Moonlight Destiny : Chapter Nine [Part 2]

Oct 01, 2008 22:57

Title: Moonlight Destiny

Chapter: Chapter Nine Part Two

Author: hanny2luv

Pairing: Ryoda

Genre: Supernatural, Crack, AU, Angst

Summary: One is a vampire prince; the other is just a normal human. When their path cross, will there be any hostility between them, or will love blossom?Disclaimer: Only in my dream that they are mine.

Beta by: the lovely allboutp

Author's Note: Sorry for the delay everyone, i've been quite busy these days. So this is the part 2. Enjoy.

The twin’s private mansion has turn into a battlefield between vampires and the Hunters. There’s blood everywhere. Currently, the elements warriors are at the living room, fighting with 20 professional Hunters. Most of the Hunters are already down, but they know more are coming. Apparently, the 25 Hunters that the guard mentions are only baits. There are another 50 of them scatter all around the mansion.

Tomoyo and Kazuya are back to back. Since both of them are fighting using swords, it is easier for them to fight side by side. Both of them adapt a fierce look. Their eyes are almost black and they are showing their fangs when they sneers. Once in a while, water or dust will be a wall to protect them from their enemy.

Tomohisa is fighting fiercely using his knives. Sometimes he is using his arrows with fire to attack the enemy who tries to hurt his colleague. Tatsuya is also fighting intensely with the Hunters. Using his long staff, a masterpiece crafted using the wood of Sakura Tree. The staff is a bit magical since the one who made it was a very powerful Miko. The Miko was Tatsuya’s friend before she was killed by the Hunters. But before she died, she managed to finish the staff and give it to Tatsuya. She made the staff to be compatible with Tatsuya’s power and she also adds a bit of her magic power so that only Tatsuya can use the magical staff. After she was killed, Tatsuya begin to dislike the Hunters and grew bitter towards the human in general. But after Tomoyo’s captured and tortured, the dislike feeling he felt towards the Hunters grew. It’s after he meets Ryo that he is not so bitter towards the human, but he is still wary of the Hunters.

Suddenly Tatsuya hears familiar cries. Looking at his right, he sees an arrow pierce Tomohisa’s left shoulder. The he sees Kazuya is making his way towards Tomohisa to help him, and continue eliminating the enemy that crosses his path. But by leaving his post, Kazuya left Tomoyo’s back unprotected. And everything seems to be moving in slow motion to Tatsuya as he watches one of the Hunters tries to attack Tomoyo’s vulnerable back. Without thinking, he rushes to Tomoyo, taking the blast that means for her.

“SKY!!” Kazuya and Tomohisa looks at where Tomoyo’s standing just to watch their prince falls down, clutching his stomach. The Hunters that attacks Tatsuya is drown in the water, as Tomoyo uses her power on him. Since there are only five of the Hunters that left, Kazuya and Tomohisa quickly finish them off. Reaching by Tomoyo’s side, both of them kneel beside Tatsuya.

Baka Tatsuya, you don’t have to take that blast for me. I’m the one to protect you, not the other way round. Tomoyo send through telepathy to Tatsuya.

I just react without thinking, Tomo. Besides, I’m not going to just stand and let you get hit. Damn it, it’s hurt…That is the last thing that Tatsuya send before passing out.

“He passed out.” Tomoyo tells Tomohisa and Kazuya. “We need to get him out of here and fast because I don’t think we can escape them if we didn’t move right now.” Tomoyo says. Kazuya nods agreeing with Tomoyo while Tomohisa seems to be thinking. Tomoyo puts her hand on Tatsuya’s wound. Using her telepathy, she taps on Tatsuya’s element and merge it with hers to create ice.

“This will stop his bleeding for a while. I think both of you should try and escape with him.” Tomoyo suggests. “But…” Tomohisa tries to protest but Tomoyo cut him.

“No buts, Pi. Remember, he is our priority. We need to keep him safe. Besides, I’m the one who connected with the mansion, I know all its passage way and I can seal them from the inside. But first we need to get Tatsuya out of here and Kazu will be going with you. In case something happen on the way out, he can help you. Besides, you hurt too and I’m not taking any chances. You know I’m right, Pi. Usually the wound has already healed by now but you’re still bleeding. I think they might have done something to their weapon that stops it from healing. That’s why I want you and Tatsuya to go to the head quarter and let them treat the wound.” Tomoyo explain as she does the same thing on Tomohisa’s shoulder. Tomohisa just sighs, knowing that his sister is right.

