My Cupid Daughter!: Epilogue

Apr 15, 2010 12:34

Title: My Cupid Daughter!

Chapter: Epilogue

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: After years of disappearing, finally Ueda Tatsuya returns to Japan. But he is not alone; he is back with his daughter. And when he meets up with his old flame, Nishikido Ryo does the flame already died out, or does it still exist. And what will happen when Tatsuya's daughter decides to play cupid to make her papa happy again.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: allboutp

Eri woke up later than usual that day. After all, she’s still tired from the jetlag. She walked into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes, when she saw her father was kissing her Uncle Ryo.

“Papa, what are you doing with Uncle Ryo? And I thought Uncle Ryo is in Japan.” Eri asked confusedly, breaking them from their activity.

“Princess, you’re up. Come, eat your breakfast first. I’ll tell you later, ok.” Tatsuya said to his daughter cheerfully while Ryo blushed because of getting caught by a little girl.

After finishing their breakfast, they went to the living room. Then, Tatsuya told her daughter that Ryo just arrived last night, just after Eri went to sleep, getting onto the next plane after theirs so that he can follow them. When Eri asked Ryo why would he do that, Ryo stammered and told her that he doesn’t want the most important person in his life to slip away again. And when Eri asked who that person is, Ryo smiled and looked at Tatsuya before answering, “Ueda Tatsuya and Ueda Akari.”

Eri looked at Tatsuya and Ryo. “So, does that mean you are together now?” She asked. Tatsuya just chuckled as he’s already accustomed with Eri’s blunt questions from time to time but not Ryo. Ryo’s face turned into a different shade of red as he heard that. Never had he imagined to be questioned like that by a 5 years old girl.

“Yes princess, we are. And I think this is all thanks to you.” Tatsuya said, smiling to his precious.

“Does this mean I can call him mommy, Papa?” Eri asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Tatsuya laughed out loud when he saw Ryo startled looked.

“I don’t think he would appreciate that, love.” Tatsuya answered. “Oh…” Eri replied in a small voice with disappointed tones.

“But you can call him daddy if you like.”  Tatsuya tried to coax her. “I guess that’s ok too.” Eri said. Ryo just sighed in relief. Thank God I won’t be called mommy by Eri, he thought. But suddenly, Eri turned towards him.

“You sure I can’t call you mommy?” she asked with a puppy dog eyes upon him. Ryo almost melted at the looked, but he resolved his mind when he saw Tatsuya’s amuse face.

“I’m sure, sweetheart. Besides, between me and your papa, he is more suitable to be the mommy.” Ryo told her.

“But papa is my papa since forever. And you are just here, so I think you should be mommy. Or maybe I should find myself a mommy then. What do you think, papa?”

“WHAT??!! No way, I don’t want to share the two of you with anyone else.” Ryo protested. Eri and Tatsuya just looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

“She was just joking, Ryo.” Ryo said, hugging Eri close to him.

“She what?” Ryo looked between the father and daughter that just smile angelically to him.

“That’s evil, Tatsuya. Just plain evil. I can see now she inherited your wickedness, hime. Why, I still remember how you always trick me every time we’re making….”

“Ryo! No dirty talking around my baby girl.” Tatsuya reprimanded Ryo while covering his daughter’s ears. Eri looked between Tatsuya and Ryo in puzzlement. She always likes it when people tell her that she is like her papa. She always thought it as a compliment. So why it is that papa is getting angry with her daddy. She thought papa also very proud when people said she is just like him. Really, grownups are really weird, Eri thought.

“Well, now that papa and daddy are together, can someone tell me where do babies come from? Uncle Kazu said if uncle Ryo becomes my daddy, one of you can tell me about it.” Eri said, leaning towards them with anticipation. Both Tatsuya and Ryo looked at each other, before groaning silently at the question. That is one of the most dreaded questions for them to answer as a parent. How exactly one tell a 5 years old very curious and smart girl about how babies are made.

“Hime, remind me to kill Kamenashi when we see him next time.” Ryo whispered to Tatsuya. But before could answer Ryo, Eri continued.

“And then, maybe you can get me a brother or a sister. I’m lonely, you know. I want someone I could play with too.” Eri said.

“Don’t worry Ryo, I’ll help you too.” Tatsuya whispered back.


Kamenashi Kazuya suddenly shivered when he was watching Yamapi’s new drama on television. “What’s wrong, Kazu?”  Yamapi asked, as he handed a cup of juice to Kazuya.

“I don’t know. It feels like someone was talking about me.” Kazuya said.

“Maybe it’s Tat-chan and Ryo-chan. If they found out what you told Eri, they might want to kill you.” Yamapi joked.

“Don’t joke with something like that, Tomo. Beside, how am I supposed to answer her question? She’s only 5 years old. She’s too young to know about sex.” Kazuya said in scolding manner. “And how am I supposed to know that she make it her mission to get them together because of what I said to her.” Kazuya continued, softly.

“Hey, at least we know now that they can be happy together. You did the right thing, Kazu. Besides, Eri won’t let them kill you. She adores you too much.” Yamapi said, consoling his lover. Kazuya could only smile at him.

“Yeah, now Tat-chan finally gets the happiness that he truly deserves, ne.” Kazuya said, eyes shone with love as he looked at Yamapi while intertwined their fingers together, appreciating his own happiness.

The End.

fanfic : ryoda, my cupid daughter the series

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