My Amazing Husband

Apr 27, 2010 12:39

1. How did you meet your husband/boyfriend and how old were you?
I actually found his profile on yahoo messenger and started talking to him. I was 17, and he was 18. I knew him from church stuff, but never actually talked to him. We officially met in person at a church youth conference in 2002.

2. Was it love at first sight?
I don't really believe in all that mess. I thought he was really cute, and that was all.

3. Do you want to get married, or if you are married, when did you decide you wanted to?
I knew there was something different about him after I had talked to him for awhile, but I don't think I really thought marriage for real until he was on his mission.

4. What was the first date like?
His parents were with us! haha His dad had a meeting in Birmingham, and so he tagged along. We ate dinner with them at TGIFriday's, I think. I was extremely nervous. Then, we went bowling, and he came back to my dorm, and we hung out. He got a nosebleed! haha No kissy-kisses, though. I was a good girl. :)

5. Where did your first kiss take place?
In front of his parents' house at my car as I was about to leave. We hugged, and as I was pulling away, he pulled me back and kissed me.

6. Dating... local or long distance?
long distance

7. Do you know everything there is to know about your husband/boyfriend?
I'm still learning.

8. Were your parents supportive of you when you started dating?
yeah, mostly. I mean, they knew he was a good guy, but he was about to go on a mission, so they didn't want us to get too serious. His parents made him take a chaperone. haha

9. Did you wait till marriage to have sex?

10. How long was it till you got engaged after you started dating?
technically, about 3 years, BUT 2 of those years he was in brazil, soo...

11. Long or short engagement?
For a Mormon it was long--9 months, but to everybody else, it was probably about normal.

12. Did you/do you want to write your own vows?
nope. we got sealed in the temple and made covenants with each other and God

13. What was one of the things that attracted you to your husband?
he made me laugh. still does. And he got my jokes. :)

14. Do you believe he is your soul mate?
I can't imagine myself with anyone else, so I guess so.

15. Are you happy that you are with him?
I get happier every day. he's so wonderful.

16. Place your husband/boyfriend was born and date?
Russellville, Arkansas, Jan 13, 1984

17. Favorite movie?
I know he really likes The New Guy and Zoolander. I don't think he's ever told me his favorite...

18. Occupation?
Service guy. You name it, he fixes it.

19. What is one of his favorite things to do on the weekends?
play games. catch up on shows.

20. What was his first thought of you when you first met?
I don't know for sure, but I think it was something like, "Wow, she's the most beautiful girl on the planet. I want to marry her NOW!" haha

21. Does he snore at night while sleeping?
only if he's REALLY tired. I'm so lucky!

22. If you could go one place with him anywhere in the world where would that be?
Brazil, of course!

23. How often do you have sex?
I think that's none o' your business, but suffice it to say that it is enough, and he has no reason to complain. haha

24. Is he the best thing that ever happened to you?
yes! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have my two beautiful children. I don't even know what life would be like without him. I feel like a better person when he's around.

survey, andrew

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