Nothing interesting to see here, unless you're in leverageland or just want to read my reviews of three random season one Leverage episodes. Otherwise, carry on as you were.
It occurs to me I never did a wrap-up post for the last leverageland heist, which ended a few weeks ago. I'm sure you're all dying to know which team won, right? Okay, probably not, but I was excited about it, because ...
Today's leverageland Charming Bingo fills are all gifs! Made by me! (Two of which are from season four, so at least one of you should probably not look--you know who you are.)
One of my very favoritest parts of leverageland is all the gift giving challenges. Not only is it fun to give, but it's pretty darned awesome to receive, too. People have been sweet enough to make me some amazing banners for my fics, and I wanted to show them off because they make me so happy!
Our latest challenge at leverageland is a bingo card with nine prompts we have to fill using our choice of media. Here are my first three entries (yes, I made another fanvid, I may need an intervention). More to come over the next few weeks.