Moonlight Destiny : Chapter Ten [Final]

Oct 13, 2008 00:16

Title: Moonlight Destiny

Chapter: Chapter Ten

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Supernatural, Crack, AU, Angst

Summary: One is a vampire prince; the other is just a normal human. When their path cross, will there be any hostility between them, or will love blossom?

Disclaimer: Only in my dream that they are mine.

Beta by: the lovely allboutp

Tomohisa moans as he opens his eyes. His left shoulder is still sores. Looks like Tomo is right. They did something to their weapon. I never feel this sore for ages, Tomohisa thinks to himself. As he tries to sit up, he looks at around at his surrounding. He sees Tatsuya at his right, still unconscious with a bandage stomach. He notices that Kazuya and Tomoyo are not there. Then only he realizes that he is in their quarter at the Headquarter. As the elemental vampires, all four of them have a special quarter at the Headquarter which has four rooms. Actually the quarter is more like a small apartment for 4 people. It has a living room, a small kitchen, 2 bathrooms and 4 individual rooms. But since Tomohisa and Kazuya become lovers, usually they just share a room.

Then, he hears Tatsuya moaning in pain. He quickly went to Tatsuya’s side, checking on him. There he sees Tatsuya’s bandage red with blood. Damn it, what did they really do to their weapon? Usually by now our wound would heal completely. Tomohisa curses as he applies his healing power on Tatsuya. As his sister has telepathy and empathy, he has a power of healing only it won’t work on himself. But even if it didn’t, as vampire he usually heals a lot faster than human.

When he is certain that Tatsuya is ok, he stops his treatment. Suddenly he is wondering where Kazuya and Tomoyo is. Usually, both of them will be by Tatsuya’s side if anything should happen to him. And thinking about Tomoyo, he felt that something is amiss. Something seems wrong but he didn’t know what. Then he hears the door opens. He looks up only to see his boyfriend walks in with head bent down. He smiles. “Kazu..” He calls. Kazuya looks up and a smile breaks on his handsome face. He quickly rushes towards Tomohisa side and hug him tightly. “Pi, I’m glad you’re ok.”

“Hey, of course I’m ok. That little scratch won’t kill me.” Pi says, grinning at Kazuya, trying to lighten up the dampen mood he sense from Kazuya. At the word kill, Kazuya’s shoulder drop as he remembers the fates of Tomoyo. He didn’t know how to tell Tomohisa about his sister. He knows Tomohisa must have felt the missing link but because of everything that just happen and also the fact that he is just awoken, he might not register the missing link yet.

“Kazu, what’s wrong? Where’s Tomo? She should be here by now, ne.” Tomohisa asks softly. At that question, Kazuya eyes begin to water.  He really didn’t know how to tell Tomohisa about Tomoyo. He hates to be the bearer of the bad news.

“Hey Kazu, don’t cry. Whatever it is, it’s going to be ok. We get through it together. Now, tell me. What’s wrong?” Tomohisa try to coax Kazuya into talking to him when he just crying silently. Kazuya just shakes his head. “No Pi, everything is not going to be ok. Everything was mess up.” Kazuya says, still crying at Tomohisa shoulder.

“Why? What happen?” Tomohisa asks, feeling concern as he never sees Kazuya this distracted. Kazuya looks up at Tomohisa and press his forehead to Tomohisa’s. Closing his eyes, he shows Tomohisa what he sees when he arrives at the twin’s private mansion. Apparently, that day, besides her essence, Tomoyo has given her telepathy gift to Kazuya. Tomohisa watch his mansion burns in blazing fire. And he also watches how Kazuya tries to contact Tomoyo only to find the links that connect all four of them is missing one. And he knows what it means.

“No,no..Please, tell me it’s not true. Kazu, tell me that’s not really happen. Please Kazu; tell me my sister did not die.” Tomohisa says in denial. Kazuya could only hold Tomohisa tightly, as he is also lost in his own grief.

“NO! TOMOYO!!!” Tomohisa cries his sister name. Just as he say that, his element begin surrounding him and Kazuya. It’s a good thing that Kazuya is also an elemental, if not he might be burn to crisp because of the fire of rage that emitted from Tomohisa.


Ryo sighs as he leans against the wall. It’s been three days since he was captured. They have introduced themselves as the Hunters. He pretty much has the idea why they kidnap him. It’s mean that they have known his relationship with the vampire prince.

