a man on the daily show doesnt believe in that movie the inconvenient truth. neither do i. i think he has alot of facts wrong. some right.. most wrong. this guy believes it is god. he has a bible point of view but it makes sense. i am not sure we can explain scientifically what causes things like.... for instance the foot of snow we got 2 or so weeks ago Right After the beautiful couple of 50 - 70 degree weather days. think about it. now. this guy also said that thoose who do not have jesus as their savior will parish(sp?)... is jesus is god.. which... who the fuck knows... i mean, the bible is one hell of a story but, really, who knows!
- The state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy.
- An expression of ecstatic feeling. Often used in the plural.
- The transporting of a person from one place to another, especially to heaven.
this means god loves to see people die. its really obvious. wars, famines, hurricanes.. etc.. etc etc. people dont deserve to live. i wonder if he will kill us all like shaking a big snow globe or maybe line us up one by one and really turn the oceans red. on the colbert report they said scientists have tested and seen the monkey dna is still evolving... where... we are not. isnt that bizarre????? maybe i just dont know enough on the topic but its ... its weird. its obvious then that we were not evolved.. right? we were made. and in gods image? are these ufos really just humans from a distant planet who dress to disguise themselves, leave us oblivous.
it blows my mind. it really does. what also blows my mind is that people dont think about this kind of stuff. not even other teens i know. why? why?... some do... even then they become deffensive and set on their opinons, i try not to. at least i always listen.
it makes complete sense to me now why in egypt they would have a 13 yr old pharoh to rule.