[charloft] (TUES) two life-altering moments

Jan 27, 2009 12:45

Everyone starts their life as one person, and through growth and learning, turn into someone else. Sometimes, a singular moment is what pushes them over the edge into a new life.

Describe two moments in which your life took a turn, where on the one side, you were one person, and on the other side, someone new.

I got more 'n a few, but yeah...I guess there's a couple that really stick out for me.

1 - Meeting my biological father, my dad. I literally didn't even have a picture of the guy growing up, just his name and some stories...and Abe, my stuffed frog. Anyway, he came into the diner I was workin' at and we just sorta...locked. It was weird, he walked into the joint and just stopped in front of me. I asked if he needed help, he asked if I was Henrietta Callahan. I said yes, didn't correct him ('cause nobody calls me Henrietta, fuckin' nobody)...then he said he was my father.

Biological father, his exact words. I still remember, 'cause it's one of the reasons I didn't write his ass off immediately. He wasn't much to look at, he'd been on the road for a long fuckin' time and his ass was worn out, but he was so honest and he treated me like a fucking adult. I respected him a lot for that and I still do.

There was something there, too...I felt it, and I knew he did. The DNA recognized itself, we shared a genetic bond and we both could fucking feel it. Mom was dead, but I knew that I wasn't alone in the universe. I could look in his face and see myself, I came from somewhere.

I changed the second I shook his hand and called him 'Dad' the first time...I stopped being Hank D, Street Rat and became my father's daughter.

2 - This shit's recent, but it was the choice to give up slaying fer good. There's some debate as to whether or not I can hang up my stakes permanently, but I gave up playing Chicken with vampires two years ago. I can give this up, too.

The second I said it out loud and dared God or whoever to take a shot at me, I went from being a Slayer to being Henrietta Diane Callahan. Sure, that's who I was before I became a Slayer, but not like this...not with my dad, my family, not with a boyfriend and a real future.

I'm myself, really and truly, for the first time ever, and I'm only seventeen. Maybe these are the years I'm supposed to be finding myself, but far as I'm concerned? The search is fuckin' over, bitches. And it feels damn good.

Hank Callahan
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (OC)

hank - looks back, charloft

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