Aug 04, 2011 14:27
For the last two nights we've had four teenage boys staying in our home. They're on mini-missions with our local missionaries, and to make the experience authentic, they can't stay in their own home. We were the only people who said they could stay in our home. Well, actually, my sister-in-law was going to keep two of them, and we were to take two., but their family got a stomach virus and decided it would be best if they didn't spread it to those poor boys. I told her I'd gladly take them, thus, the four boys staying in my house.
I really didn't interact with them much. They showed up at about 10pm and were supposed to be out of my house by 7am. I had to remind them I had children asleep so be quiet, and I left a note for them to clean up after themselves, which they sort of did. They were overall pretty good house guests.
And then something weird happened this morning.
Before I went to bed last night, I made sure everything was picked up and clean around the house. I specifically remember picking up Lauren's princess dress-up gown off the floor and putting it up. After the boys left this morning, I saw the bathroom upstairs door was closed and the light was on. I walked in to turn the light off, and I found several strange things lying around.
1) Lauren's princess dress-up gown
2) One of Lauren's Sunday dresses on the hanger
3) A pair of Evan's pants in the tub and wet
4) The drain plug out of the drain
5) The hand towel by the tub on the huge towel rack, not the small one by the sink
Needless to say, I was really confused. I also found all of Evan's books in his room on the floor instead of the bookshelf. My kids didn't wake up until right before they left. Lauren stayed in her room and cried until I got her. Evan went downstairs to say bye to the boys. Evan seemed just as confused as I was, and I know Lauren didn't do it. I just can't figure out why those things were in my bathroom and why Evan's pants were in there wet...
I heard the boys laughing and saying something about a toilet. Like it sounded like someone dropped something in a toilet, but that still doesn't explain things for me.
I'm just really confused. Ideas, anyone?