May 08, 2006 18:52
The usual skinny:
Midterm tomorrow
Minimal if any studying has been done.
Effin screwed beyond belief
Plans for tonight:
Salsa and Merengue (an entire country and clique (or athletes in their own right) are horrified at the spelling)
Coffe Bean and Tea Leaf (a lot of tea leaf and negative in the coffee bean)
Surf Myspace pictures
Read magazines
DL music (legally on itune)
I'm sure some sort of studying (kudos for alliteration?) will take place EVENTUALLY tonight. I guess the difference in getting B's in a class versus getting A's is that B students study very hard the few days before tests and work hard on their papers the night before it's due and A students study very hard throughout the quarter and work on their paper as soon as they get their prompt. Next year will be my A student year. I'm declaring a major so my homework will be to read books, I like that. Oh, and write a BAJILLION papers.
So as I'm procrastinating I realize I'd like to write out my goals for this summer, a to do list if you will..
Get a job
-work a lot and actually save money
Do club polo
-show up to all practices and games
Take summer school
-pass the last fucking math class I'll ever take in my life
Lose weight gained because of the second best dorm food in the nation
-this is more of a pre summer thing I guess
Furnish new apt with cute thing
Go to the gym
-remember how to run, do more than just cardio
-Gone with the Wind
-Little Shop Around the Corner
-atleast once a week
-atleast two times a week
I'm sure more will come. In the mean time I'm going to study till 8. After that you can find me in the Dynasty Room
shaking my $ maker.