Moonlight Destiny : Epilogue

Oct 14, 2008 00:13

Title: Moonlight Destiny: Epilogue

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Supernatural, Crack, AU, Fluff, Angst

Summary: One is a vampire prince; the other is just a normal human. When their path cross, will there be any hostility between them, or will love blossom?

Disclaimer: Only in my dream that they are mine.

Beta by:   allboutp,  Thank you so much dear.

It’s been 3 years after the final battle. Tackey and Ryo are back to their normal live, although they still miss their loved ones that has perish in the final battle. Both of them still haven’t dated anyone yet, because they still very much in love with their lover respectively. But they try to move on with their lives, because they know that Tomoyo and Tatsuya won’t like it if they keep on grieving for their death. After all, both of them sacrifice their life so that Tackey and Ryo could live.

Even the vampires have gone from their life. Since the final battle between the Hunters and Vampires end up with the Vampires winning the war, all of the vampires seems has retreated into their hiding place which left unknown to any of them. In a sense, the vampires also lose because in the end, their prince gives up his life so that his lover could live.

Today is actually the anniversary of the end of the final battle. As usual, Ryo and Tackey will go to the club which they meet Tatsuya and Tomoyo, to reminisce the good time that they had with their lovers.

“It’s been three years, ne, since the final battle?” Ryo says to Tackey. Tackey nods solemnly. Every time he thinks about being the Hunter, guilt claw his heart. He could never completely forgive himself for his involvement with the Hunters. Especially after finding out that the Hunters foundation are based on lies. Lies that he believes and has costs him the live of his family and his lovers, both of them.

“Are you still feeling guilty about your involvement with the Hunters?” Ryo asks Tackey at his solemn looks. Tackey just nods. “You shouldn’t be, you know. You were tricked too. It’s not your fault.” Ryo tries to console Tackey. “But I can’t ignore it, Ryo. I was one of them. I believe in their lies, and blindingly follow every rules and every missions that they gave, because I thought I’m doing justice by killing the vampires when all this while, they were the ones who kills my family, my best friend and my lovers.” Tackey says his voice laces with guilt inside of him.

Ryo puts his hand on Tackey’s shoulder, consoling him. He knows there’s nothing he can say that can make Tackey feeling less guilty. After all, Tackey has to forgive himself first before the guilt that he feels disappears.

“Tomo, why did you leave me? I ask you to wait for me, didn’t I?” Ryo hears the voice spoken behind him. Before this, if he hears the name Tomo, Tatsuya or Tat-chan, he will immediately looks for the source of the voice only to find himself disappointed when it is not whom he seeks for. He knows, deep down, he still hope that one day Tatsuya will appear in front of him. But after three years, he finally gives up because he realizes that the dead can’t be revives even if you’re the most powerful vampire prince. But when he takes a look at Tackey, he sees that Tackey’s eyes open wide with wonder and amazement. That’s when he decided to look behind him.

Surely enough what he sees, make him wonder too. There besides him, a young couple, around his age he supposes is arguing. Well more like the young man scolding the young woman. The young man is a bit taller than Ryo himself, has a very delicate features and has soft brown hair, barely touching his collarbones. While the young woman’s hair is past her shoulder but never touch her waist, a bit wavy and dark brown in color, and she also has a very beautiful features. But that’s not what makes both Ryo and Tackey gaping at them. The fact that both of them are identical to Tatsuya and Tomoyo are making them speechless.

“Ah, Ni-chan, I didn’t leave you. I just didn’t wait for you. You take forever to get ready.” She says to apparently her brother. “I so did not. Besides we promise to come here together, weren’t we? That’s mean you’re suppose to wait for me no matter what.” He says. Suddenly he becomes aware that they have audience. Instantly, he blushes. “Did we disrupt you? I’m sorry; I was just scolding my little sister. We will be going now.” He says as he pulls his sister up.

“No, no, it’s ok. You’re not disrupting anything.” Ryo assures him. He just nods and sits by his sister. “By the way, my name is Nishikido Ryo and this is Takizawa Hideaki.” Ryo says as he gestures towards Tackey. Tackey nods to the sibling.

“I’m Ueda Tatsuya and this is my sister, Ueda Tomoyo.” He says. His sister just waves at Ryo and Tackey. Both Tackey and Ryo look at each other. Tatsuya and Tomoyo, what are the odds, they think.

