I've only had my phone for less than a year, but this is the second time that the screen has broken. The first time was my fault completely. I had it in my hand as I was going downstairs, and it fell from my hand to the tile floor in the kitchen below. It had no hope. It cost about $180 to get the LCD screen replaced. This time "nobody" knocked it off the kitchen table and onto the tile floor. "Nobody" does a lot of things in this house... I don't really get how it could've broken from that short of a fall, but whatever. I'm stuck without a functioning phone, and since I JUST got mine fixed not long ago, we don't really want to fork over the dough to fix it again.
But I do want to brag on my super smart husband who worked on it last night and almost had it fully functioning except for the home button. But he was able to set up a screen mirroring program for me, so I can hook it up to the computer to use my phone.
Mobizen. Check it out, yo. And he also turned my bluetooth back on for me, so I can use it in my car. So I feel less out of touch with the world than I did yesterday.
Oh, by the way, once you have a smartphone, your life feels like chaos without it. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO TODAY?! I CAN'T SEE MY CALENDAR! AAAHHHH! It's weird. And I contemplated going cheaper and using a basic phone, but then I panicked at the thought and changed my mind. I use it for an alarm clock, a calendar, my scriptures, a camera. I'm pretty dependent on it now.
Also, and this is slightly embarrassing, I thought about losing instagram, and I got really sad. haha I'm lame.
We still haven't figured out a cheap solution to the problem. Andrew tried to switch the motherboard from his old AT&T Samsung Galaxy S3 to my Cricket Samsung Galaxy S3, but dang them. They don't match. And when we tried to find the parts online, we noticed that there are a thousand different kinds of motherboards for the Galaxy S3, all just a tiny bit different. Where do we find parts? Anybody? Help?
Needless to say, once I DO get the problem fixed, I am buying a case. I was thinking of getting one of those kind that people buy so their toddlers can play with it. I think
this one should keep me from breaking it again, don't you? And I'm sure it will fit in my pocket perfectly.
Okay, well, wish me luck! And if you have any tips on who "nobody" is, let me know. I hate that guy.