Dear Forbes Magazine

Aug 23, 2006 12:43

Fuck you. Look, I've done social trend reporting, and I know it's tough, but you're a goddamn national magazine with a serious reputation. You can't just print any old piece of shit that (pardon the mixed metaphors) regurgitates hackneyed notions from the 1950s without examining their sources or underlying causes.

Like, okay, yes, maybe women earning a serious wage are more likely to divorce their husbands. Maybe--just maybe!--that has nothing to do with the career per se, and more to do with the independence it gives women to leave a bad situation.

In other words, maybe the lesson to learn from that increased divorce rate is not to go trolling for the least-educated housefrau you can find, but to treat your "career girl" (seriously? what fucking decade are we in here, Mr. Noer?) with a little more goddamn respect.

Plus: You couldn't find one balancing quote? Or, I don't know, interview at least one woman for your fucking trash story?

How do these people get jobs? I mean, really?
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