A Twist of Fate - Chapter 23

Apr 24, 2008 00:08

Title: A Twist of Fate 
Author: hanez   
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Fluff, Drama, Romance, and Fantasy
Rating: PG 13
Summary: The story of Kamenashi Kazuya who had transformed into a woman permanently, she was not going to return to her original gender, she was given between two choices, and she had wisely chosen one though it would have to hurt for her, as she would lose everything she loves and care about, that includes her beloved Akanishi Jin.
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me in any way, I don't own anything from this fic.
A\N: A new version, the same storyline as The Change, but written in a different style, this is the one that will be updated. 
Warning: GIRL!Kame !!! Read it at your own risk!

The An An magazine shoot just ended. While the others were all packing to leave, Kazuya remained in the dressing room, looking restless. She bit her lips as she recalled the shots she had taken with Mizushima Hiro. It was an intense feeling being placed in that situation. The shots were sexy but not too extreme to the extent that Jin would get mad, she thought.
He didn’t pick up the phone when she had called him earlier, not that Kazuya wanted to ask permission from her boyfriend regarding the photo shoot, more like she felt that he should know about it. But now that the shoot was done, Kazuya felt reluctant.
What would Jin’s reaction be?
A familiar voice suddenly interrupted her train of thoughts, Kazuya shivered in shock as she looked up at her intruder whom she flashed a blank look, wondering why he hadn’t left yet.
“Ah, I’m sorry. Did I startle you?” Mizushima Hiro quickly apologised. When the younger one had composed herself, he started. “I just wanted to say … thank you for the hard work today, Kamenashi-kun. All ended well in the end.” He said with a smile.
“Kame … nashi-kun?” Kazuya raised her eyebrows as she realised the mistake the latter had made. It had been so long since anyone called her that, recently people had started calling her with a -san behind her surname. Only a minority to zero called Kazuya with a ‘- kun’.
Mizushima Hiro’s mouth gaped open as he realised his slip, bowing apologetically. “Ah, I’m really sorry! I should call you Kamenashi-san, right?” He asked to ensure that he was right this time.
“Actually …” Kazuya paused, “Kazuya is fine.”
“Are you sure? I mean … is it okay to call you that? Wouldn’t anyone get jealous?” Hiro asked, suddenly feeling tense, not wanting to get into anyone’s dark book.
Kazuya chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m sure my boyfriend wouldn’t get jealous over something like that. He has a secret nickname for me anyway.” She grinned.
“I see, Kazuya then. It was nice meeting you.” Hiro bowed yet again.
“You know, you’re pretty different from the image you portrayed. You’re cool but at the same time, you’re really nervous at people surrounding you. Am I right?”
“Well, I guess you’re right.” Hiro nodded, his expression turning serious suddenly. “Is it okay if we exchange our numbers? I didn’t get the chance when I guest starred in Gokusen 2.”
“Eh, Gokusen 2?” Kazuya’s eyes widened in surprise as she recalled a tall man with a light green shirt from her breakthrough drama, “Ah, I remember! You were one of the students in 3D!”
She laughed. “Ah, it was so nostalgic. Those were beautiful memories.”
“Akanishi-kun and you had great chemistry even from before, it was totally mind-blowing.” Hiro expressed honestly, of what he had thought of them then.
“Really?” Kazuya smiled, her phone starts to ring at that point of time. Bowing politely, she answered the phone, returning her attention to the person in front of her once she hanged up the call. “I’m sorry. My boyfriend’s just arrived.”
“Your number?” Hiro handed his phone out to her.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I’ve forgotten all about it.” Kazuya quickly saved her number into the other’s phone, returning it almost immediately. “Just give me a missed call or something. I’ve got to go now. Jin’s waiting.” She grabbed her handbag, flashing Hiro a smile before leaving the dressing room in a hurry.
Kazuya flashed a happy smile the minute she walked out of the entrance of the building, noticing the presence of her beloved boyfriend instantly. Jin was leaning on the passenger’s door, waiting for her. He too smiled when he saw her, embracing her in his arms.
Without any hesitation, the both of them got into the car.
“So how was the photo shoot?” Jin asked the moment they were on the roads, his focus entirely in driving.
“Well … it all went smoothly.” Kazuya answered, leaving out the details of the photo shoot. She bit her lips as she waited for his response, suddenly feeling guilty at the omitted information.
“That’s good.” Jin smiled.
