[Oneshot] Enemies Undercover: A Little White Lies.

Jun 28, 2009 00:13

Title: Enemies Undercover: A little white lies.

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: A bit of angst.

Summary: Tatsuya showed up in his dressing room with bruises. What’s going on?

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: My dear allboutp who also the one who suggest the title. ;P

Tatsuya walked into the dressing room with a black eye and few bruises along his jaw. Kamenashi, who was already in the room half an hour prior stared open mouth at Tatsuya.

“Tat-chan, what happen to your face? Did you had a fight? I thought you have a better control of your temper by now?” Kame asked as he inspected the bruises on Tatsuya’s face.

“Well, I thought so too, until I meet a certain annoying idiot that refuse to leave me alone.” Tatsuya grumbled to Kame. Kame just raised his eye brow.

“Let me guess, its Nishikido isn’t it?” Kame asked. Tatsuya just ‘humph’ and nodded.

“Who else, Kame! He’s the only one who manages to make me lose my temper. I hate that infuriating man.” Tatsuya complained. Kame just patted Tatsuya’s shoulder in sympathy.

“Well, at least we don’t have any show or photo shoot today. If not, the make up artist will surely be glowering at you. Not to mention the reaction of our manager.” Kame said. Tatsuya shuddered at the thought. He was glad that today was they only have a dance practice and a radio show.


Ryo walked into his dressing with a scowl on his face. He also wore a black eye and a bruise lips. Yamapi who was greeting him with sleepy eyes, turns his eyes towards Ryo back again when he realized that he wasn’t dreaming about Ryo’s injury. Koyama who was also there begun to fuss like a mother hen.

“Ryo-chan, what had happened to you?” Yamapi asked as his eyes were wide open by now and it seemed like he no longer felt sleepy after seeing his best friend’s current state.

Ryo just continued scowling and sat on the couch, his arms crossed. The he proceed to glared at Koyama who was hovering him and keep on asking about his bruises and how he had gotten them. Seeing that his best friend refused to answer any of his or Koyama’s question, Yamapi just sighed and went to sit by Ryo side. Then he turned to Koyama and asked for some ice for Ryo which Koyama quickly complied, although it was just an excuse for him to be alone with Ryo.

“So, mind telling me what exactly happen to your face?” Yamapi asked Ryo once they were alone. But Ryo still keep his silent and refused to talk about it.

“Fine, be that way. But don’t expect me to cover up for you when the manager starts bitching at you because of your bruises. You do remember that we’re having photo shooting today.” Ryo’s eyes widen with realization after hearing that.

“Maybe that will teach you to think before you act.” Yamapi said as he stood and walked out from the room. But before he was gone, he heard Ryo groaned and murmured. “This is all your fault, Donkey face!”


Yamapi was eating his breakfast when he felt hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Kame was grinning at him. He smiled back.

“What are you doing here all alone, Pi?” Kame asked.

“Well, aside the obvious that I’m currently eating my breakfast, actually I’m doing nothing.” Yamapi said sarcastically.

“Hey, no need to be sarcastic about it. I’m just asking, you know.” Kame said, pouting a bit.

“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I’m just dreading the part where my manager is going to nag and scold Ryo for being so stupid to involve in a fight when he knows he has photo shooting on the next day.” Yamapi explained.

“Ahh..” Understanding dawned on Kame. “I understand that. Luckily for us, we don’t have any photo shooting or filming a show. If not, surely we are also going to face the same problem as you. Especially when Tat-chan came with a lot of bruises on his pretty face today.” Kame told him. Yamapi just grimaced and nodded.

“I thought you told me that Tat-chan has better control of his temper now?” Yamapi asked. “Well, yeah but I don’t know. It seemed like Nishikido seemed to know which button to push. I mean, aside from boxing, he had never injured his face like that, ever, nowadays.” Kame explained. Yamapi just sighed.

“Yeah, I think I can understand that. Ryo does seem to bring the worst out of Tat-chan, ne. Even from our junior days.” Yamapi said.

“Does Nishikido really doesn’t like Tat-chan that much? I mean, I thought they were already past all that rivalry since we’re now older and more mature?” Kame asked. Yamapi shrugged.