Ryo looks up when one of his captor bringing him food. He has grow accustom with their timing to bring food to him since the last three day he being kept there.

“Tackey, what are you doing here? No, don’t tell me you’re one of them. You’re one of the Hunters, aren’t you?” Tackey looks startle when he sees that Ryo is the one being kept in that room. He is instructed to deliver lunch to the lover of the vampire prince. Suddenly he understands what’s going on.

“Since you quite aware of what the Hunters are, I take it that you know about Tomoyo. Or perhaps I should say, Tatsuya?” Tackey questions. Ryo jus nods.

“Why, Tackey? Why did you do this? What did they ever do to you?” Ryo asks. Tackey just snarls at the questions.

“What did they do to me? They killed Tsubasa and my family, that’s what. I can’t believe I’ve fallen in love with one of them.” Tackey says.

“How did you know that Tsubasa was killed by them? How did you know that Tsubasa was even murdered? After all, the news said it was an accident.” Ryo asks again.

“Of course I know that he was murdered. They told me about it.” Tackey retorts.

“Who are they that tell you about it?” Again, another question from Ryo.

“The Hunters, of course.” Comes the answer.

“How did you know it was not them who killed Tsubasa?”

“Of course I know it was not them. Tsubasa was one of the Hunters himself. We won’t kill anyone of us.” Tackey answers. “And why are you so set on defending the Vampires? They’re our enemy. They kill us human.” Tackey continues.

“Because I’m in love with one of them. Because I make an effort to get to know them, learning about them, about their culture, their life. Why are you so against them? Aren’t you in love with one of them? With Tomoyo?”

“But she lied to me. She never told me that she’s a vampire.” Tackey says.

“Well, you didn’t exactly tell her that you’re a Hunter, did you? Besides, she never told you that she’s human too like you and me. And you’re not even normal yourself, you’re a Hunter. So when exactly did she lies to you?” Ryo asks Tackey.

“Why are you so accepting? Why are you so optimist that they’re not lying to you?”

“Because I love Tatsuya from the bottom of my heart. I trust him. That’s why they tell me about themselves. But you let your hate towards the vampire clouded your mind. You’re suspicious toward the vampires. Tomoyo is empathic. Maybe deep down inside her, she can sense your resentment toward her kin. That’s why she didn’t tell you about who she is. And I know about them before I’m in relationship with Tatsuya. Although I found out about them by accident, I never fear them, only curious about them. Maybe that’s why they told me about themselves.” Ryo explains.

“You’re still trust Tatsuya even though he never comes to your rescue. When they captured you while you were waiting for him?”Tackey asks.

“How did you know about that? I never told anyone I was going to meet him. Usually we never plan to meet, that’s why I was curious when I received that notes….” Ryo voice trails off, “Unless the notes never come from him in the first place. You guys were the one who send me the note, weren’t you?”

“It was not my idea, in fact I didn’t even know about you’re captured until after the attack. But yes, the Hunters were the one who send you the note.” Tackey tells him.

“I guess I won’t hold you responsible for my capturing. Wait! You said you only know about me after the attack. What attack?” Fear grips his heart as he asks that.

“I…We were split into two groups. The larger group, my group, was on a mission to attack the mansion of the Prince of Vampire’s protector. And it’s a home of the prophecy’s twin. It was then that I found out about Tomoyo’s true identity. Not only that she’s a vampire, but also one of the protector, the older twin.” Tackey explains.

“They manage to escape, didn’t they? If not, you surely are not going to keep me in here, right?” Ryo asks.

“Yes, three of them manage to escape and Tatsuya is one of them. But from what I have gathered, he already badly injured when they left the place. It seemed that Tomoyo sealed the mansion once they’re securely left the mansion so that no one can follow them. And the only way to get out of the building if Tomoyo allowed it or if she died.” Tackey answers.

“But there’s no way Tomoyo will allows you to escape. Please don’t tell me that…that Tomoyo … Is she really..?” Tackey just nods solemnly at what Ryo’s indicates. Ryo looks closely at Tackey. Although Tackey show no emotion but Ryo could see the grief and sadness in Tackey’s eyes.

“Oh God, how did it happen?”

