, I guess you choose a wrong person to help. Come on, let’s find the head staff. I don’t think that’s a real staff.  Even if he is, I’m intending to tell on him so they can fire him from his job.”  Tatsuya turns and lead them to the main room to see the person in charge.

When they have found the person in charge, Tatsuya quickly tells them what have happens, leaving out the fact that he told the offender that ‘Mae-chan’ is his girlfriend. Then he leads the head staff, three security guards and a couple of other staff to the room where it’s happen. When they arrive, the man is just starting to wake up. One of the staff that accompanies them recognizes the man as a sex offender that the police have been searching for.

The three security guards quickly take the man out of the room. Then, one of them tells the head staff and Tatsuya that they will be bringing the offender to the police station, so he can be trial and punish for his crimes. Tatsuya smiles to the guard and thank them for their quick action. The head staff then says that he will inform the director of the shoot about what had happen and tell Tatsuya to take another half an hour break.

“Now that all of that settle, I think we should go to the makeup room to rest. I’m hungry, and we still need to introduce you to my band mates.” Tatsuya declares at Ryo.

Ryo stares at Tatsuya like he has lost his mind. “Are you crazy? Why do we have to do that? Jin will recognize me and I will lose the bet. And there is absolutely NO WAY for me to lose the bet.” Ryo exclaim with vehement.

Tatsuya just sighs. “Don’t worry, M-A-E-chan, I have everything under control. And Jin will not recognize you.”

Ryo just snorts. “Well, what are you going to tell them? Are you going to say that I’m your girlfriend, like you did before?”

Tatsuya blushes as Ryo reminded him at his rush exclaims. “Of course not, that was just a spur of a moment thing. I’m going to tell them that you’re my cousin who comes to visit me.”

Ryo just glares at Tatsuya. So I’m just a spur of moment thing, am I? Who want to be your girlfriend anyway, Ryo says in his mind.


Just as Tatsuya enters the room, he is immediately hugs by Koki. “Uepopu, where did you go? You miss our routine activity.” Koki says cheekily.

Tatsuya just smiles at Koki. Even though Koki always act tough, but he knows that Koki is a big softie inside. “I have an adventure, Koki.” Tatsuya says, patting Koki’s shoulder.

Meanwhile, Ryo is seething behind Tatsuya after watching the display of affection between the two. How dare he touch Ueda like that? And why didn’t Ueda mention me? I thought he wants to introduce me to them. Damn it Ueda, don’t ignore me.

“Oh, before I forgot, I want you guys to meet my cousin.” Tatsuya says casually, pulling Ryo next to him. “This is Mae-chan.  Hee… I mean, she’s from Osaka and never been to Tokyo before.” Tatsuya says quickly to cover his mistakes. Luckily for him, none of the members aware of the mistake because they are captivated by ‘Mae-chan’ present.

“Wow! I didn’t know that you have a hot cousin, Tat-chan.” Jin says as he checking ‘Mae-chan’ out.  Inwardly, Ryo is cringing in horror as the thought of his friend checking him out creeping into his mind. Even though right now he is in disguise of a girl and not his usual sexy man self.

“Hmm, hello! Nice to meet you.” Ryo bows awkwardly at them. The others bow in greeting too.

“Tat-chan, your cousin looks familiar.” Kame says to Tatsuya. “Have we met before?” Inquire Kame to Ryo. Ryo sends a panic look to Tatsuya. Tatsuya smile to assure Ryo that he has all plan out.

“Maybe you saw her when we’re doing concert at Osaka.” Tatsuya states with a shrug. Ryo sighs in relief when Kame seems to agree with that.

“Hey, when are we going to start photo shooting?” Just as Nakamaru asks the question, one of the staff knock the door.

“Sorry to bother you guys, but the director told me to tell you that the photo shoot will have to be postpone.” The staff tells them.

“WHAT?!” “WHY?” “WHAT HAPPEN?” Various voices begin to questions the staff. The staff then explains about what had happen to KAT TUN. Since all of them unexpectedly given free time, Kame decides to go home and catch some sleep. Meanwhile Nakamaru and Koki decide to go shopping spree and Junno chooses to go to buy some games. And Jin tells them that he’s going to meet up with someone.

Just then, there are only Tatsuya and Ryo that’s left in the makeup room.  As they walk out of the room, Tatsuya turns to face Ryo.

“Well, since I have free time right now, why don’t we go out and have fun. Well, if that is okay with you.”  Tatsuya asks like a gentleman that he is.

Ryo stops walking and ponders for a while. And since he is definitely don’t want to go back to the wolf’s den aka the Jimusho; he decided to go with Tatsuya’s idea.

“Sure!” Ryo agrees. Tatsuya smirks and take Ryo’s hand in his. “Great! Let’s have a date. After all, you never went dating as a girl before, ne.” And Tatsuya pulls Ryo along with him.

At first, Ryo feel indignantly at being treated like a girl. But Tatsuya remain a gentleman throughout the whole day making Ryo feels appreciated. And inwardly, Ryo admitted to himself that he is having fun with Tatsuya. At the end of their date, Tatsuya send him until the lobby of his apartment. After thanking Tatsuya for the lovely day, and also for protecting him that day, Ryo gives Tatsuya a surprise when he shyly kisses Tatsuya’s cheeks. And Tatsuya beams prettily at Ryo before he goes home.

Few days passes without any more incidents in Jimusho.  The members of Kanjani 8 had a good laugh at Ryo misfortune at Jimusho and his encounters with the sex offender.  But Ryo has wisely keeping the fact that Ueda has helps him when he posed as a girl, a secret. And Ryo end up getting mad at Yokoyama, Subaru and Ohkura for tricking him since there is actually no girl to be introduce to him after all.

Ryo walks out of Kanjani’s room, sulking all the way to the cafeteria. He is mad at his friends, as well as himself for thinking that Tatsuya has forgotten about him. And he actually has misses the older man presence.

“Hello, Nishikido! Nice weather today, ne.” Just as Ryo thinks about him, Tatsuya suddenly appears out of nowhere.
“Huh, what are you doing here, fish lip? Go away! I don’t want to see your ugly face today.” Ryo says moodily, venting his anger on Tatsuya even though it’s not him, he mad at.

Tatsuya frowns at Ryo snarky reply. I thought we have fun that day, he thinks.

“What is wrong with you, Nishikido?” Tatsuya asks.

“Nothing is wrong with me, but everything is wrong with you. Go away! I don’t want to see you ever again.” Ryo exclaims. Tatsuya frowns deeper.

Fine, be that way, he mumbles as he walks away from Ryo. Then he turns around and sees Ryo scowling at him.

“You know Nishikido, we still have some unfinished business.” Tatsuya declares.

“I want nothing to do to you!” Ryo snarls, tries to walk away. That’s when he heard Tatsuya calling him.

“Oh, Nishikido…” Tatsuya calls with a sing-song voice. “I think you’re forgetting something.” Tatsuya exclaims while waving the contract in front of Ryo.

And that’s when he remembers that he has signs the contract when he asked for Tatsuya helps.“Oh, shit! I’m doom!!” Ryo mumbles to himself.

The End.

#collab-fic, fanfic : ryoda

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