[Oneshot] Loneliness

Feb 26, 2009 21:24

Title: Loneliness

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Doesn’t really have a pairing. Akamepi friendship, I guess.

Genre: Fluff.

Summary: Kame is feeling lonely.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: dear allboutp

A/N: This was supposed to be posted on Kame’s birthday, but both my beta and I were having problem with our internet line so, here it is now.

As an artist, an idol, it was hard for him to find someone who can understand him. It’s very hard to find someone that can accept that his work would always come first, that he has a very pack schedule and can accept that it’s going to be hard for him and that person to be together because of the rules of being a Johnny’s idol. That’s why, time and time again, every single relationship that he was ever in, never last.

He is still young, he knew that. There’s still time for him to discover what love is. But sometimes, when he saw happy couples walking hand in hand on the street, he can’t help but feeling envy at them. And he also can’t help but to wonder, perhaps will there be a time when he will finally find his happiness? Could he be happy and be in love like just like them.

And today happened to be the day that he started to think about those thought. After all, today is the day he turned 23 years old. Today supposed to be the day that he spends with the person he loved, yet, that person hasn’t appeared yet. And of course since today is his working day, it makes it much worst to him. Not to mention that all of his band mates kind of ignoring him since they were all busy with their individual project, which makes him feeling lonelier.

He just sighed as he watch one by one of his band mates walked out of the room. He linger in the dressing room for a little bit longer before finally went to his photo shooting location, unaware of a pair of eyes watching him as he leave.


“Jin Jin, I miss you!” Yamapi said as he draped his hand around his best friend. Then he took a good look at Jin and noticed that the older man was actually looked trouble.

“Ne, Jin, is something wrong?” Yamapi asked. Jin just gave him his small smile and shook his head.

“Jin, you know you can tell me anything, right?” Yamapi said in a serious tone. Jin smile at the concern that he heard in Yamapi’s voice. “Don’t worry, Pi-chan. I’m fine. It’s Kazu-chan that I’m worried about.” Jin told Yamapi.

“Kazu-chan? Eh, what’s wrong? Is he ok? Is he in trouble? Had something happened to him?” Yamapi asked franticly.

“Actually, I’m not quite sure. Tat-chan said he saw Kazu looked very sad before he leave for his photo shoot. And I’m kind of worried about him. We are planning to throw him a birthday party later tonight but I don’t know if he’s willing to come if he’s not in a good mood.” Jin explained.

“When are you guys planning on having the party? And where?” Yamapi asked.

“Well, I’m going to finish around four, same with Koki so we’re going to do some shopping first for food. And Maru will be finishing his shooting around 5 pm, I think. Junno and Tat-chan are going to take care of the decoration. And we’re going to have the party at Tat-chan’s apartment. But Tat-chan said that Kazu is feeling down and I think one of us should accompany him but I don’t think that we can finish preparing for his party if one of us is missing.” Jin answered. Yamapi seemed to be thinking for a while, until his face broke into a smile.

“I know. Why don’t I accompany him while you guys prepare for the party? After all, we can’t let our precious Kazu-chan being sad on his birthday, ne.” Yamapi suggested. Jin looked at Yamapi in surprised.

“Would you do that? But, aren’t you busy?” Jin questioned.

“Nope, I’m free this evening so yes, I will do that. And you will text me when everything is ready, ne. And I will bring him over at Tat-chan’s apartment.” Yamapi asked for confirmation. Jin just nodded his agreement.

“Well, if that’s the case, then this is the location of Kazu’s photo shoot location.” Jin said as he gave the piece of paper to Yamapi. Yamapi took it and showed Jin a smile that said that everything will be ok.

Kamenashi Kazuya was just finished with his work when he saw Yamapi standing outside of the studio of his photo shoot.

“Pi, what are you doing here?” Kame asked, a bit surprised with Yamapi unexpected appearance.

“I was just passing by when I remembered that Jin told me that you have a photo shoot here. So, I thought that perhaps I will wait for you here. Beside, it’s been a while since we hang out together, ne.” Yamapi said with his dazzling smile attached. Kame just had to smile back at that.

“Yeah, it’s been quite a while, ne. So, what do you have in mind?” Kame asked Yamapi.

“Well, I think we should go eat first since you look like you haven’t eaten anything yet. And then, perhaps we could go to karaoke? Our usual place?” Yamapi suggested. Kame seemed to be thinking for a while, before nodding.

“That’s sound good. Sure, it’s not I have anything to do anyway.” Kame said. Then, Yamapi slid his hand on Kame shoulder and dragged him to his car. Luckily Kame went to the place on public transport.

They went to their usual place to eat. Both of them talked and catching up on each other. Then, they went to the place where they usually karaoke-ing together. After singing a few songs in solo, they changed into a duet song. Starting with Seishun Amigo to a few of Kinki Kids’s songs and also Tackey and Tsubasa’s songs.

“Ne, Kazu, what’s wrong?” Yamapi asked when they stopped for a break. Kame looked up from the list of songs that he had been looked into, with a raised eye brow. “What do you mean what’s wrong? Nothing is wrong.” Kame said.

Yamapi jus gave him a looked that practically said that, don’t-lie-to-me-I-know-something-is-wrong to Kame. Kame just sighed when he knew that he can’t get out of the questioning so he decided to tell Yamapi about it.

So here he was pouring his heart and soul to Yamapi, telling him his insecurity, his fear and most importantly his loneliness when he looked at the happy couple around him. He also told Yamapi how he was feeling sad because none of his band members said anything to him that day and add to the fact that today is actually his birthday. And Yamapi just listened in sympathy and can’t help but feel like bursting about the fact that Kame’s band mates were actually preparing for his birthday party. But obviously, he can’t do that.

“Don’t worry bout it, Kazu. I’m sure you will over come this. We all will have this feeling, it’s human you know. I mean, I’m like that too. Sometimes I, too, am feeling lonely but when I thought back. That I have my family and my friends that always supporting me, I don’t feel quite lonely anymore. I’m here, Kazu, if you need me. And so will Jin and the rest of your band mates. And they were worried about you. Jin actually told me that you were feeling down today.” Yamapi told Kame. Kame actually quite surprised to find out that Jin noticed his mood.

“Come, let’s get out of here. I want to bring you to somewhere.” Yamapi said, as he pulled Kame from his seat. Kame just looked puzzled at Yamapi.


“Pi, you said you were going to take me somewhere but why are we at Tat-chan’s apartment building?” Kame asked Yamapi. Yamapi smiled and said, “Well, this is where I’m supposed to bring you. Come on.” Yamapi gestured for Kame to hurry up.

Then Kame and Yamapi went to Tatsuya’s apartment, and knocked a few time. The door opened to reveal Jin. “Great, you guys are here already. Come on in.” Jin said. Yamapi walked in first. When Kame went into the apartment, he was surprised to find that all his band mates were there and Nakamaru was holding a cake in front of him.

“Make a wish Kazu. It’s your birthday, ne.” Jin said from behind him. He felt his tears were welt in his eyes. Then, he remembers what Yamapi said to him about having friends and family supporting him. And at that moment he wished for nothing more but for his friends and family to always support him.

The End.

#oneshot, fanfic : pikame

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