Guess What? We're Married! : Chapter Sixteen

Mar 03, 2009 19:20

Title: Guess What? We’re married!

Chapter: Chapter Sixteen

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: Because of one drunken night, Nishikido Ryo and Ueda Tatsuya find themselves in trouble. They got married. That’s not all, they hate each other.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by:allboutp , thanks dear.

Tatsuya was overwhelmed with the discovery of his own feeling. The more he thought about it, the deeper he fell for Ryo. And now he’s thinking of ways how to actually confess to the younger man. After all, he needed to know what the other man feels for him, and the only way he could thinks about it is just to confess his feeling. And besides, the 6 months contract was coming to an end already. Only three more weeks left.

He was just walked pass the News’s room when he heard voices of Ryo and Yamapi. A sense of déjà vu hit him. Didn’t I have done this before, he asked himself. Tatsuya stopped when he heard his name came out of Yamapi’s mouth.

“So, do you like Tat-chan now, Ryo?” He heard Yamapi asked Ryo. Ryo was silence for a while, and Tatsuya was waiting in anticipation for the answer from Ryo as he also wanted to know what Ryo felt towards him.

“No Pi, I don’t like him.” Ryo answered. Tatsuya felt like his heart shattered into a million pieces when he heard that. He immediately ran to the rooftop to cry for his broken hearted, and completely miss at what Ryo was about to say next. “I love him, Pi…”


Tatsuya made a decision to ignore and try to avoid Ryo after he had cried his heart out on the Jimusho’s rooftop. To him, it’s for the best and as long as he doesn’t see Ryo face to face, he won’t need a reminder of his broken hearted. But of course the plan didn’t exactly a success since they were living in the same apartment. Although they were in separate rooms, but they bound to bump into each other in the morning when they were going to work or when they were going to used the bathroom at the same time. Tatsuya usually choose to retreat and let the younger man used it first. And it left Ryo completely puzzled with Tatsuya’s attitude.

Of course, since the incident with Koutaro, Ryo had thought that their relationship were begin to improve. But now, the way Tatsuya reacted around him proved him wrong. And every time he tried to talk to Tatsuya about it, Tatsuya always gives him excuses and try to avoid him. When he asked KAT TN about it, none of them know anything. Even they were puzzled with Tatsuya’s attitude too. Especially when they knew that Tatsuya really is in love with Ryo, not that they were going to tell Ryo that of course.

So, Ryo turned to the only person who can read Tatsuya like a book. Who really knew what’s going on in his mind, his dearest sister, Ueda Tatsuko.


“So, you said you have something important to talk about. What is it?” Tatsuko asked straight to the point, after they finished having their lunch together. The day before, Ryo has called Tatsuko and arranged the lunch because he wanted to talk about Tatsuya with her.

Ryo took a deep breath before proceeding in telling the whole truth about his and Tatsuya’s marriage to Tatsuko. Tatsuko just stared in shocked at Ryo hearing all that. “So, that was actually what had happen. But I really, really love him now. And I can’t imagine life without him by my side. And I didn’t know what I did but he seemed to be avoiding me. Do you know why?” Ryo asked Tatsuko.

Tatsuko seemed to be deep into her thought. “Are you sure you never say anything that can hurt his feeling? If I’m not mistaken, with the way he’s been reacting, usually it’s mean that something had hurt him. He was avoiding you, right? I mean, he keeps on giving you excuse when you try to talk to him, and then he tried to take another way when he saw you at your work place? Right?” Tatsuko asked.

Ryo just nodded solemnly because that’s exactly what Tatsuya had been doing these past two weeks. And he really didn’t know what he did wrong to warrant him of that kind of attitudes from Tatsuya.

“Maybe he really doesn’t have any feeling for me. Maybe I should just give up on him.” Ryo said in resign tones. “Wait a minute. Don’t talk like that. Don’t give up yet. I’m sure he has some feeling for you. Something must have happen, that’s make him the way he is. I know Tatsuya; he’s the kind who likes to keep it to himself. And you don’t give up just yet. You said that you love him so fight for him. And to think that finally I’ve approved of you. So, don’t give up, ok.” Tatsuko lectured Ryo.

A small smiled appear on Ryo’s face. In his heart, he was really glad that finally, Tatsuko approved of him. But now, all he can think about was Tatsuya’s weird attitude when he was around him. Since Tatsuko herself told him that Tatsuya always keep things to himself, he knew something must have happen but didn’t know what is it.

After having lunch with Tatsuko, Ryo went back to the apartment that he shared with Tatsuya. Upon arriving there, he saw Yamapi and Kame were already there, seeming to be waiting for him.

“What are you two doing here?” Ryo asked both of them. Both of them looked up when they heard Ryo’s voice. “Ryo-chan, you here. We’ve been waiting for a while. We thought Tat-chan is here, but there’s no one when we knock.” Yamapi explained.

“Huh, why would Tatsuya be here? Weren’t he supposed to be at work with KAT TUN?” Ryo asked again.

“But he didn’t come to work today. The manager said he called in sick. I thought something had happen, that’s why I’m here, to check on him.” Kame explained.

“What?? But he’s already out when I went to work this morning.” Ryo said, as he opened the door.

“Tatsuya…Are you home?” Ryo called, as soon as he entered the apartment. Then he began to check in Tatsuya room for him. “He’s not here.” Ryo called out.

“Nishikido, I think you need to see this.” Kame called out for Ryo from the living room. Ryo quickly rushed out to see what Kame said that he should. There, lay on the table was a divorced paper, with Tatsuya’s part had been completely fill in. Ryo could just stared at the paper in shocked.

Ryo took it and stared at it for a while. Then, he sat on the couch, put it back on the table and cover his face his palms. He tried to hide the sobs that threaten to come out from his mouth but failed.

