Observing - Chapter 5 [Hetalia:Axis Power Fanfiction]

Feb 10, 2013 15:47

Author: AsakuraHannah
Original Link : here
Fandom: Hetalia :Axis Power
Genre: Drama Romance AU
Rating: T
Pairing: (mainly) Hong Kong x Iceland, DenNor
(Names from wikia) : Denmark (Mikkel), Norway (Lukas), Iceland (Emil), Hong Kong (Xiao)
Summary: Realizing
Lukas got his boyfriend, Emil got depressed. He was failed to notice someone who's been watching him from nearby when his mind was too preoccupied with Lukas.

Disclaimer: I don't own Axis Power Hetalia, but this fanfiction is mine and mine only! xD This is just an Alternate Universe fanfiction.. Anything related to the real life, person's name, and world history has nothing to do with this fanfiction… There are no affiliations to actual countries, military, and such. There is absolutely no intent to slander the reputations or rights of those above.

Chapter 5 : Sleeping Pills

Emil put his bowl down and looked up to the others who had finished eating and chatting. He was the last one finished, probably because he wasn't used to use
chopsticks while eating. He grabbed the nearest full cup of water and drank it down rather quickly.

"Are you done, aru?" Yao asked when he noticed Emil had emptied his bowl. Receiving a nod, Yao rose to his feet. He scooped up his bowl and chopsticks along with the others'. Emil watched his movements until Xiao patted his shoulder.

"Let's go to my room." Xiao said, telling him to follow after him. Getting an approval from Yao and Yong Soo, who was busying himself folding his sleeves, Emil walked out from the dining room. Xiao entered his room with Emil tailing behind him in silence. Closing the door behind him, the brunette walked over to his desk and picked up some manga from the stacks. Emil sat down on the futon that Xiao had prepared for him, catching the comic book that Xiao had thrown to him from the stack.

"Sorry for the lack of preparation. You should have told me earlier. The guest room isn't cleaned yet." Xiao sat on the futon next to his bed. Obviously, his bed is too small for two people. Emil nodded while opening the manga, eyes scanning the pictures.

"It's alright, I don't mind. I'm sorry for suddenly asked to stay over." Xiao shook his head with a small smile.

"Nothing to be sorry for… Anyway, how's the photo? You know, when you called me and asked about it?"

Halting from the question, Emil suddenly realized that he never found out where the photo had gone. He didn't even dare to ask Lukas about it. He felt a
lump on his throat as his eyes met Xiao's.

"… I don't know, I didn't find it anywhere. I just hope that Lukas didn't find it."

"I see… I was sure that you snatched it away from me that time though." Xiao put his finger on his chin, frowning in thought. Awkwardness slowly escalated into the air.

Deciding that the awkward silence had gone on long enough, Emil quickly flipped his manga and they started talking and laughing about it. Their moment of friendly time together was disrupted when Yong Soo barged inside with three cups of pudding in his hands. The three of them started chattering and Emil happily dug into his share. Yao always made it the best. From the corner of his eyes, Xiao was observing each and every movement from Emil. He was glad that the Icelandic teen seemed a bit happier now. Just like all the other nights Emil came to visit, Xiao was always happy to welcome him. His happy mood changed into worry when he knew Emil couldn't sleep that night.

Xiao opened his eyes when he heard another shuffle next to him. He turned on to his back when he heard Emil sighed and groan as quietly as possible.

"Can't sleep?" Xiao asked, propping himself up with his elbow to looked down at Emil.

"Yeah… for some reason." Emil replied shortly. He'd forgotten to bring his sleeping pills. This insomnia always happened when something goes wrong between him and Lukas…

"Do you want some hot tea or milk to help you sleep?" Xiao was now fully awake as he sat on his bed, staring down at Emil who put the back of his hand on his forehead.

"Do you have sleeping pills?" Emil's question made Xiao stiffen. Their eyes met for a moment, the brunette winced a little at the question.

"I… don't think I have." Xiao mumbled, his hands had formed fists unconsciously. Sighing, Emil turned his eyes to look back at the ceiling.

"Do you always drink those… pills?" Xiao asked slowly, receiving a small nod from the silver hair teen.

"Yeah. Whenever I have problems with Lukas, I can't help but thinking too much of it to where I can't sleep. I think lately it became a habit of me to drink those pills. I would rather sleep than think anything that can make me go nuts."