“Fine, we do it. But you better escape and come out alive.” Tomohisa tells his sister. Tomoyo just smile. “I’m a big girl, you know. Of course I will. Don’t worry about me. ” Tomoyo assures her brother.

Tomohisa nods and scoop Tatsuya in his arm and begin to walk upstairs. Just as Tomohisa and Tatsuya disappear from their view, Tomoyo turns to Kazuya and kiss him on the lips.

“Tomo, why did you do that?” Kazuya exclaims, puzzle with Tomoyo’s action. “I’m giving you a bit of my essence. There is a secret passage in my room but you need my essence to open it. I want the three of you to get out of here using that passage. No one knows about it so it should be safe. The passage will lead you into a cave and there’s a car at the end of the cave. Use that car to escape.” Tomoyo explains.

“Why do you have a secret passage in your room?” Kazuya asks inquiringly. Tomoyo rolls her eyes before answering. “With a brother as protective as Pi, do you think I can go out as much as I like? How do you think I found the club? And to think that I’m actually the older twin.” Kazuya just laugh at Tomoyo’s statement. Suddenly, Kazuya is pulls into a hug by Tomoyo and then she left after whispering something into his ear.


Tomoyo is swinging her sword gracefully back and forth, slashing the enemies that come in her way. While doing that, she spread her empathy power to sense how many of the Hunters left, how many vampires that is still standing and the where about of the hunters and the rest of her guards. Suddenly she feels a familiar presence but can’t pin point who is it. So she let it go, focusing on her task. After that she tries to sense for her brother, Tatsuya and Kazuya to determine whether they have left the building or not. When she certain that they have leave the mansion, she quickly go to the main room, where they usually held a meeting which happen to be in the middle of the mansion. Once in there, she begins to chanting in vampiric language, gathering all her power to seal the mansion so that no one can leave or come in it unless she breaks the spell. Just as she finish sealing the mansion, suddenly the door of the room slam open. Tomoyo holds her sword close to her, ready to protect herself from the intruder.


Kazuya is driving the car in a full speed. Looking through the backside mirror, he could see that Tatsuya is developing a fever as he is sweating and moaning while still unconscious. And Tomohisa doesn’t look good either. Although he is still conscious but Kazuya knows that Tomohisa is losing his fight with consciousness.

Tomoyo’s right, they must have done something to their weapon. Maybe they coated it with a new type of poison, Kazuya thinks. Thinking about Tomoyo, Kazuya feels puzzle with her behavior. It’s not that they never been in a battle before, but he can’t think of the reason Tomoyo utter those words.

No, stop thinking those negative thought, Kazu. She’s going to be fine. Hold on Tomo, I’m coming to help you after Tat-chan and Pi are safe in the head quarter, Kazuya thinks.


“Tackey!” Tomoyo softly gasps as she sees Tackey barging in the main room with the other Hunters. Tackey seems not to notice Tomoyo’s presence yet. Then, three vampire guards that has left also coming in the room from the second door. They quickly go to their princess side, shielding her from the Hunters. Tomoyo whispers into the Head Guard ear and he nods before turning to the Hunters.

“Why are you here? We never bother you before. Why did you suddenly attacking us?” The Head guard questions.

“We are here to bring justice. Your kin have killed many of our friends and our kin. You will pay for your crimes.” Tackey snarls at the vampires. Tomoyo feels her heart is breaking into a million pieces, knowing that Tackey actually one of the leader group and not to mention hearing the hate in his voice towards her kin.

“But our clan never involves in any battle before. Why do you choose to attack us?” Tomoyo asks in a soft voice, taking a step forward.

“Lady Tomoyo!” Tomoyo hold her hand up, stopping them from speaking any further.

Tackey eyes widen when he sees Tomoyo’s emerge from behind the three vampires, wearing battle attire while holding a sword in her right hand. What more shocking is the fact the vampires address her with respect.