“I guess he really doesn’t have the same feeling like I do.” Ryo said. Yamapi just sat beside his friend and hugged him, trying to comfort. “There’s only one thing to do now.” Ryo said, and tried to reach for a pen, to fill in the blank on his part.

“Nishikido, stop! Do you really want it to end like this? You love him, right? Then go find him and tell him that. Then, if you certain that he doesn’t love you back, you can finalize this divorce. But please, don’t give up before you fight for your love.” Kame said, as he kneeled in front of Ryo, trying to stop him from filling the form.

“But what if he rejects me?” Ryo asked. “Then, at least you have told him what you feel for him. At least, you can come clean with your feeling.” Kame answered. Doubt still fills his mind. Seeing that Ryo still has his doubt, Kame continued. “Look Nishikido, we’ve been together since our junior years. Even though you and I are not in a same group, but we are still in the same company. And you know I don’t lie. And I’ve known Tat-chan since we were still junior too; and we’re in the same band for almost nine years already. He might not look like it, but I know that he likes you, he might even love you. And sometimes, he had difficulty to express what he’s feeling because what had happened between him and Koutaro.” Kame told Ryo.

“You think so.” Ryo asked Kame. Kame just nodded. “Yes, I do. So, why don’t you try to find him and told him what you feel. I’m sure that everything will be ok.” Kame assured him. Taking his coat that he tossed on the love-shape seat earlier, he ran out of the apartment.

“You think they’ll be ok?” Yamapi asked Kame. “I’m sure everything will be fine.” Kame said, smiling at Yamapi.

Meanwhile, Ryo tried to find Tatsuya at all of the places where he usually hang out. He went to Tatsuya’s gym, his favorite café, his favorite restaurant, his favorite spot at the park, everywhere but Tatsuya was not at all of those places. When he was about to give up, he remembered that Tatsuko did mention about one place where Tatsuya used to go when he needs a time alone. The one place he hasn’t gone yet.


Ryo climbed the said place carefully, and as slow as he could to not make any noise. As he almost reached at the top of the small hill, he saw Tatsuya sitting on the edge of it, facing the other way. Sighing in relieved, he walked towards Tatsuya.

“Tatsuya…” He called. Startled when he heard someone called his name, Tatsuya turned around. When he saw that the person was Ryo, he stands and turned and tried to walk away. Ryo quickly make a motion of grabbing Tatsuya’s hand.

“Don’t go hime. Please don’t leave.” Ryo voiced waver as he said that. He sounded desperate to Tatsuya’s ears. “What do you want, Ryo? Didn’t we agree to separate on this day, six months ago? Now the time is up. We no longer have to stay married to each other. You are free now.” Tatsuya said, without turning to face Ryo, afraid that the younger man might see the tears that threatening to fall from his eyes.

Meanwhile, Ryo has a different idea. Afraid that Tatsuya might tried to escape, he hugged the older man from behind. “What if I don’t want to separate with you? What if I don’t want to be free from you?” He said into Tatsuya’s ear. Tatsuya shivered at the closeness.

“But why would you do that? Didn’t we have agreed to get divorce and continue living our life like nothing happened?” Tatsuya asked Ryo.

“But I can’t do that. In the time I spend with you, knowing you, protecting you, I have fallen in love with you. And I can’t bear the thought to not having you in my life anymore.” Ryo explained, still hugging Tatsuya closed to him.

Tatsuya felt his tears dropped onto his cheek when he heard that. “But I heard you told Yamapi that you don’t like me.” Tatsuya said in a small voice.

“Of course I told him I don’t like you. I’m in love with you hime. And I think I had fallen for you hard.” Then Ryo turned Tatsuya to face him. Using his thumb, he dried the tears that continued to fall.

“Do you really? You are not playing with me, are you?” Tatsuya asked. “Yes, I’m really, really in love with you. And no, I’m not playing with you. If I don’t love you, I won’t be here. If I don’t love you, I would be signing the divorce paper that you left, you know. And to proved that I really serious with what I’m saying,” Ryo kneeled down on one knee and pull out a wedding band, this time a real and expensive wedding band, unlike the one that they had when they were married at Vegas.

“Ueda Tatsuya, hime of my life, would you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?” Ryo proposed to Tatsuya. Tatsuya was speechless. When he realized what really happened he just chuckled.

“Baka, we are already married.” Tatsuya said. “Then, will you stay married to me. To continue be by my side, to continue letting me love you till the end of time. Continue staying with me forever.” Ryo asked again. Tatsuya looked teary again and just pulled Ryo into a kiss.

“I take that as a yes then.” Ryo grinned stupidly after they ran out of air. “Baka Ryo, of course I’ll stay with you forever. I love you.” Tatsuya said, his forehead pressed to Ryo’s.

“I love you too, Tatsuya. I know you can’t resist a sexy Osaka man like me.” Ryo said teasingly. Tatsuya just smacked Ryo’s head. “I really don’t know what I was thinking, falling in love to a midget like you.” Tatsuya said.

“Excuse me, hime. In case you have forgotten, you are as the same height as me.” Ryo said indignantly.

“Nu uh, I’m a bit taller than you. I’m 171 cm tall, while you’re only 170 cm so you’re still the midget. But that’s ok; you’re my midget, ne.” Tatsuya said, while encircle his arms around Ryo’s neck.

“Yes, yes, and you’re my hime, forever.” Ryo said before he captured Tatsuya lips into a passionate kiss.

The End

A/N: Finally finish with this chapter and this fic. Woo hoo! But I’m a bit sad because it’s at the end already. Well, hope you guys enjoy this series. And don’t miss the epilogue.

fanfic : ryoda, gw2m the series

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