For once, Kazuya was thankful that her lover was not focusing on her. She couldn’t tell him what kind of photo shoot she had had earlier on in this vehicle. Deciding that she would have to tell him later when they’ve reached home, Kazuya relaxed in her seat and closed her eyes.
Getting out of the bathroom clad only in a bathrobe, Kazuya frowned when she realised that the bedroom was empty. Apparently Jin had sneaked out during the time she was bathing. Heaving a soft sigh, she tied the ends of her bathrobe tightly before walking out of the door, in search of her boyfriend.
“Jin? What are you doing?” Kazuya entered the living room when she saw him sitting comfortably on the sofa. Without any invitation, she sat beside him, looking down at the magazine that Jin was keen on reading.
It was the latest issue of Myojo. Apparently the page was on Koki and Kazuya, the close up shot had Koki who tried to kiss poor Kazuya but was being pushed away whilst laughing hard. Basically there was a lot of KoKame in all of the pictures.  
“Are you …”
Kazuya was interrupted when Jin suddenly flipped the magazine back to its cover, leaving it unattended on the coffee table as he turned to face her with a pretty serious expression.
“I don’t like it.”
Kazuya wanted to say something but she thought that it would be best to remain silent at this moment of time. Jin’s grim expression had all of her attention, honestly it frightened her. Had Jin ever looked at her that way? He looked really protective. It almost seemed as if she would be snatched away from him.
“I don’t like it when Koki acts too intimately around you. He should know his limit, when and where he should stop. It’s really starting to annoy me.”
“You’re right somehow but …”
Jin stood up almost immediately. “Then I’m informing Koki tomorrow to stop flirting with my girlfriend since you have nothing against me doing so. Am I right, Kazuya?”
“Hmm.” She nodded in nervousness. Jin had a blast of fury in his eyes, she didn’t know how else to react to it.
“Good.” Jin relied nonchalantly. “I’m turning in.” He said disappearing into their bedroom, leaving Kazuya alone in the living room, looking shocked. Out all of the years knowing Jin, she had never seen this jealousy side of him, to the extent that it scared her a little.
Jin just isn’t the type to beat other people up when they tried to get close to her. But the look he had flashed her earlier seemed otherwise, causing her to shiver. Recalling back to the sexy photo shoot she just had with Mizushima Hiro, her eyes widened.
“Oh no!” Kazuya whispered, covering her mouth with both of her bare hands as she realised the grave situation she had put the nice Hiro-kun into. If Jin hadn’t like Kazuya to be too intimate with Koki, one of their band mates, what more other non-Johnny members?
The next morning when the couple arrived in KAT-TUN’s dressing room for a group meeting, Jin’s action surprised her. He let go of their hold and headed towards where Koki was, tapping him on the shoulder, saying something to him. Kazuya frowned when both man walked out of the room.
It seemed that Jin went to have a talk with Koki, just like he had promised the yesterday night. Whatever Jin was doing, she hoped that it wouldn’t strain their friendship.
Kazuya settled herself in front of her usual dressing table as she waited for her boyfriend.
“I understand, man.” Koki’s voice caught her attention as she stared at the reflection of the two men through her dressing mirror. She listened carefully with bated breath.
“Don’t worry. I know my limits.” Koki playfully punch Jin on the shoulders, flashing a reassuring smile. He walked away to be with the rest of KAT-TUN members.
Looking through the mirror, Kazuya realised that it wasn’t a smile on her lover’s face instead what she saw was a satisfied smirk, looking proud at his achievement. This evil expression of his face made her gulp.
Is Jin slowly changing?
Shaking her head, Kazuya removed her gaze from Jin, turning her attention to her bag instead. She shrieked in surprise when she felt a pair of arms slipping onto her waist, calming down when she realised that it was just Jin.
Jin looked amused at Kazuya’s reaction. “Sorry sweetheart didn’t mean to scare you.” He pulled Kazuya up to her feet, kissing her on the forehead lovingly. “I’m sorry, okay?”
Kazuya giggled, nodding her head as she leaned onto her lover’s lean chest, all worries about Jin changing were forgotten. He couldn’t possibly change. Jin is Jin to her, no matter what, that was what she believed.
On one of their nights at their home, Kazuya’s phone suddenly rang a tone that was set for messages. She was about to enter the bathroom when it rang.
“Kazuya, it’s a message for you!” Jin shouted, recognising that particular ringtone.
“I’ll check it later. I really need the bathroom now!” She slammed the door shut, emphasising her reason.