“I don’t know. He’s hard to read these days. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that he has a crush on Tat-chan.” Looking at his watch, Yamapi suddenly stood.

“I should be going. If not I’m going to be late. No need on giving more excuses for the manager to scold us. See you later, Kame.” Kame waved at Yamapi as he retreated back. Somehow, what Yamapi had said to him just now stuck in his head.  If I didn’t know any better, I would say that he has a crush on Tat-chan.

‘Nah, that’s impossible! Nishikido and Tat-chan?? That seems to be the most unlikely couple.’ Kame thought as he chuckled softly.


Later that evening, when almost all the employees in the Jimusho have gone back home, Tatsuya was still wandering along the hallway of Jimusho. Suddenly, he was trapped between the wall and a person by a body that he knew so well. The said person started to nibble his earlobe and then proceed to his collarbone. Tatsuya just sighed.

“What do you want, Nishikido?” Tatsuya asked tiredly.

“You know what I want.” Ryo replied and continued with what he was doing. Then he was stop by Tatsuya’s hand who slowly pushed him off of him.

“I’m tired of your game, Ryo. This love-hate relationship gotta stop. I don’t want to continue doing this anymore.” Tatsuya said. Ryo looked at him in shocked.

“But why? We’re doing great.” Ryo retorted. “No, we’re not. You are the only one who enjoys this..this dysfunctional relationship, but I’m not. I’m tired of this fighting, this secret, this love making. I’m tired of everything and I want it to stop. And what would happen if one of us fall in love with someone else, or want to pursue relationship with someone else? What will happen then? That’s why I think we better stop now before we’re too involved with each other.” Tatsuya explained.

“Fall in love with someone else? Is this what’s it all about? You have found some else, some one other than me? Is that it?” Ryo demanded, arm crossed.

“That’s not it and you know it. I have been thinking about us a lot lately and I just realized I don’t want to go on like this. I know I agree with you at the beginning and I admit it was rather thrilling and exciting at first, this secret relationship…seeing each other behind our friends back but as time goes on, I just realized that I want more than this. I want us to be seen together, I want people to know that I’m with you, and that we’re not exactly enemy anymore. But you keep on insisting that we’re keeping it as a secret. And I’m tired of having secret. So, I decided to stop this thing we had between us.” Tatsuya told Ryo. Ryo looked at Tatsuya with unreadable expression that make Tatsuya squirmed in the inside.

“Is this what you really want?” Ryo questioned. Tatsuya nodded, hesitantly at first but then he nodded firmly, as to tell Ryo that it’s really what he wanted.

“Well then, I’m not going to force you to be with me. I just hope that you really know if this is what you really want. And I’m not going to stop you from leaving me either.” Ryo said to Tatsuya.

“Yes Ryo, this is what I really want.” Tatsuya stated. Ryo just gave him a nod and then gave a long hard kiss on his lips.

“Then, I guess this is goodbye. I hope you’re happy with your decision, Tatsuya. Goodbye.” And with that, Ryo walked to the exit, probably to go home.

Meanwhile, Tatsuya slid down on the floor. Hugging his legs close to his body, he started to sob. This is my decision, he thought to himself. By why did I felt do miserable? He asked himself. I should be happy, shouldn’t I? Because this is what I want.

Shakily, he stood and began to walk out of the Jimusho, completing to himself by the fact that when he’s at home later, there will be no more Ryo to warm him in his bed, because they were no longer together. Because it was his decision to break it off and that was what he had wanted, wasn’t it?

The End.

A/N: I guest it’s been awhile since my last update, ne. I’ve been busy for a while. First, I was working part time, and then I was sick for a week with fever and flu. A week after that, I got a new job and now, finally, my life is back to normal again. I’ve adjusted with my new work and the new lifestyle so you will be seeing me again. Sorry bout the un-announce semi hiatus. Hehe. I miss you guys. And I miss a lot on what’s going on to the   ryoda comm too. And I absolutely love the new face of the comm. Good work guys. *thumb up*

#oneshot, fanfic : ryoda

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