I think that when I have my sitcom phase in life (reference: the short period of time where I will have my own prime time sitcom on cable television (so I can use the f word and all that)) that I will have different children every show so that my viewers will talk about it and say things like "WHAT! how did she have a red head boy last week and Asian twins this week, she is crazy yo'"
I think it's an exceptionally excellent idea PATENT PATENT.
Last night, I played a very intense and passionate game of Scrabble with Mary Scott and Kristin and a very high Landon who "helped me." For the benefit of other future scrabble players I would like to inform you that "jei" can be used to obtain a triple word score because it means
"in order" and just to spite some twisted souls who got 17 points of "KNOX" (wtf that is SO not a word) I will be using jei in the place of in case until I forget and resort back to traditional English.
Famous people: love em or leave em. (I guess?)
Plus how about that aging rock icon who mixed his father's ashes with coke?
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/03/AR2007040301540.html I know if when my father dies, he'll think that's probably the best.