"Is that the only reason?" Xiao was now sitting down on the futon with Emil. Emil slowly sat up, staring at him, before shaking his head with a chuckle. He ran his hand on his tired face while sighing.

"I think… also when that stupid Dane stays over. They have sex so loud it's impossible to sleep." He slightly made a disgusted face. Xiao raised an eyebrow at him.

"Their room is next to mine. And… since I have feelings for Lukas… I started imagining weird thing about him below of me… And anything that's probably not healthy for me to think about. Just once or twice is fine, but every time? I need to stop myself from having sinful thoughts about my brother while… while…" Emil's face was as red as a tomato as he gesturing with his hands. Xiao was staring at him in silence until he finally got the answer he had wanted to get. Now that he had gotten the answer, he just didn't know what he was supposed to say. Watching Xiao's expression made Emil snorted at him.

"I think the amount of pills started to increase when Lukas mistook my feelings toward Mikkel." This simply made Xiao blinked at him.

"Emil, I will prepare warm milk to help you sleep. You don't need those pills." Xiao started as he stood up before Emil could even resist. Still, Emil looked up at him with a puzzled expression.

"I don't need milk; I'll just go to the drugstore near here, okay?" He was about to stand up when Xiao suddenly grab his shoulder, forcing him to sit back down.

"Don't drink them anymore! Not too much! Remember when the time you almost tripped in the cafeteria?" Xiao was surprised when Emil suddenly pushed him off.

"But I need them!" Emil almost sounded panicky. Xiao quickly pressed his forefinger in front of Emil's lips, preventing Emil from saying something too loud.

"Unless you want the whole house knew about this, I think you better lower your voice down." Emil kept his mouth closed. The Icelandic looked down when Xiao stood up again.

"There are no sleeping pills in this house, Emil. If you don't want milk, then I'll warm up some tea to help you sleep." Xiao's tone was flat, but  firm. It was clear that he did not want any objections coming from Emil anymore. The silver hair guy only nodded in silent, not daring to object to him much further.

Xiao put the hot tea on a tray, setting them up to bring them into his room. He stopped when he saw Yao in the entrance of the kitchen.

"Do you need something, aru?" The Chinese man asked him in puzzled. It's a rare sight seeing Xiao in the kitchen after midnight.

"Nothing, it's just that… Emil couldn't sleep so I prepared some hot tea for him." Xiao nodded at the tray in his hands. Yao's lips curved into a smile before walking up passed him and open a cabinet.

"That's easy, aru. Put this herbal inside the tea, aru. That should help him sleep." Yao said, taking a pinch of some herbal inside its back. The scent wafting as he poured them in. Xiao stared at the cup for a moment and frowned.

"Is that healthy?" Yao blinked at the question.

"Of course, aru! It helps to calm your feeling down and rest well at night, aru. Why are you so suspicious?" raising an eyebrow when Xiao just shrugged, Yao's eyes were fixed on him as his brother left the kitchen without another word.

"Emil…" Xiao opened the door and walked inside the room. His eyes scanned the room when he found that Emil was nowhere to be found. Starting to get panic,
Xiao quickly ran inside and put the tray down on the table. He was about to run outside when he spotted the bathroom's light was on. He gave a sighed in relive and closed the door. Walking toward the bathroom, Xiao heard a rustle of noises inside. He leaned closer to the door, silently opening the door to peek inside. There he saw Emil with a box of kit and a few tubes of medicines. Eyes widening, he barged inside to stop whatever Emil is trying to do.

"Emil!" Xiao pulled his hand off from the sink, surprising the guy who was taking a medicine inside his mouth.

"Spit it out!" Xiao shouted at him, making Emil slapped his hand to his mouth, coughing a few times when Xiao slap the back of his neck. Hitting Xiao's arm with his elbow, Emil glared at him.

"Stop it!" He gulped down the medicine in process of talking. Xiao was staring at him in horror when Emil took the drink he bought with him from Xiao's night stand.

"What did you just swallow?" Xiao asked in a whisper. Grimacing at the overly worried Xiao, Emil glowered at his best friend for a moment.

"Medicine for head-ache. I couldn't sleep, so I got a head-ache." Xiao's hands were trembling when he heard Emil explanations.

"I… I'm sorry…" he stopped when he saw Emil slammed the glass down.

"Don't act so hyper about it! I'm alright!" he scowled while putting the scattered medicines back inside the small basket, He put the basket inside the cabinet again and walked outside the bathroom. An aroma that's coming for the tea Xiao brought for him earlier made him stopped on his track. He looked behind him to find Xiao walking outside following him.

