Observing - Chapter 3 [Hetalia:Axis Power Fanfiction]

Nov 17, 2012 23:12

Author: AsakuraHannah
Original Link : here
Fandom: Hetalia :Axis Power
Genre: Drama Romance AU
Rating: T
Pairing: (mainly) Hong Kong x Iceland, DenNor
(Names from wikia) : Denmark (Mikkel), Norway (Lukas), Iceland (Emil), Hong Kong (Xiao)
Summary: Realizing Lukas got his boyfriend, Emil got depressed. He was failed to notice someone who's been watching him from nearby when his mind was too preoccupied with Lukas.
Disclaimer: I don't own Axis Power Hetalia, but this fanfiction is mine and mine only! xD This is just an Alternate Universe fanfiction.. Anything related to the real life, person's name, and world history has nothing to do with this fanfiction… There are no affiliations to actual countries, military, and such. There is absolutely no intent to slander the reputations or rights of those above.


Chapter 3 : Worried

Xiao was staring at the silver hair boy who sat in front of him. He wasn't sure of what to ask Emil about the sleeping pills he was taking.

The fact that Emil was taking those pills until the bottle became empty made him arch an eyebrow at the thought. Who would want to take those pills in such a healthy state? As far as he knew, Emil did not have insomnia; even if he did, Xiao would be the first to know as Emil always told him every single thing after all. Slurping the milk from its straw, Xiao kept his eyes locked on Emil's face in a deep thought, not realizing that Emil had noticed him staring in such an odd way. He was surprised when Emil's hand suddenly pushed his face backward, catching him off guard.

"What are you-" Xiao stopped when he realized what he was just doing.

"I called your name and you did not answer other than staring at me like that. What's wrong with you?" Emil huffed at him as he pulled his hand away. Xiao rubbed his nose which was sore from being hit when his best friend pushed him.


"Like hell I'm going to believe that. You've been staring at me as if you are ready to eat me anytime you can." Emil rolled his eyes when Xiao grinned at him.

"I'm sure ready to eat you anytime, since you are so cute." Snorted at him sarcastically, Emil rose to his feet.

"Come on, class is going to start soon." He gave up seeking answers from his best friend. Emil walked a few steps while staring at Xiao to follow him. He stopped on his track when his head suddenly felt heavy. Xiao who was observing him quickly caught the silver haired guy before he fell. Wincing at the pain shooting through his head, Emil hissed, catching a hold of himself in Xiao's arms.

"Are you alright?" Xiao asked him in worried, his arms did not let go of Emil until he was sure that Emil could stand properly. Receiving a grunt replied from the guy, Xiao ran his hand to Emil's forehead, checking his temperature.

"I'm alright…" He heard Emil muttered when his palm met his forehead. They both looked at each other when Emil realized Xiao did not plan on letting go of him anytime soon. Purple orbs met golden, face only inch apart, both not knowing that they had held their breath for the closeness. Blushing at the way Xiao treated him, Emil slowly pulled away, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Let go of me, idiot. People are staring…" The Icelandic guy muttered, pushing Xiao's arm away around him.

"I won't let go if you still not feeling alright." Xiao said firmly, surprising Emil with his retort.

"I'm alright! Don't embarrass me and yourself, idiot. Stop acting like Norway did. You are over-reacting." Emil hissed as his face was all red.

"It's okay to react overly if it is you that need to be watched over. Maybe you should go home and rest? I will take you home." Xiao stopped pulling Emil closer when the silver hair guy batted his hand away and made some distance with an annoyed look.

"Quit it, Xiao! I'm alright!" Emil turned around and left his best friend alone. Xiao frowned went deeper. His looked at the palm that had touched Emil's forehead. The guy didn't have any fever, but he actually felt a bit colder rather than hotter.

Someone grabbed his shoulder from behind, startling the Hong Kong guy who was surprised at his lack of self guard. Whipping his head around in surprise, he found he was face to face with none other than Yong Soo, his half sibling. The Korean grinned at him as his hands roamed to Xiao's chest, making him grimace.

"Yong Soo! Stop that!" he hissed and struggled to break free from his caresses. He elbowed him on his stomach, making Yong Soo wince.

"Oww that hurt!" He muttered and letting go of his brother, he rubbed his stomach. Xiao raised an eyebrow as Yong Soo's Korean-soul-curl looked like it was crying above his forehead.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't just come inside the cafeteria on the campus." His brother's high school was close to Xiao's, and he often trespassed to eat his lunch in the cafeteria. The only reason the Korean gave was that the food is much more delicious. Xiao didn't mind actually, but the hanbok Yong Soo always wore surely caught attention. He had reminded him numerous times already, but Yong Soo was so proud of his traditional South Korean outfit that he didn't listen. In the end Xiao just let him be.

"I saw it, da-ze!" Yong Soo exclaimed and leaned his face closer to the slightly taller guy.

"S-saw.. what?" That only made Yong Soo chuckle and wave his forefinger in front of Xiao's face.

"Don't try to lie to me, Xiao. I knew you are in love with that guy just now. You are hugging him closely but then you got dumped." Yong Soo crossed his arms with amusement when he saw his brother's face turned red.

"I… I'm not!" Xiao defended himself, as he took a step backwards in shame that he had been caught.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I know you two are 'friend' and nothing else. Don't worry; no one will object that, at least not in our family." Yong Soo gave him a pat on his shoulder. Xiao frowned at him for a moment.

