Guess What? We're Married! : Chapter Four

Oct 28, 2008 11:36

Title: Guess What? We’re married!

Chapter: Chapter Four

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: Because of one drunken night, Nishikido Ryo and Ueda Tatsuya find themselves in trouble. They got married. That’s not all, they hate each other.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by: allboutp , thanks girl

As they thought, it really wasn’t as simple as the marriage happened. The first thing that they argued as a married couple was who’s going to move into whose apartment. And it happened exactly at Yamapi’s apartment, as his place was called the neutral zone, with Yamapi and Jin as their audience.

“Why should I move to your apartment? Why not you’re the one who move in with me?” Ryo asked Tatsuya, arm crossing.

“Because I live here and my apartment is bigger than yours, and beside you need to be back and forth from here to Osaka anyway, so it will be better if you move into my apartment.” Tatsuya said. Ryo grits his teeth, completely aware he was losing his battle.

“Ryo-chan, I think so too, you should be the one who’s moving into Tatchan’s apartment.” Jin interjected his thought. “Shut up, Jin!” Ryo said, glaring at his best friend. Tatsuya smirk in triumph while Jin pouted.

“Mou Pi, Ryo-chan is so mean.” Jin is whining to his best friend. Yamapi patted Jin’s shoulder, before turning to face Ryo and Tatsuya.

“Come on Ryo-chan, you know he’s right. Besides, if you move in into Tat-chan’s apartment, you don’t have to worry about leaving your apartment unattended. You’re the one who told me you were worried about that.” Yamapi said. Ryo just ‘hmph’, knowing that he has completely lost the battle since both of his best friend agreed with Tatsuya.

“Fine! I’ll move into his apartment.” Ryo said, irritated by the fact he’s the one who’s moving into Tatsuya’s apartment, not the other way round. He hated losing.

“Good, it settles then. So, when are you going to move in and please, limit your things Nishikido. After all, it just for 6 month only or maybe even lesser than that.” Tatsuya said. Suddenly they heard a click, a sound of the lock being unlock, indicating that someone was coming into the apartment.

“Kame-chan, you’re here. By the way, since when did you have Pi’s apartment key?” Jin asked, a bit accusing.

“Well, erm…” Before Kame can answer Jin, Yamapi answered for him. “Since I gave it to him earlier. I know we will hold the meeting here, but I didn’t know when so I asked for Kame to come and give him my keys so that if I’m asleep, all of you can still come in.” Yamapi explained.

“But why didn’t you give it to me, Pi. I’m your best friend.” Jin whined. “Yeah, so that you can lose it again like last time, I don’t think so, Jin.” Yamapi said smirking. Jin just pouted; mumbling about it wasn’t his fault that the keys were missing. Behind his head, Kame made a sign of apologizing at Yamapi while Yamapi just winked. While the others occupant didn’t aware of this little communication, Tatsuya did. And just as he about to ask about it, Kame turns to him and gave him an envelope

.”What is this?” He asked Kame, eyeing it suspiciously. Kame just shrugged. “Johnny-san said to pass it to you.” He said. His eyes scanned the content of document in his hand. His eyes widened slightly.

“WHAT?? The reception is on Friday, but that’s too soon. That’s two days from today and we just meet with Johnny-san yesterday. I mean, my family doesn’t even know I’m married.” Realizing what he just said, Tatsuya’s eyes widened. “Oh Kami, I forgot to tell my family. I’m so dead. Mom is going to kill me, no, Ne-chan is going to kill me….and you.” He said, adding the last part when he looked at Ryo.

Startled with what Tatsuya said, he looked at Tatsuya incredulously. “What do you mean she’s going to kill me? It’s not my fault that we’re married.” He said indignantly, as if Tatsuya was blaming him that their marriage happened. Kame just give a low chuckled. When both Ryo and Yamapi raised an eyebrow, he explained.

“Nishikido, it’s not that Tat-chan is blaming you, but Tatsuko-nechan is really scary and very protective of Tat-chan. So, I’m afraid that you may have to suffer for a while.” Kame said as he looked in sympathy at Ryo.

“Why? As if I’m afraid of a girl.” Ryo said. Yamapi just snorted so unlike him while Jin looked deeply at Ryo. “But Tatsuko-nechan is really, really scary. The only person she warmed up at a first meeting was Kame. Even us KAT TUN didn’t exactly in her good grace until after a lot later. And she’s into martial arts too. Didn’t she win some National championship when she was in high school, Tat-chan?” Tatsuya just nodded. Ryo looked a bit scared when he heard that.

“What kind of sister did you have? And why is she so protective over you anyway? Weren’t it supposed to be the other way round? You really are such a hime, you know, for everyone is so over protective of you?” Ryo said sarcastically. Tatsuya glared at Ryo.

“She is very kind older sister, thank you very much. And she’s not always being protective of me, well not until….” Tatsuya voiced trailed of, as if remembering a painful memory.

“Not until what?” Ryo asked curiously.

“Nothing and it’s none of your business anyway.” Tatsuya answered. Kame just looked worriedly at Tatsuya; even Jin looked slightly disturbed at Tatsuya faraway look. It seems that both Kame and Jin knew about it. “So, have you told your parents that you married, Nishikido?” Tatsuya asked Ryo. Its Ryo turned to blush as he remembers that he also forgot telling his family about that matter.

“You know Tat-chan, you and Ryo-chan are already married now. You shouldn’t call him Nishikido anymore.” Jin said, saving Ryo from his embarrassment from admitting that he also didn’t tell his family yet about their marriage.

“Yeah, that’s true. After all the cover story is that you two are secretly seeing each other for a while now, don’t you? So, I’m sure they’re kind of expecting that the two of you have a pet name for each other. Not calling each other your family name, especially now that you’re married.” Yamapi said. Kame nodded his agreement at what Jin and Yamapi said.

“Do guys have to remind us that we’re married like every second?” Ryo asked, irritated.

“Well, I think whatever we want to call each other can be discussed later. Now, we should talk about the more important matter, like when Nishikido will move in with me? When am I going to talk to my family about this marriage and also about the reception that’s going to take place this Friday?” Tatsuya exclaimed.

“I think we should see your family first, as they live here don’t they? Then maybe we can see my family.” Ryo suggested to Tatsuya. Tatsuya nodded his consent. “Yeah, perhaps we can see my family tonight. Beside I’m having dinner with them too tonight.” Tatsuya said.

“Ok then, we breaks the news to your family tonight and with my family tomorrow.” Ryo laid the plan. Tatsuya just sighed and agreed with Ryo, while thinking what mess will it become as he thinks about the encounter that’s going to happen between his over protective Nee-chan and the sharp tongue man that is his husband.

To be continued…..

Author's Note: Since i didn't know Tatchan's nechan name or character, so i just create one.

fanfic : ryoda, gw2m the series

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