Dear Hipster Pit

Aug 24, 2006 09:53

Thank you. I feel so much better now. (And thanks, Ramen, for the Gawker link that led me there!)

Forbes has now evidently turned the piece into a point-counterpoint. What they really should be doing is firing Michael Noer's ass. Let him stay unemployed for a while and then see how he feels about hooking up with a "girl" who makes more than he does. But it's good to see that the response was so overwhelmingly negative that the magazine felt the need to do some sort of backpedaling. Not as good as it would have been if they'd had the sense to spike the story before it saw print in the first place, but I'll take what I can get for now.

Addendum: Okay, and for a good, well-reasoned refutation of the Forbes piece, see Traister's Salon column. Infinitely better than (sorry, Jazz! though still, thanks for the link.) Jack Shafer's snidely sexist piece in Slate.
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