“We were fighting in the mansion with the vampires’ guard, trying to search for the prince and also the way out once we found that we can’t get out. When we’re arrived at the main room, I saw three of the guard standing at the center of the room. Then, the vampire asked me why we were attacking them, because they never did anything to us, it was then Tomoyo showed up, asking us why we were attacking her clan when her clan never involved in any fight before. I was shocked seeing her. Then the vampires address her with respect. That’s when I figured it out, that she was one of the protectors. After all, our informant did tell us that the twin is a girl and a boy. I was shocked, angry and feel like I’m being betrayed by the person I love the most. I cannot believe that she was one of them. At first I thought that Tatsuya is the other twin but I suddenly remember when we first met, Tomoyo did mention that Tatsuya is her best friend and the informant did tell us that the older twin and the prince is very close. And when I see you here, I’m convinced by the fact that Tatsuya is really the Vampire Prince. And all things started to fall into the right place, as I remembered how protective Tomoyo’s is towards Tatsuya or how easily she worried about Tatsuya well-being.” Tackey explains.

“How did she die?” Ryo asks softly.

“We were fighting in the main room. I was fighting with the guard while she was fighting with one of my colleague. I manage to kill the guard but at the same time of my comrade fire a shot at the vampire I was fighting with, to help me I’m supposed. Knowing that I can’t get away in time, I just brace myself for the shot but then I didn’t feel hurt anywhere. When I opened my eyes, I saw Tomoyo has taken the bullet for me. She apologized for hiding everything from me and told me that she did love me. Then she turned into black feathers and dispersed right in front of my eyes. I’m confused, hurt, angry and sad. I don’t understand why she took the bullet for me; we’re supposed to be enemy. And why did she turn into the feathers, not dusk like any other vampires. I’m confused and sad because I truly did love her.” Ryo could only looks in sympathy at Tackey. He is also saddened by the fact that Tomoyo has perish since he and Tomoyo has grown quite close since he found out about their identity.

“I’m sorry this happen to you, Tackey. It must be hard for you to lose both of them at the same time.” Ryo says, trying to console Tackey.

“Both of them? What do you mean by losing both of them at the same time?” Ryo could only looks inquiringly at Tackey as he realizes that Tomoyo never got a chance to tell Tackey that she’s pregnant. Me and my big mouth, he mumbles.

“I mean…I mean nothing, Tackey. Just forget it.” Ryo says.

“Tell me Ryo. I want to know. I assure you, nothing can shock me anymore. Finding out that Tomoyo’s a vampire is a shock of a lifetime. There’s nothing can surprise me anymore.” Tackey says. Ryo looks sorrowful at Tackey, knowing that the news he’s about to deliver will make the heartache in Tackey becomes worse.

“Tatsuya told me about it a week ago and since then both me and Tatsuya tried to persuade Tomoyo into telling you. Finally she said she will tell you about it but I guess she never had the chance.” Ryo says sadly.

“Tell me about what? That she’s a vampire. I know about that already, Ryo.” Tackey utters but he has the feeling that Ryo is not talking about that. Ryo just shake his head. “No, not about that. Actually, you were about to become a father. Tomoyo found out she’s pregnant with your child.”

Tackey shakes his head in denial. “’re lying. It’s not possible. The union between a vampire and human can’t reproduce. That’s impossible.”

“Apparently it’s possible if you’re a prophecy child. Both Tatsuya and Tomoyo have done the research when they found out that Tomoyo’s pregnant. Supposedly, human and vampires together could never produce any offspring because the vampires’ defenses mechanism in their body will destroy any alien things entering their system but somehow, Tomoyo’s mechanism didn’t reject your sperm making it possible for her to conceive.” Ryo explicates.

“Wha…what…” Tackey stutters, bending his head in his hand. He never thought his heart could be broken again after Tomoyo dies in his arm. Apparently he is wrong since his heart seems to shatter into tiny little pieces after hearing the news. He loses his child before even knowing about the baby.

“I’m sorry Tackey.” Ryo says voice full of sadness and sympathy.

“It’s ok; it’s not your fault. I think I need to be alone.” Tackey proceed to stand up and leave the room. Ryo could only looks at Tackey retreating back with his own sadness of losing a friend.


Tatsuya opens his eyes slowly. Sitting up, he groans softly at the soreness and the stiffness of his muscle. He looks down at himself. It looks like his wound is beginning to heal. Then he looks at his surrounding. He sees Kazuya and Tomohisa sleeping at the couch beside him, with Kazuya in Tomohisa’s arm. That’s normal. But when he looks closely, he notices that Kazuya’s cloth is a bit burns and there are trails of tears on both of their cheeks.