“Princess, leave them to us. We can handle them. Just go and be safe.” One of the guards says to Tomoyo. Tomoyo just shakes her head, smiling lightly at her loyal guards.

“I can’t do that. They’re attacking my mansion, my home. It is my responsibility to protect it.” Tomoyo answers, then she turns to face Tackey. “Why? Why my clan?” Tackey is speechless. Although his face remain the same, but his eyes is a different story. They display various of emotion. Hurt, angry and betrayal are the prominent one.

Tomoyo looks at Tackey with sadness in her eyes. She knows their fight is inevitable. They belong to two different worlds, and to make it worse, those two worlds cannot exist together. They are after all mortal enemies.

“Let me guess, you think it’s ok to attack my place because you think all vampires are the same. That’s why we should be eliminated, is that it?” Tomoyo asks them, especially Tackey. Tackey just stand there without saying a word while some of his colleagues are agreeing at Tomoyo’s question.

“So be it.” Tomoyo says as she is in her fighting stance. Seeing their princess is ready to fight, those three vampires also stand on their guard. One of the Hunters lunge forward to attack Tomoyo. Sensing the danger, the vampire’s Head Guard step in front of Tomoyo to protect her. And the battle starts.


Ryo is still unconscious. He is put into some sort of a lock room, to keep him from running away. Then, a figure comes into the room, looking down on Ryo’s unconscious form.

“So, this is the lover of the vampire prince. Hmm, I could use you. You will be a bait to lure out that so-called the most powerful vampire. And maybe then I can kill you in front of his eyes. Yes, that’s a perfect plan.” The figure says as his evil laughter fills the room.


Tomoyo is fighting with all her worth. She manages to injure more that a half of the Hunters. But she is beginning to tire herself out. After all, the spell that she uses to seal the mansion takes a lot of her. Not to mention that she just fight alongside her brother, Tatsuya and Kazuya before that.

Now, she is facing one of the Hunters who happen to be the second in command after Tackey while Tackey is fighting with the Hear Guard. The fight is intense and neither side is willing to give up. Tomoyo is using her power to trap the Hunter into a cage of water, making him unable to get out of it.

It seems that Tackey is also good in sword fencing as he fight furiously with the Head Guard. But unfortunately his concentration is distracted when he sees Tomoyo using her power making the Guard had an upper hand. But Tackey do not give up easily. Even without his sword, he is excellent in hand combat. And luckily for him, he has an extra knife at his boots and using that knife, he plug it into the Head Guard’s heart, killing him instantly and turn him to dust.

Unfortunately for him, one of the Hunters decides to help him by firing using a special gun with special bullets that can kill any vampire at the same time he plug the knife. Knowing that he can’t escape on time, he just braces himself, waiting for the impact of the shooting.

When he doesn’t feel anything anywhere, he opens his eyes only to see Tomoyo is standing in front of him, taking the bullet for him. And he is just in time as he catches the falling of the vampire princess.

“” Tackey hugs Tomoyo’s form close to him. Despite the feeling he felt earlier, he still loves Tomoyo and to see Tomoyo willingly takes the shot for him, he know Tomoyo loves him too.

“Although we belong to the opposite side, but I can’t stop my heart from loving you. My loyalties are to my Prince and Kin, but my heart is only for you. I’m sorry I hide everything from you. Tackey, not everything that you learn about us is an absolute truth. And please remember that I do love you.” Tomoyo says as she close her eyes. Then she began to dissolve into black feathers into the air, with a single white feather accompany the others.


Kazuya drives as fast as he could to the mansion to help Tomoyo but as he arrives at the mansion, all he sees is a mansion in a blazing fire. He tries to use the connection that they have with each other as elemental to search for Tomoyo only to find that the thread that connect all four of them is missing one. That’s when he understands the message that Tomoyo gives him before he leaves with Tatsuya and Tomohisa.

“Kazu, I’m trusting Tat-chan and Pi on you. You take care of them, ok. Make sure Tat-chan have some fun, and Pi not to slack off from practice. And I love you, all of you, my brothers.”

Kazuya hold back the tears that threaten to fall from his eyes.  “TOMOYO!!!!” He screams into the night.

And there will be no happy end

If the elements are force to disperse

To be continued…..

fanfic : ryoda, moonlight destiny the series

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