Gazing at the locked door of their bathroom, Jin turned his view to Kazuya’s cell phone. Curiosity aroused in him as he got up from the bed, heading towards the dressing table. He picked up his girlfriend’s phone, frowning when the message came from an unidentified caller. Not bothering what would Kazuya reactions be, he read it.
It was nice meeting you. Perhaps one day we could meet up, have a meal together or something?  I’ll be looking forward to your reply. Oh, I’m sorry. You wouldn’t know who I am since you just gave me your number, I’ve forgotten to give you a miss call. This is Mizushima Hiro-kun.
Jin placed the phone back to its original position when he heard the bathroom door click.
“Who was it from, Jin?” Kazuya asked the moment she walked out of the bathroom. Jin had put on an innocent look when he was asked of this, pretending that he hadn’t read the content of the message. She sighed, noticing this. This was so like Jin. “I know you read it. Who was it?”
“Mizushima Hiro.”
Kazuya flashed Jin a surprised look at the mention of that name, she gulped, realising that she had no choice but to tell her boyfriend the truth, now, at this moment.
“An An?” Jin exclaimed in sheer shock causing Kazuya to flinch even though she had expected that kind of reaction from him. The cell phone was abandoned as he turned to face his girlfriend for further confirmation, it was hard for him to believe the piece of news he was being told actually.
“Yes.” Noticing that a frown soon starts to form on her lover’s face, Kazuya immediately said, “It’s not as if I had a choice. I wasn’t even told of what magazine I was supposed to shoot. I don’t even know that I’m supposed to be paired up.” She pouted.
“But An An …” Jin sat on the edge of their bed to calm himself. “They didn’t ask you to pose nude, right?”
“No!” Kazuya quickly denied. “There were many sexy shots but none of them were nude. Trust me. They initially wanted me to pose in a bikini which I strongly opposed. I have manager-san to thank for. He talked to the stylist on my behalf so I ended up wearing a dress instead.”
Kazuya looked at Jin in confusion.
“Why were you against the idea of wearing a bikini? We had posed many half naked photographs as idols. Those were the days, long before your change. So tell me why.”
“I guess … now it’s different.” She answered simply, positioning herself next to Jin. “I thought I should protect my innocence. Honestly speaking, I would feel really uncomfortable wearing just a bikini in front of many others. I’m not a model. I don’t see a reason why I should go till that extent. Am I right?” Kazuya asked Jin with big eyes.
“Hmm.” He smiled and nodded.
“Only you get to see the real me.” Kazuya teased.
That happened to be a bad move from her as Jin instantly attacked her, toppling her over, the both of them gazed at each other’s eyes lovingly before he pressed his lips to hers, too caught up into the desire of the moment.
Kazuya’s eyelids fluttered open, her vision became clear as she saw her boyfriend’s sweet face. She smiled, snuggling in closer, the blanket that covered her body dropped. Kazuya froze. Her eyes widened in astonishment at her naked form.
“Oh no …” She muttered, raising the blanket till her neck, distancing herself from the other.
They didn’t use any protection last night so the possibility of getting pregnant was quite high, right? Kazuya heaved out a sigh. How could the both of them be so careless?
Only you get to see the real me
Kazuya groaned, realising her mistake. She was the one who had started it all.
Jin was walking along the corridors of their dressing room when something caught his eye, a stack of magazines placed on top of the table, the wrapper torn slightly. Curiosity got the better of him as he slowly walked towards said table, wanting to take a closer look. Jin however froze in his movement when he saw what it was.
The latest issue of An An magazine that had Kamenashi Kazuya and Mizushima Hiro on the cover. The both of them facing one another, in an embrace, they were so close that they were only inches away from meeting each other’s lips. They had a passionate expression on their face, deluding a sexy aura.
Clasping his fists, Jin fumed in anger. Not caring of the consequences, he took a copy of the magazine and headed towards the restroom, ignoring confused looks from Koki who walked past him.
How dare he touch my Kazuya that way!

Author’s Note: Oh-oh, there’s trouble for Kazuya and Hiro-kun. Jin’s jealousy had exceeded than what he usually could take so the both of them are in a deep soup, or rather Hiro. What do you want Jin to do with him? You can voice out your opinions as well. There are some parts of Jin in this chapter that seemed a little bit scary, too protective of Kazuya. Blame me for listening to Utada Hikaru’s Prisoner of Love while writing this chapter! Oh yah, this is the best chapter I’ve written for this year! All went smoothly so I’m really happy with my work this time round!

a twist of fate

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