Curious enter his mind. They never cry before. Well the last time they really cry when they were still a child. Even at that time, it was only tears of frustrated because they can’t control their own elements. Tatsuya tries using his gift to find out what has happen to them that make them so sad and heartbroken. Usually he avoids using his sight, but even in his sleep he could feel the sadness and grief that are coming from both Kazuya and Tomohisa. Seeing how Kazuya’s cloth are burned making him knows that Tomohisa was in rage earlier. That fact only makes him feels concern. Especially, he has a feeling that it might be related with Tomoyo because the last time Tomohisa went into rage was when Tomoyo was captured by the Hunters, and he surely hope that is not the case.

Closing his eyes, he uses his sight to look into the past. But his gift only limited to those close to him especially the elemental vampire aka Tomoyo, Tomohisa and Kazuya. While Tomoyo has a gift of Telepathy and Empathy and Tomohisa is gifted with healing touch, Tatsuya is blessed with an insight into the past. Only Kazuya’s gift is still unknown to any one of them. He is always a late bloomer. Even as an elemental, he’s the last to receives his power.

Tatsuya chooses to see what had happened to Tomoyo after they left the mansion. He is certain that it’s somewhat related with the fact that Tomoyo is not there with them in their private quarter that make both Kazuya and Tomohisa miserable. Like watching the television, Tatsuya watches how Tomoyo eliminates the enemy that comes into her way. Then he also watches how the spell to seal the mansion almost takes all Tomoyo’s energy. The next comes as shock to him as he sees Tackey barging in the room with the other Hunters. He could feels Tomoyo’s heart ache like his own when he hears the venom in Tackey’s voice when he talks about their kin. But what he didn’t expect is when Tomoyo jump in front of Tackey, taking the bullet for him. And his vision end with Tackey crying as Tomoyo dies and dissolves in his arms.

Tatsuya choked back his sobs because Tomohisa and Kazuya might hears him if he cries just then. Quickly he runs out of the room to the garage where one of his cars parks there. Once inside, he starts his car and drives to Tomoyo’s apartment, perhaps to cries his heart out.


“Kazu..Kazu, wake up.” Kazuya groggily opens his eyes, only to see Tomoyo standing in front of him. Kazuya leaps and crush Tomoyo into a tight hug. “Tomo, you’re alive. I thought we have lost you.” Releasing Tomoyo from his embraces, he could see Tomoyo smiling sadly at him. “I’m sorry Kazu, this is only a dream. I just come to visit you just for awhile.”

“What? Why? Can’t you stay? Why did you have to die?” Kazuya’s eyes full with tears. Tomoyo raises her hand to wipes the tears that running down Kazuya’s cheek, just like a sister comforting her little brother. “Everything happens for a reason, Kazu. I didn’t mean to die, but my time has come. Now, I want you to listen to me carefully, ok.” Seeing Kazuya nodding at her words, Tomoyo continues. “Have you grow accustom with my telepathy that I gave to you?” Tomoyo asks. Again, Kazuya just nods.

“Good, now I want you to listen. Tatsuya may act on his own, because knowing him; he might not want you or Pi to get hurt, especially after my death. So, you can use my telepathy to track him down. You remember how I always manage to find any one of you even though you didn’t want to be found? That’s how I did it. To you use it, all you have to do is concentrating on the person you want to find and it will tell you where that person is. Do you understand?” Tomoyo looks into Kazuya eyes. “Yes.” Kazuya says softly. Tomoyo smiles.

“My time here is up. Tell Pi and Tat-chan I love them, ok. Take care of yourself, Kazu,” Tomoyo says affectionately at Kazuya. Kissing Kazuya’s left cheek, Tomoyo slowly disappear from Kazuya’s sight.

“Tomo, don’t go. No, Tomo…” Kazuya wakes up with a bolt. Looking around, he wonders if he is just dreaming or is Tomoyo really visits him in his dream. But when he sees an empty bed where Tatsuya occupied earlier, he knows now that Tomoyo really did visit him in his dream.

“Pi, Pi…Wake up.” Kazuya shakes Tomohisa to wake him up. Tomohisa let out a groan before opening his eyes. Suddenly he remembers the event earlier. About finding out that he has lost his sister. How he hopes that’s only a dream, but the emptiness that he feels in heart tells him that it is indeed a reality.

