[jp] allard lowenstein quote

Jan 27, 2009 11:09

The question should be, is it worth trying to do, not can it be done.


“Yer sure you wanna do this, babes?”

“I think I at least deserve to try.” Hank replied, carefully balancing her phone between jaw and shoulder as she rummaged through her suitcase for a top to wear. “If the Powers That Be think going after Bee would scare me into seeing the error of my ways and make me reconsider quitting? They were fucking high.”

“It ain’t quite as easy as all that.”

“Yeah, that’s what Jefferson said.” She muttered, scowling at a pale blue blouse and casting it aside. She’d told Mimi she wasn’t wearing that shit…

“Come again?”

“Nothing…so you were baggin’ on me about my decision?”

“Kid, I ain’t baggin’ on you for shit.” Cain sighed over the line. “It just sounds more to me like you’re tryin’ to stick it to the man instead of make a lifetime choice or some shit.”

“What, you think I can’t do it?”

“I think you just did, yo. Question is, can you hold to it? Like it or not, it’s yer nature. How long you think you can watch people die before you gotta get yer hands dirty?”

Hank finally found the top she wanted, scowling into her phone. “It’s like any addiction: takes time to kick.”

“You really want to?”

She hated how close he sounded then, his voice resonating in her ear with added depth and tone. She felt closer to him somehow, and it made her heart clench wistfully in her chest. At the same time, it made her think of what could have happened if she’d gotten there in time for the hunt…if the demon had hit her in the attempt to take it down.

“I say stupid shit every day and I don’t care who I hurt. I know that.” She replied quietly as she straightened and shifted, fighting to get her t-shirt off without giving up the phone. “I don’t wanna hurt people because I had a choice to stop putting my life at risk and didn’t take it. You dig me?”

“Say again, babes? Couldn’t hear ya.”

The phone was jostling against her ear as she got her top off, but the sound was steady as a rock as the receiver moved away and back to her ear. Distant, but steady…

…and just beyond the door.

Cursing under her breath, Hank hung up the phone and hurriedly slid her black sequined tank top on and bolted out of her room. Laughter rung in her ears, Carbone and Tommy as she stood in the doorway to the main living area.

Cain stood there in the kitchen, grinning like an idiot.

“You fucking asswipe fucker!” she giggled, bolting straight into his arms with no thought for appearances.

He was giggling along with her as he swept her off her feet into a warm bear hug that made her feel safe and protected. He smelled like warm cotton, rubbing alcohol, and leather…the smells of home.

“Missed you, kid…no way I could stay away.”

Shutting her eyes, Hank held on to her father tight and felt a swell of emotion that brought tears to her eyes. She was a seventeen year old girl with a bad-tempered father that held her like she was precious and fragile, who would protect her with his life.

He wasn’t her Watcher anymore…he was just her dad. And even if Slaying were a hard habit to break, it was worth the effort in trying if it meant she could finally be Daddy’s little girl.

Muse: Hank Callahan
Fandom: BtVS
Words: 591

what - matters of slaying...or not, hank - is retired, who - cain callahan, jp: challenges, just prompts

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