"That tea is for me?" Receiving a nod from his friend, Emil muttered a tiny 'thanks' and walked towards the table. Taking the tray from the table, Emil put it above the futon. As Xiao walked toward him and sat down, the Icelander poured the tea into the cup and took a sip. His head turned to Xiao who was silent beside him.

"I'm sorry, for reacting like that…" Emil mumbled while looking down at the cup in his hand. Xiao's eyes flickered when he heard Emil, his lips curved up and he nod. Xiao brought his knees up his chest, hugging them as he watched Emil draining the tea. The Icelandic guy noticed him staring when he put the cup down.

"Stop staring, it's embarrassing." Emil stared back at Xiao's golden eyes.

"Anything else you would like me to do?" The question made Emil raised an eyebrow at him confused.

"Nothing… I guess…"

"Emil… Can't you rely on me? Other than Lukas…" the silver hair guy raised an eyebrow when Xiao become even more persistence.

"What do you mean by that?" The Icelandic guy gasped when Xiao suddenly pulled him toward his. The sudden movement made the cup fell and spilled on the tray. Emil growled when Xiao didn't seem to care about it.

"I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Don't take those pills anymore." Emil, who was struggling to break free from his chest, stopped when Xiao's words trembled. His eyes looked up to Xiao, his heart pierced at the realization that Xiao had been worried sick over him. He slowly pushed Xiao away to look him in the eyes. They both looked at each other for a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry, I make you worried…" Xiao shook his head at his best friend before he pulled him into another hug.

"Just stay healthy…" Xiao whispered to Emil's ear, making it turned red by the warm breath. Emil shifted uncomfortably in the brunette's arms. He was sure that Xiao did not mean anything by this caresses and caring. They are… best friend after all, he forced himself to think they are, while his heart beats faster by the closeness. Never before he let Xiao do any physical contact this much before. He felt a bit uncomfortable, but the warm that's surrounding him made Emil felt relax somehow. He felt the caring side of his friend which made his lips curved up a bit. Xiao closed his eyes when Emil wrapped his arms around his waist, nodding at his plea.

"Emil…" Xiao whispered against his ear, making Emil turn his head to look up at him. Xiao's golden eyes were staring deep into his own. Emil watched the Asian blink, eyes shifting down on his lips. Emil was surprised when Xiao slowly moved forward, his eyes never leaving him. He stopped when their lips were just further apart, making sure that Emil wasn't going to push him away. Deciding that it's best to follow his heart, Xiao pressed his lips against him softly, earning a soft gasp from the other who he had been in love with. Xiao felt Emil's hands clutched his shirt, fisting when they kissed. Titling his head to get closer to the Icelander, Xiao ran his hand against the back of Emil's neck. He moaned when Emil felt Xiao kiss him open-mouthed. He brought his hands on Xiao's chest, pushing him away.

Xiao blinked in surprised when he felt that he was being pushed gently. They broke the kiss with a shuddered breath, eyes staring into each other closely. As Xiao was staring at Emil's red face, he brought his fingers to touch those inflame cheek of his.

"Emil… I love you, Emil…" Xiao whispered softly. Seeing the reaction coming from said teen, Xiao's heart clenched painfully. He lowered his hand when Emil shook his head, eyes shut tightly. Xiao bit his lower lip.

"Was it because of your brother?" Emil looked down when he heard his question.

"I'm sorry, Xiao… I… can't…" He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, blushing at the wetness. His deep-blue eyes shaking at the thought that Xiao had been in love with him. How long had it been? Why didn't he ever realize it? That… that kiss… w-was his first… Emil's eyes watered in realization. Xiao who saw the tears on his eyes sucked on his breath.

"Emil." Xiao's hand that was trying to reach him being slapped away.

"That was my first…" He gasped out, fists clenching tightly as he tried to hold himself back. To think that it's not Lukas who had done that. To think that it's not his brother who took his first.

"I'm sorry…" Xiao looked down sadly. He wasn't sure what to do. Nervous eyes drifted to the clock nearby. 2 o'clock in the morning… Maybe he could just go to

"Leave me for now… I… I'm going to sleep." Emil mumbled, taking the tray away from the futon. Xiao only nodded in silence.

As both of them lay on their own bed, both were thinking the same thing.

What should I do in the morning?


observing, hetalia

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