Guess What? We're Married! : Chapter Three

Oct 26, 2008 01:10

Title: Guess What? We’re married!

Chapter: Chapter Three

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Crack, Fluff, Drama, Romance.

Summary: Because of one drunken night, Nishikido Ryo and Ueda Tatsuya find themselves in trouble. They got married. That’s not all, they hate each other.

Disclaimer: I could only wish that they’re mine.

Beta by:allboutp , thanks girl. You Rock!

Both Ryo and Tatsuya were standing in front of Johnny’s office. Both of them were reluctant to enter the office because of the uncertainness of the situation. They surely hope they were not in trouble.

“Ah, both of you are here already. Come in, Johnny-san is waiting for you inside.” The secretary ushered them inside. Looking at each other, they dragged their selves inside.

“Both of you are already here, good. Please, take a seat.” Johnny said pointing at the seat in front him. Ryo and Tatsuya took the seat and felt dreading for what to come.

“So, I take it that the both of you had heard the rumors that going around since you both arrived yesterday?” Johnny asked. Both of them nodded their confirmation.

“So, do you have anything to tell me?” Johnny asked them. Again, they looked at each other before stammering.

“Well, you see Johnny-san…” Tatsuya started, at the same time of Ryo’s,  “We didn’t know what we’re…”

“We were drunk and…..” Tatsuya stuttered.

“I didn’t even know why I was there in a first place…” Ryo said.

“And it wasn’t completely my fault…” That was Tatsuya.

“So, you’re saying it’s my fault…” And that was Ryo. And of course after that they began to quarrel again about whose fault it was.

“Ok, stop! Both of you.” Johnny said massaging his head, then he pointed at Ryo, “You, start talking.”

“Well, the rumor is not exactly true.” Ryo stated. Johnny sighed in relief. “But it’s not completely wrong too.” Tatsuya continued for Ryo. Johnny looked at them both in disbelief.

“What exactly did you mean by that?” Johnny questioned.

“Erm, we didn’t go there to elope. And KAT TUN and NEWS didn’t attend any wedding ceremony either.” Ryo said.

“But unfortunately, we were drunk and did something foolish. We were married by accident. We didn’t know how exactly it happened either. We just woke up and find ourselves married to each other. We tried to get an annulment but the Judge said we had to wait for 6 month for the divorce because of some procedure.” Tatsuya explained.

Johnny massaging his head once again, thinking about the solution for the trouble these two had created. He can’t possibly ban both of them, as they’re his rising star. When he looked up to look at Ryo and Tatsuya, he saw both of them were glaring at each other. It has been years since their junior year but they were still hostile towards each other. Perhaps it’s a good thing this happen, he thought. Maybe they can learn to be civil with each other. And an idea entered his mind. Well, he had read somewhere in the internet, where some fans like them both being together, maybe he can use it. Besides that, he had grown tired of their quarrel and since a chance has come, might as well use it.

“So, how do the two of you plan to get out from this situation?” Johnny asked.

“Erm, actually at first we don’t want to have anything to do with it. I mean, we tried to keep it as a secret and then when the time up, we just simply get a divorce. We didn’t know how the reporters knew about this? I mean, even our band mates didn’t know about it until yesterday.” Tatsuya explained. Ryo nodded in agreement.

“So what you both trying to do is just keep it a secret until it’s time to get a divorce, then just pretend that things is normal again, is that it?” Johnny questioned. Both Ryo and Tatsuya nodded. “But now thing has changed since the reporters somehow manage to find out about this, right?” Once again both of them just nodded.

“We don’t know what to do? We’ve already told our respective group about what had happen and they have agreed to help us. But we didn’t know what to tell the media, whether to just keep it as a secret or to tell them that we really are married.” Tatsuya said sighing just as he remembered the reaction that they got from their band members.


“Koki, Nakamaru, calm down. It’s not completely Nishikido’s fault. I’m at fault too.” Tatsuya said as he saw his two band members glaring at Ryo.

“So, are you two Nishikido’s or Ueda’s now?” Suddenly Shige asked, earning him a smack behind his head. “Ittai…” He said, glaring at the person who smacked him, who happens to be Yamapi. Of course Yamapi just did it to save him from being strangled by either Tatsuya or Ryo after seeing the death glared both of them sent at Shige upon that question.

“Tell me guys, how did it happen?” Asked the ever calm Yamapi.

“We were drunk. And I don’t exactly know what happen, since I can’t recall anything. All I know is that when I woke up, I found myself beside him, wearing a wedding ring, with a marriage license with both our name on it on the table beside the bed.” Tatsuya said.

“If I have anyone to blame, I’m blaming Jin.” Ryo said, glaring at Jin.

“What? Why me?” Jin flutters, cowering from Ryo’s glared.

“Because you’re the one who suggested going to the club. If we didn’t go to that club, we didn’t have to be in this mess right now.” Ryo said.

“But Ryo-chaaan….. How am I supposed to know that you’re going to get drunk and married Uebo.” Jin whined. “I don’t care. I’m still blaming you.” Ryo said childishly, still glaring at Jin.

“Ok guys, break it up. Right now we still have problem at our hand. For the sake of our band mates, Tat-chan and Nishikido-kun, how can we help them to get out from this mess?” Kame asked the opinion of the rest of KAT TUN and NEWS.

And let us leave it at that since none of them also knew what to do after Tatsuya told them that they have to wait for another six month to get a divorce.

End of Flashback

“So, basically you meant to tell me that you still didn’t come up with any idea of what you’re going to do about this situation?” Johnny asked. Tatsuya and Ryo shook their head as a no.

“Well, I have one solution in mind but you have to follow every rule that I’m going to tell you. And since the two of you get yourself in this mess, I don’t think you have any other choice but to follow what I plan for the two of you.” Johnny said to them. They just nodded solemnly, knowing it might be their doomed.

“Good. First of all, I’m going to hold a press conference confirming about your marriage. You two will act like both of you are in love with each other. And both of you decided to get married on the spurred of the moment and of course you haven’t told KAT TUN and NEWS about it because you’re going to do the reception here in Tokyo for your friends and family.” Tatsuya and Ryo could only look at Johnny in horror hearing his plan.

“Then, the two of you need to start to live together. After all, you two are officially married and I don’t want there’s another rumors about you’re getting a divorce after only a few weeks of marriage. Even if you two are going to get a divorce after six month but please make these first two month looks like the two of you are happily married.” Johnny continued.

“But..but..does that mean we have to act lovey-dovey towards each other?” Ryo asked.

“Well, of course. After all how do you want to convince them that you two are in love if you’re always arguing with each other? And remember, no arguing in the public. We really don’t want another rumor flying around. “Johnny answered.

“Does this mean there’s no other way apart from that plan, Sir?” Tatsuya asked, thinking how miserable his life going to be now that he has to live with Nishikido Ryo.

“No, there isn’t. If the secret never leak out in a first place, maybe something could be done but with the rumors and the fact some one did saw the two of you going into the wedding chapel make it impossible for us to come up with another plan. So, you just have to do as I told you since this are the only way we could make the rumor subside without it hurting your reputation as an idol.” Johnny explained.  Ryo groaned and Tatsuya had his face in his palm, both thinking its going to be a long 6 month.

So their journey as a married couple begins.

To be continued…

fanfic : ryoda, gw2m the series

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