"write, hannah" - corinne

May 05, 2003 21:33

Corinne says write. I aim to please. So here i am, writing.
I also have lots of really hard homework to do. And because its 9:12, I don't want to start it because i'm tired and its going to take long and i'm getting graded on it. So i'll just wait until its really late and i'm really tired and i have good motivation and inspiration. Or at least until its too late for me to avoid it.
Life is... life. Profound statement, I know. But i guess the reason I haven't really written is cause not much has changed or happened or whatever. I dunno. This weekend was a good weekend. A good mix of little social things (in semi-small groups) combined with antisocialness and good music. Friday night - stay home. Night before SAT's, so I rent "two weeks notice" and sit alone and eat it. Johndon calls halfway through the movie because he's cool and he's johndon, and he stops by with an offering of a slice of pizza, and we chill and talk for a bit. Good to see him, cause i never really do during school. Saturday morning, SAT's. Didn't go as well as I hoped them to go. Probably cause I have lame really high expectations for myself. i really want to see my score. enough about that. So after that ju and i headed out to newton where we met tom and andrew, and went to a red sox game. and it was really fun. We moved around so we had good seats, and we bought good food (popcorn, cotton candy... can't really ask for more.) And i had good friends who informed me about all the players who I knew nothing about. I think everyone thought I was dumber than I actually was, because i actually know a decent amount about baseball, i'm just not like psycho fan. But whatever it was good. So then we walked to simpson's house. And he wasn't home. So we tried to do all these pranks to him but his mom answered the door so that was sad. So then we hid in his closet instead. For like 20 minutes. yeah i know. Why? Because that's who we are. We're all psychos and had way too much fun like punching people when they couldn't see you. But it was a good time. When jon finally found us (and was just totally weirded out by us being there, not even surprised) we didn't even get out of the closet. We just stayed there. lol. So ju and i headed back to her house. where we stuffed our faces with more good food. Including these nachos we made with this weird like yogurt cheese ju had that ended up being really fucking good. But then I got picked up and went home. And i was antisocial again. I forget what I did. I'm trying to remember. Oh! I went "dress shopping." But I fucking hate shopping. I went to the mall. Saturday night + mall + hannah alone = kill myself now. Wow. I tried on a few things, hated everything, and left. So mission find dress attack #1 was a definite failure. So sunday morning i woke up at 6:30. i don't know why. I just woke up. Ju and i had planned to do the walk for hunger but... i dunno. we're lazy and we thought we were really tired. except we both woke up early...freaks. So I spent the morning being alone and loving it. I kept going out on random errands. I bought really good breakfast (my hot chocolate that i'm obsessed with, etc) and then i went to barnes and noble and got two cds. Joseph Arthur, "redemption's son" - read about it in a magazine in the dentist's office. I'm teling you, he's gunna be big in no time. you just wait. And Susan Tedeschi - wait for me. Heard of her for a while, finally decided to splurge on the cd. She's good. A little too much at times, but i like it. Pretty good driving music. She's sorta folky but not any of my intense folky stuff ya know. Right. So then at 1 epic (acapella group) met at school, and we rehearsed every single song until 3:15, at which point we piled into cars (ju, schwo, katers and i went in ame's car) and went into boston to the place mally dances, where we were recording. From 4 to 7:30, we recorded. It was so fucking sweet. We were in this tiny wooden room with this mic set up in the middle, and it just sounded SO good and was just professional and ahh. It was so cool. Ahh. We listened to the cd today and it was pretty good - i wanna hear it on a real stereo though, not the shit we had today. Um so then we got back to school and ju ame and i went out for some dinner - we got a pizza and cinnasticks at dominoes and chilled in my room and it was just a really fun cool night. We were laughing a lot but also good convo. Ahh. I love you girls. I really really do. So then today i had the english lit AP, which sucked ass, but wahtever. And tomorrow I have the French Lang AP, which will suck even more ass. But what's funny is that i don't care. I haven't studied for either. I haven't started my homework, in fact, and i really do have a shitload of homework. And i'm really really tired.

Where did my motivation for life go?
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