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Jan 01, 2008 01:44

I know, usually I never really pay attention to a date rolled over into another year. It's really just another day right? I used to be so sure it was. Now? not so much. Sure, I'm no longer wanting to go out to a club, get hammered and dance my ass off (although I wish I still wanted to do those things....I think). Instead I spend this New Year's going for dinner at Vegetarian Haven and then watching a horror flick at home, having some hot sex with my boyfriend, and now writing here, about this new year.

How to put this year in perspective without going over the highs and lows of last year? Impossible I say! Plus, last year was the year I truly believed this world may be doomed. Let's look at some of the highlights of last year.

George W. Bush...there. I have ruined and sullied my blog with theses three simple words. Yet how can the year 2007 not be discussed without looking at GWB aka, the murdering chimp, aka butcher boy, aka sadistic fuck. Lest we forget, his sidekick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Baker..hell, the entire CIA, almost all of Congress, including Democrats. 2007 was the year of torture, the "surge" in Iraq, the further erosion of the American Constitution, women's rights, God Hates Fags, the outing of the twisted, hypocritical Rethuglicans, no health care for poor kids, the threat of WW3, the "Iran problem", Chavez (the one shining light!), The fall of the American dollar, the 57 percent rise in oil prices. Last but not even remotely least, the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children. The blood on the hands of every single American.

For Canada it was the rise of the Harpercrites, the neo-cons, the Canadian equivalent of Bush. Harper, that slimy man with bad hair and shifty blue eyes. We watched and did nothing as he took a minority government, elected only to punish the Liberals, govern as if they had a mandate from the Canadian public. Taking a page or few right out of the Bush handbook. Talk of Death sentences, stiffer jail terms, the forging of the SPP, the erosion of Canadian sovereignty. The gullible, and greedy public, who decided 100 dollars a month was better than Universal Child Care. 2007 was the year Canada went from being a shining beacon in the western world (lax drug laws, pro-Kyoto, anti-war) to be the American stooge. We have men and women killing over in Afghanistan. Harper et. al. have made marijuana a bad thing - again. Canada was a laughing stock and bully in Bali on Climate Change. We have been changed as a nation by the actions of a few ideologues who do not hold the same beliefs as the vast majority of Canadians. I shudder to think what this man will do if given a majority. And let's not forget Dion, that wimp who decided it is best to let us all sink than to potentially lose an election. Either way, we are fast becoming a place I no longer want to live in.

There is an American election coming up. Oh yeah, the world rejoices. Sure they do, only if they are silly enough to believe it will change a thing. Hillary? Please. A war monger and corporate hack. Obama? Great that he may be the first black president but America? electing a black man? Not going to happen. And let's not forget the Right's attempt to (successfully) paint Obama as a Muslim terrorist. America has only one man running for office that is acceptable to the world, and that man is Dennis Kucinich. But, America being America, (you know, Christian Fascists and the pious) will never, ever elect a decent and moral human being. After all, too many Americans relate too much with the idiot talking pundits on TV. No Dennis for you! No world peace for us. On the Right we have a bunch of freaks. Huckabee, a religious woman hating nutbar who will do more to damage America than even that monster Bush. If you think America is loaded with Jesus Fish freaks now, wow Nelly! Just wait to see what happens if Huckabee gets elected. The Ten Commandments will be back in vogue, women will be losing their jobs, and underground repressed perversions will run rampant (oh, yes sorry, that is already happening). Romney? Perfect! Another religious whack job. Not to mention anti-Muslim and a massive bigot. Mccain? Gripes, this guy is so old I have no idea how he remembers to do up his shoes. Ron Paul? God, Ron Paul. The man the left has been suckered into thinking is some saviour. He's a 70 year old protectionist, racist piece of crap. let's get real here. This man is a joke. So, to wrap up - yes America, you're still screwed, and thanks to you, so is the rest of the world. Since y'all want to have something to say and do in everyone else's country, I say let us all vote in your elections. Americans, stop your whining. You don't have the market on pain. The rest of us do as we watch your men in charge destroy this world we all inhabit. If I hear one more time about America's "lost innocence" I'll scream. Face the facts you all have been bombing the shit out of people since your inception. hell, your country was founded on genocide and slavery. Spare us the bullshit. You guys have been the rogue nation for 50 plus years.

That's the world's lows. There are a lot more - Haiti, Rwanda, Abstinence only programs, Big Pharma..you get the picture. Shit is bad people. And no, it really isn't going to get a whole lot better.

Personally I've had to struggle with agoraphobia, body hatred, the fallout from sexual harassment and rape, a move, mental instability.

But, the good news is, I am working on all of the above and 2008 will see the changes I am making. Just as I did in 2007, I will stick to my goals and accomplish things in my life. There isn't much I can do about the world stage except write about it and talk about it and combat bigotry when I hear it. This is something I wish we would all do. Stop thinking about our own little tiny selves, and start thinking globally. Let's get a move on that, and maybe we can all get this world back on track and atop some people in other countries from getting killed. Isn't that something worth working toward? I think so...

On and up with life. To a better physical and mental self. 2008, you will here me (you know who you are). Let's be awesome to each other.

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