So, Sunday I started having severe pains in the lower left side of my back. So severe, in fact, that by the time church was over, and we were in the car to go home, I burst into tears freaking andrew out. We were supposed to spend time with family that day since my sister was in town, but I told Andrew that all I wanted to do was go home and lay down. So we did. I couldn't get comfortable. No matter how I laid or how much Andrew rubbed that spot, it continued to hurt like crazy. I also started to feel really nauseated.
After dealing with this for awhile, I told Andrew that I wanted him to call Dad so they could give me a priesthood blessing. Dad came over and they gave me a blessing. He didn't stay too long afterwards b/c I kept saying that I felt like I was going to vomit. Sure enough, after he left, I puked. yum. I felt a lot better after that. I found a position on the couch that didn't cause me pain and told Andrew that I felt like I could eat something. I had the craving for peanut butter, honey, and crackers. Bad idea if you're feeling sick... I started feeling sick again and puked up the peanut butter. Worst smelling vomit EVER! At this point, I had already talked to Andrew's dad who had me worried that it might be appendicitis. I called my sister Amy, who's had that before, and she tells me it sounds more like a kidney stone and tells me to call my doctor right away. So I did. He tells me the same thing and tells me to come to the hospital right away.
SO we dropped Evan off at my dad's house and went to the hospital. I puked on the way there. (Luckily, I brought a puke bucket. Poor Andrew. It couldn't have been pleasant for him.) They tested my urine and told me it was nasty. Filled with blood and infection and all kinds of goodies like that. I had a kidney infection. A pretty nasty one.
Pyelonephritis is the technical term for it. A nurse later told me the last part describes the inflammation of some part of the kidney and pyelo means "FIRE!" Nice. Once they determined what it was, they pumped me full of fluids, pain meds, nausea medicine, and antibiotics. I was VERY grateful...
So they told me I'd have to stay overnight. Andrew stayed with me. The next morning, he had to leave for work, and then the doctor came in and told me I'd have to stay another night. They did a culture on my urine and it takes at least 48 hours to complete. They wanted to make sure they gave me the most effective and safe medicine since I was pregnant, and he also wanted to keep me there to give me as much stuff through the IV as possible. (by the way, I have 4 huge bruises on my arms from the IV sticks. FUN TIMES!) The stay there was so boring. I felt okay, and I wanted to go home. I'm convinced that the blessing I got helped b/c the nurses told me I was the most pleasant patient with pyelo they'd ever seen. Apparently, people ususally feel much worse. I got lots of visits from family. I'm glad b/c I got super bored.
The doctor FINALLY remembered to call and say I could go home at about 7:30pm Tuesday night. I was so excited.
I'm still in some pain, but it's definitely better than it was. I was relieved to find out when I got there that the baby was fine b/c I was REALLY worried about that. I'm super tired b/c I have to get up and pee so much at night. I slept alot yesterday b/c Evan was an angel, but today... not so much. haha He's gotten into several suckers without permission, broken two of my christmas tree ornaments, tried to put a gamecube game in the dvd player and a dvd in the gamecube... it's been a fun day. Andrew doesn't have class tonight, though, b/c he's DONE for the semester, so I'll have some help when he gets home. yay!
Andrew has been wonderful this whole time. He's taken such good care of me. It's made me appreciate him so much more.
It's kinda funny b/c Sunday I gave a lesson in Relief Society on happiness and being optimistic through our trials. I really feel like that lesson was meant for me. Yeah, I know, I chose the topic... but isn't it odd that I should give that lesson right before I have this huge trial in my life? I was able to stay optimistic and count my blessings during this whole thing b/c of what I had just learned from that lesson. I'm pretty sure God was looking out for me. :)
SO, anyway, I'm fine and the baby's fine. I'm still in some pain, but hopefully, it will subside soon with the help of antibiotics and lots o' tylenol. My family's been fantastic, and I'm really grateful to them for helping me and my family.
Well, I guess that's all. Oh, by the way, Lauren Elyse is the chosen name. Thanks for voting, everyone. :D