Apr 18, 2010 20:46
So Lauren's turned into the worst sleeper in the world. She used to be really great. I would lay her down with her pacifier, and she wouldn't cry at all. Then, we got rid of the pacifier. It seems like it's been a struggle ever since then. A lot of times I give her a sippy cup of milk to help her go to sleep. Most of the time it works.
Not today.
Okay, so she woke up at 4am this morning. Cried for about an hour. buuuh... And, of course, this was the morning that Andrew needed to be at church at 7:30 for a meeting, so our alarm was going to go off at 6:00. I finally gave in and gave her a sippy cup. She fell asleep. FINALLY!
Today was not a good day for naps b/c we had ward conference at 1:00. This morning all the presidencies in our ward went to visit people. (Yes, we were doing church stuff from 7:30am to 4:00pm.) My kids stayed with my step-mom during the visits. Lauren didn't take a morning nap which isn't that big of a deal b/c she hasn't been doing those much lately anyway. BUT then... church at 1pm, which is NAP TIME!
The kids were WILD! Absolutely WILD! And Andrew left b/c he had a really bad headache. (He's been getting those a lot lately. Poor guy.) I was never able to get Lauren to go to sleep at church. I suck at that. I've rarely ever been able to get my kids to fall asleep in my arms. Anyway, she finally fell asleep on the way home. yay! Only problem was that when we got home, she wouldn't sleep in her crib. She screamed for an hour until I finally gave up and got her out.
This screaming during naptime thing is becoming way too common lately. Not liking it one bit.
THEN, I decided to put her to bed early tonight... she screamed some more. And when I say "scream," I mean blood-curdling screams. It's insane.
I've been going CRAZY b/c of it. So tonight I decided to look up answers on the internet. I typed in "14 month old sleeping problems" and "14 month old screaming in crib." You would not believe how many other mothers are having the exact same problem at the exact same age as I am. It's ridiculous. So apparently this is just some stage that I have to suffer through. Great.
Some moms suggested changing the crib to a toddler bed. Maybe we should. Evan was in a toddler bed at this age already. Of course, then I'd have to deal with screaming AND her getting out of bed all the time. hmmm... decisions, decisions...
I laid Evan down for a nap at about 5pm. (dumb, I know. but he was acting crazy.) I went to wake him up at 7:00 so that he could still go to bed at a decent hour, and he didn't budge. I'm hoping he just sleeps through the night. That would be nice.
Andrew is asleep on the couch. It's 8:37pm. He took a nap when he came home today. Poor guy. I feel bad for him. :(
Oh, by the way, before anyone asks... I've already taken Lauren to the doctor to see if she had some sort of sickness that was causing the problems, but she doesn't have an ear infection. He said she had a sinus infection and gave her meds for that. I can tell it's already helping b/c her snot is clear instead of green, so that shouldn't be the problem anymore. It's probably teething. Curse that teething. I hate that stuff.
Today was not a good day for the mother self-esteem. I felt like a horrible mother at church b/c my kids were acting like hoodlums. And then I come home and lauren's screaming her lungs out, and I can't figure out why or get her to go to sleep.
Evan told me at the end of sacrament meeting to "stop being so bessie!" (bossy) haha It's really hard not to laugh sometimes while I'm disciplining him.
Well, I think I'm gonna go lay in my bed. I'm exhausted. It was a looooooooooooong day! Good night!
being a mom,