“What is it, Kazu?” Tomohisa asks his lover. Kazuya looks deeply in his boyfriend eyes, taking a deep breath he says, “Tatsuya gone, Pi.”


Tatsuya lands himself down on the couch at Tomoyo’s apartment. The tears that he refused to let out earlier are coming down his cheek like a rain. His cries all the anguish that he feels in his heart. He lets out the sadness and the grief that he feels deep inside his heart, the feeling that he feels losing his best friend.

An hour later, he manages to keep control of himself. But there’s still a sob now and then. He rises and then goes to bathroom to wash his face. Now, in his mind, the only think that he thinks is to get his revenge. He will avenge Tomoyo’s death and he will make sure that none of the Hunters will live to see another day.

Just as he about to go out of the apartment, he notices a letter address to him on the table besides the couch that he sat earlier. He wonders why he didn’t notice it before. Perhaps he is in too deep of his grief that he fails to notice the letter. After reading the content, he clutches the letter tightly.

“They have gone too far. The attack on Kazuya’s birthday, Tomoyo’s death, now they’ve kidnaps Ryo. You just wait Hunters; I’ll come and destroy all of you. You will regret the time you start to mess with everything that’s mine. This means War.” Tatsuya’s eyes darken until it turns completely black, and the winds blow dangerously around him.


Ryo is drags from his locks room to the main room. There is a man, sitting on the chair like it’s some sort of the throne. Ryo just glares at the man, as he figures that the man is actually the leader of the Hunters.

“Why did you do all this? What have they done to you? Why do you hate the Vampires so much?” Ryo yells to the man in the throne. The man just chuckles evilly.

“Oh, I have my reason, my dear boy. And you’re going to be the bait to fish out the Vampire Prince.” He says, smirking at Ryo horror face.

“I’m not going to let you use me. Tatsuya won’t come here and step into your trap.” Ryo says defiantly.

“That’s where you are wrong, dear boy. He cares about people around him very much. He will come. And I can sense it already; the Prince is on his way. He won’t let you die, not after he just loses his best friend.” The Leader exclaims.

“How…How did you know about that?” Tackey stutters the question. The man just smiles again. “I know a lot of things, young Takizawa.” Suddenly he turns towards his Hunters. “Seize the both of them, and torture the Vampire Prince’s lover but don’t kill him.”

Both Tackey and Ryo are drag intro the corner. Some hunters begin to beat the hell out of Ryo while others try to hold Tackey back, as Tackey try to escape to help his friend.

“STOP! Stop it. He just a human. He didn’t do anything wrong. Stop beating him.” Tackey yells out his rage. But the Hunters just ignore him. Suddenly, the door fly open, making all the Hunters that involves in beating Ryo stop their activities. Tackey quickly goes towards Ryo.

“Duke Higurashi!” Tatsuya growls when he sees the man that is sitting on the throne. “Ah, Prince Tatsuya, so nice to see you again. How are you?” Duke Higurashi smiles evilly at Tatsuya.

“You know him, Tatsuya?” Tackey asks as he holds the injured Ryo. Tatsuya looks at the injured Ryo before he starts growling again. “Of course I know him. He’s one of the clan leaders of the Vampires.”

“What?? But that’s impossible. He’s the leader of the Hunters. He’s the one who send us to our mission, and told us about the Vampire activities. He said that the Vampires killed my family and Tsubasa.” Tackey tells Tatsuya. “Apparently, he has been lying to you all this while.” Tatsuya snarls.

“I’m not lying, dear Takizawa. A vampire did kill your parent, I just didn’t tell you who it was that kill them. You just assume that they did it. And young Mr. Tsubasa, it’s too bad really, to kill such talented young hunter, but he knows too much, he aware of the plan and my identity before the right time and all threat must be eliminated. It’s too bad, ne. After all, he was your lover at that time. Poor, poor young Takizawa, to lose both his parent and lover at almost the same time. But one good thing that comes out of it is the drive that you have to destroy the vampires. I know you’re a genius in fighting.” Duke Higurashi says with vicious smiles on his face.

