We've reached a new milestone in our household... I HAVE CHILDREN OLD ENOUGH TO LOSE TEETH!! What blows my mind about all this is that I actually remember losing my teeth, so that means that Evan is going to have memories about this stuff. Up until now, he hasn't been old enough to really remember things, but now he will. It's so weird to think about. I remember being his age. It blows my mind.
He had this loose tooth for awhile. We were getting ready to go to San Antonio to meet Andrew's parents last Friday, and he told me it hurt to eat. I told him to open up, and I wiggled it, and it was super loose. If I wiggled it far enough forward, I could see UNDER it. It was ready to come out.
I always thought I would be grossed out by teeth falling out. But I sat there wanting to pull it out. Right then. And I tried. Evan didn't like it. Then, when Andrew came home, he tried. Evan FREAKED! It seemed like he was having a mental breakdown. He's really scared of blood. Any time he sees even a drop of blood on himself, he cries. Even if it doesn't hurt. I remember being that way, too, though, when I was little, so I can't blame him.
I showed him pictures of me when I lost my tooth, and how happy and proud I was. He didn't buy it. He was still worried about the blood.
After about 20 minutes of crying and failing at pulling it out, we decided to let Papa Brown look at it b/c he had lots of experience with pulling teeth. He had seven kids, for goodness sake.
We got to the hotel, and we told Evan to go show Papa his loose tooth. Papa looked at it, stuck his finger in there, and pushed it down, and POP! Out it came. It was still in Evan's mouth, and Evan made a face, pulled it out, and started to freak. I ran to get some tissues, but there was NO BLOOD! It was so ready to be pulled that it didn't even bleed. Papa said, "Oh, Evan! My finger just slipped!" Evan bought that excuse, and once he realized that he was okay, he got VERY excited.
Here he is with his teeny-tiny tooth. I really don't remember my teeth being that tiny... but the orthodontist did tell me I had big teeth in a little mouth, so... I love Evan's face in this picture. Pure glee. But I REALLY love Papa's face in the background. It makes me laugh so much.
We told Evan that the tooth fairy probably wouldn't know he was in San Antonio, and we better wait until we get home to put it under his pillow. (ie: we didn't have any change.)
When we got home, I gave him his tooth back, and he carried it around all evening. He was so excited to put it under his pillow, and the Tooth Fairy brought him 50 cents. He's rich! He said he was hoping for $50, but the Tooth Fairy has a budget.... :)
I remember my Dad telling me how my Mom kept all our teeth in a jar, and that really grossed me out. But when Andrew handed me his tooth after he took it from his pillow, I just couldn't throw it away. So I got an envelope and stuck it in there, and I plan to keep all their teeth separate (I think that's really what grossed me out. All our teeth mixed together.), and I'll give them their teeth when they're grown. Weird, yes, but I just can't do it. Being a mom is weird sometimes.
Man, I remember when he got those teeth, and now he's losing them...