(no subject)

May 23, 2006 00:04

I love the weather of late, its almost warm enough to sleep in my bathing suit, exciting.

I landed the job at nordies. I rock. :)

Shop there and when they ask who helped you say Beth. (I work on comission and if you love me, or even if you don't, you want to give me a percentage of your sales.)

this will be a short entry as I have a boy awaiting my call, but I've decided to be a hardworker. Not that I don't think I've been for the majority of my life, I just mean I think I've only been doing the minimum since I've entered college (this applies to academics, working out just my work ethic in general). You know, just doing enough to get by. As a result my physical and mental body has become sluggish and I've become what I've dreaded would happen- a lazy pants.

No more! I will be a hardworker.

That's it.

Frequent updates to come. I promise. I've become a lazy pants in the livejournal department as well. I need to write more.

After handing back the midterm papers she said not all people's strengths were writing and then she looked directly at me. If I wasn't born to write I don't know what I was meant to do. If writing isn't my strong point then how the HELL did I get into UCLA? If writing isn't my strong point then why is that with the exception of senior year from grade k to 11 I've never gotten below an A? HMMMMM?????? It's okay. I'm a lazy pants and write my papers half the night before and the other half the day of. It'll change. I plan to knock her socks off with this one. You watch. If I can't write I have nothing. Well, reading. I like reading more than writing. But writing has always stabilized me and has been what organizes my crazy and sometimes despondent thoughts.

If writing isn't my strong point then....

I can't even wrap my mind around that, I just get horribly depressed and insecure.

Please don't feel obligated to comment and reassure my ego. This livejournal is just meant for you to read and be updated on my life, and occasionally leaving a witty remark, something I'll chuckle over when I read.

peace OUT
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