“Have we met before? You two look kind of familiar, aren’t they, Tat-chan?” Tomoyo asks. Tatsuya just nods. Tackey and Ryo look at each other, unsure how to answer that question. Suddenly, Tomoyo’s phone ring, she immediately got up and answers the phone, going a bit far from the three of them. Luckily the club is having Jazzy Night, so the club isn’t as loud as it usually is.

“So, what brings you here?” Ryo asks Tatsuya. “Oh, my sister and I just moved to the town. And we heard that Moonlight Destiny is a really cool club so we decide to check it out.” Tatsuya explains. Then, Tomoyo comes back to the bar after she finishes talking.

“Who was that?” Tatsuya asks her sister. “It’s the Nanny. Haru refuses to sleep. I just manage to persuade him to listen to the Nanny. I think he misses his Nanny back at home.” Tomoyo tells.

“Who is Haru?” Ryo asks. Then he blushes when both Tatsuya and Tomoyo raise an eyebrow at him. Tackey just chuckles. “Sorry, can’t help but listening to your conversation.” Ryo says. Tomoyo just waves her hand, saying that it’s ok.

“Haru is my nephew, Tomoyo’s son. He’s 2 years old.” Tatsuya informs Ryo and Tackey, who is also listening. Tackey feels his heart drop. If he has a son, maybe he will be the same age as Haru.

“So, Tomoyo is married then?” Ryo asks again. “No, I’m not married, and I didn’t know who Haru’s father is.” Tomoyo answers. Tatsuya shakes his head. “Sorry about that. She can be blunt sometimes.” Tatsuya says, glares slightly at Tomoyo. Tomoyo just shrugs. “Actually, it’s a funny story. Exactly three years ago, there was an accident that burned our home and we went into comma for two months. Sadly, our parent never survived. When we woke up, we have no recollection of our previous live. And Tomoyo found out that she was three month pregnant. We tried to recover our memories but all attempt failed and because our house already burned down, we don’t have any childhood pictures to help us. We’re lucky our id card was on us when it’s happened. So, from then on, we decided to live our life to the fullest even if we never recover our memory. Sorry, I must bore the two of you with my story. I usually don’t talk to stranger about what happened to us, but strangely I feel like I’ve known the two of you.” Tatsuya says sheepishly.

Exactly three years ago was the day Tatsuya died, Ryo thinks to himself. Could it be that this stranger is his reincarnate? Ryo asks himself. “Ah, I’m sorry, we’ve got to go. There’s something to be done before we’re going to work tomorrow.” Tatsuya says as he excuses himself and Tomoyo.

“Wait, could we meet again?” Tackey asks Tomoyo as she gets up to follow her brother. “You want to meet me again? Even after knowing about my history and that I have a son?” Tomoyo says, unsure how to respond to Tackey’s request. “Yes.” Tackey says.

“Oookay…Well, this is my number. If you want to meet again, just give me a call.” Tomoyo scribbles her number on the tissue before giving it to Tackey. Meanwhile, Tatsuya and Ryo also having a similar conversation. “So, we meet again here, tomorrow night, at the same time?” Ryo asks. Tatsuya just nods as Tomoyo pulls him to the exit.

“Do you think its fate that we get to meet them again?” Ryo asks Tackey. Tackey looks at Ryo amuse at that question. “Do you really think it’s them?” Tackey asks. “Think about it Tackey, they looks like them although they have a different style and hair color. But those eyes, I could never forget those soulful eyes. And they were in accident three years ago, the exact same day that Tatsuya died. Then 2 month later, when they woke up from their comma, they lost their memories and Tomoyo found out she’s 3 month pregnant. If I remember correctly, if our Tomoyo was alive at that time, she’s 3 month along too.” Ryo says logically. Tackey appear to be thinking of what Ryo says.

“Maybe, just maybe, it’s a second chance for us, for me especially to correct all my mistakes. I’m going to follow my heart this time.” Tackey says with a resolution.

“Me too. And I’m not going to let him slip from my grasp. I don’t want to lose him again.” Ryo says with a promise to himself.

The End.

Author's Note: Well, this is the end of Moonlight Destiny. I would like to thank Lissa, for beta-ing and helping through the whole process of realising this fic. And also to all the readers that have been following this story from the beginning, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for staying with me, keep on encouraging me,  and reading this series to the end. And i promise, i will write another multichap for you guys. Love you all.

fanfic : ryoda, moonlight destiny the series

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