"He's the same as you, Yong Soo." Yong Soo blinked at him at the suddenly serious tone from Xiao's. He cocked his head in question, not understand the meaning behind those words. Xiao walked back toward his previous seat, mentioning the Korean guy to follow him. Yong Soo sat down beside him, remaining silent in order to let his sibling pour his heart out.

"He loves his own brother." Xiao muttered the words, making Yong Soo's eyes sparkles in surprise.

"Like me and Hyung-nim?" he referred their oldest brother, Wang Yao, the Chinese guy who is their eldest sibling. Receiving a nod of reply, Yong Soo looked down, not knowing what to say. How unusual of him to stay quiet like that; usually he was so full of energy that he pissed the Hong Kong guy off a lot.

"So… you love him?" Yong Soo broke the silence; daring to look up at Xiao.

"But he only loves his brother. That brother of his already has a boyfriend." Xiao whispered, as silently as he could as if afraid that anyone could overhear them. Yong Soo leaned closer to hear what he was saying. He frowned at Xiao who was mourning over it. The Xiao that he knew was always so careless about everything and was not afraid to take a risk.

"What are you afraid of?" Yong Soo's question made Xiao shoot him a look.

"I didn't think I have such a pathetic brother. All I need to say is go for it. If you really love him then just go with it. Follow where your heart leads you to." Xiao stared at his grinning sibling and snorted.

"That sounds like what you are going to do." Yong Soo laughed.

"Well, confidence originated in me, da-ze!" The Korean crossed his arms proudly.

"What I'm wondering about is… actually… Have you ever felt… so desperate that you had to drink some pills and attempt to hurt yourself?" Xiao asked, staring deep into Yong Soo's eyes. Yong Soo opened his mouth and closed it again.

"I… I will proudly say that I had never thought that way before. I have to say that actually I'm grateful that, that time, Kiku-hyung had left the house for good. If he hadn't left, maybe I would think that way as well. And Hyung-Nim… he's just hurting, so all I'm thinking about is his safety and trying to cheer him up as best as I could. So, I never think about hurting myself, because Hyung-Nim always comes first. That guy… did he do something terrible to himself?" Yong Soo eyes tried to make Xiao look at him but those golden orbs were looking away from him. Upon receiving no answer from his sibling, Yong Soo shrugged. They both were startled when a voice they knew very well was calling out to them.

"Yong Soo?! What are you doing here?" Their eldest brother shouted at the Korean who flinched in surprise. Both brothers looked up to see Wang Yao walking toward them with an un-amused expression.

"Shoot, Hyung-Nim! I got to go!" Scrambled on his feet, Yong Soo quickly ran off, saving himself from the lecture. Xiao chuckled as he watched his younger brother escape. He changed his glance toward Yao who grumbled when Yong Soo ran off.

"That kid… He couldn't skip his lessons, could he?" Yao stopped walking once he stood near Xiao. Both golden eyes looked at each other before Yao smiled.

"Do you have something that you want to share with me?" Yao's question made Xiao blink at him in surprise. He never thought that Yao could know about his trouble by just looking at him. Seeing his surprised face, Yao chuckled at him and brought his hand to pat Xiao's head.

"I'm your brother, you know. Of course I will know, aru." Yao sat down beside Xiao and put his chin on his palm. Xiao looked down at the unfinished drink and shook his head.

"I don't want to trouble you with my problem. Aren't you busy with classes right now?"

"No, aru. Tell me. Or if you think you can handle the things on your own, then I won't ask." Xiao stared into his brother's curious eyes, he couldn't help but smile. Shaking his head, the brunette rose to his feet.

"Nothing I can't handle, right now. I will tell you when things get out of hand." Yao looked up at him, not happy with what he just heard.

"Are you sure about that, aru? I mean, if things got worse, it might be too late already." Xiao chuckled when the Chinese guy asked him with a worried tone.

"We'll see about it." He turned around and headed to the building. Leaving Yao staring at him puzzled.

Emil walked inside his room sighing as he threw his body on the bed. Finally, he can have some rest after a long tiring day. After a few moments of silence, he slowly sneaked his hand inside his pillow cover to see Lukas's photo that he was hiding. When his hand found nothing, he quickly sat up picked up his pillow. His hands trembled when he peeked inside and there was nothing, not even a single paper inside. His mouth opened agape with shock as he discovered his brother's photo was gone! Did Lukas find it? As far as he remembered, Lukas never cleaned his bedroom since Emil started junior high school. Did he see the photo he was hiding inside the pillow that time, when Xiao found out? Did Xiao take the photo?

Emil quickly jumped off the bed and rushed to his bag. After he found his mobile phone, he quickly dialed his best friend's number.

"Pick it up… pick it up… quick…!" Emil gave a sharp breath when he heard a voice on the other line.

"Hello? Emil?"

"Hey, Xiao, is Lukas's photo still with you? Did you bring it with you? I remember last time when you found out about it…"

"No… What happened to it?" Emil's eyes widened and he clenched his fist around his phone. A soft knock against his door and Lukas's voice made him unable to think clearly.

"Emil, can we talk for a moment?" Lukas who did not wait for his brother to answer, invited himself inside the room. Lukas expression was unreadable as usual, but he knew what he was going to talk about. Not to mention that the photo he was searching for was nowhere to be found.


Emil didn't answer the phone as he lowered it, pressing the end of call button. His eyes were never leaving Lukas.

'I'm screwed'

Thank you for the reviews! ^w^ -hugs all-

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