“And Prince Tatsuya, it’s really bad that you choose a human as your partner rather than a fellow vampire. I must admit that I’m a bit surprise when I found out about that. I try to shove my daughter, Marina towards you direction, thinking that perhaps she can be your bride, but you ignores her completely. At first I thought it was because of Tomoyo, but when I found out that she’s pregnant, and the essence in her was definitely not yours. Imagine my surprise when the familiar essence that I felt inside her belongs to one of my own Hunter. I never thought that it was possible for vampire and human to conceive but apparently I was wrong.” At Tatsuya confused looks, he chuckles lightly before continuing.

“Ah, it’s the secret that I never told anyone before. I can sense aura from people or vampires around me. I already know you’re going to be one of the most powerful vampires when you were born, Prince Tatsuya. That’s why I try to make you fall for one of my daughter. But sadly, only Marina shares my vision. Elizabeth fall in love with Lord Takeru from Terra clan while my fool of a daughter, Kathryn tried to compete with Tomoyo in everything that she’s done, including stealing the vampire that was courting Tomoyo, now she live unhappy life.” Duke Higurashi mutters darkly.

“Remember the day when we meet at the Headquarter, Prince Tatsuya. Did you know how delicious the aura that the child growing in your best friend’s womb gave off? Did you know that the child is very powerful indeed and I can feel the power till my bones? Oh, I’ve been planning to kidnap her on the day we attack the twin’s mansion, to capture and lock her in a room until the baby born and claim the child as mine, raise the child as my second in command and take over the Vampire’s throne. But that fool girl chooses to sacrifice herself for his lover. What a fool?” He scoffed.

Tatsuya is in rage, hearing what Duke Higurashi has plans and the way he had been planning, the vampires and innocent that he sacrificed really make Tatsuya blood boils. Especially hearing how Duke Higurashi planning on capturing and locking Tomoyo so that he can uses Tomoyo’s child for his own master plan to take over the Vampire’s Throne.

The winds begin to swirling around him. Thunders and lightning begin to form on top of him. His eyes are completely as dark as the night. Tatsuya is in his full power, ready to strike his enemy, namely the Hunters and Duke Higurashi. With a cry of rage, Tatsuya strike at the unsuspecting Duke Higurashi who has been gloating over the facts that he manages to kill one of the Protector.

Unbeknown to Tatsuya, Tomohisa and Kazuya already arrive outside the Hunters’ Headquarter and they have heard every plan and every sacrifice that Duke Higurashi make. Tomohisa is also in rage as fire begins emitting from his body. Kazuya tries to calm himself down but fails as he is also feeling anger towards Duke Higurashi and everything that he had done.


“I’m sorry Ryo, because of me; you are trap in between the war of The Vampires and The Hunters. You’re an innocent; you weren’t supposed to be involved in this war. I’m sorry, so sorry.” Tatsuya says as he holds Ryo’s cold body close to him, after Ryo takes the last blast that mean for him. Suddenly he remembers the spell he had read somewhere about exchanging soul. Leaning his lips closely to Ryo’s, he began chanting the spell in vampiric language. He could feel he is getting weaker and weaker as his soul transfer from his body into Ryo’s. And before his last breath, he captures Ryo’s cold lips that beginning to warm up.

Tackey could just watch as Tatsuya beginning to dissolve into black feathers just like Tomoyo. Just before Tatsuya completely disappear, he looks at Tackey and smiles. “Take care of him, ne, Tackey.” And at the same time, the army of vampires comes swarming into that place and attacking every Hunter on the command of Tomohisa and Kazuya. Except for Tackey and Ryo, none Hunters are safe from the Vampires.

Somehow, Tackey manages to leave the Hunters Headquarter with Ryo, although Ryo is still unconscious. When he is certain that they’re in a safe distance, he looks ahead of him only to find the Vampires that coming out of the place smirking victoriously. Then he watches as the Headquarter begin to be consumes by the blazing fire.

From afar, a figure stand at the edge of the forest, watching the place burns down. With a smile on her face, she begins to recite.

The curse is now complete

With a sacrificed made by a prince and princess

A feud between two kin

Will be put on stop

Perhaps trouble will rise again

Then another Water and Wind

Will be born to complete the circle

But for now

The peace that we long for centuries

Has been restore once again

And with a swift, she disappears from that place.

The End.

Author’s Note: Ok, that the last chapter. Muahaha, I’m evil. Ok guys, don’t kill me just yet. There will be an epilogue, the end of the end.

fanfic : ryoda, moonlight destiny the series

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