A Twist of Fate - Chapter 22

Apr 19, 2008 17:50

Title: A Twist of Fate 
Author: hanez  
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Fluff, Drama, Romance, and Fantasy
Rating: PG 13
Summary: The story of Kamenashi Kazuya who had transformed into a woman permanently, she was not going to return to her original gender, she was given between two choices, and she had wisely chosen one though it would have to hurt for her, as she would lose everything she loves and care about, that includes her beloved Akanishi Jin.
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me in any way, I don't own anything from this fic.
A\N: A new version, the same storyline as The Change, but written in a different style, this is the one that will be updated. 
Warning: GIRL!Kame !!! Read it at your own risk!

It was the day of shooting for Music Station. KAT-TUN was waiting for their cue backstage and when they were called, they immediately walked out, Kazuya and Jin leading. They walked down the stairs side by side, smiling brightly. They were wearing the same clothes as their promotional video.
“KAT-TUN, yoroshiku onegashimasu!”  Tamori-san greeted.
“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!” All of KAT-TUN replied back in unison.
“KAT-TUN will be promoting their new single, Love, which is also used as the theme song for the drama Akanishi-san and Kamenashi-san is starring in. It’s a love ballad.”
“Yes.” Kazuya nodded.
“Ah, so it’s a love ballad. Aren’t you two busy filming the drama?” Tamori-san asked the couple, he turned to face them.
“Yes, we’re really busy. Therefore after we’re done with Music Station, we have to return back to filming.” Kazuya answered while Jin nodded in agreement.
“It must been tough, right?”
The two chuckled. “Yes, we’ll work hard.” Jin said.
“Then, yoroshiku onegashimasu.” Tamori-san said to them.
“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!”
“Congratulations KAT-TUN for having your single at no.1 place.” Tamori-san congratulated them.
“Thank you.” The six of them bowed, putting on a cheerful smile as they looked onto the camera, their microphones on their hold.
“The two of you is starring in a drama, right? How was it, Akanishi, to be able to act alongside Kamenashi?” Tamori-san asked though he knew that the both were dating, it was obvious he was teasing them. There was a grin on his face as he waited for his answer.
“It’s a privilege to act with this beauty.” Jin replied cheekily causing Kazuya to look down and blush in embarrassment. “I wasn’t alone so that saved me all throughout filming.”
“I see. So what do you two do backstage? Hangout together during breaks?”
“Yes.” Kazuya nodded. “Because we have most of the scenes together, we get to do that. But, the both of us also spend our time with the rest of the casts.” She added.
“Hmm, but you two prefer to have some alone time, right?” Tamori-san asked yet again. The fans screamed in delight at that.
“Tamori-san!” Dou-san chuckled.
“Well …” Jin started.
“We wouldn’t want to hear what they’ve been doing together during their private moments!” Koki suddenly interrupted, his face looked disgusted though his tone was clearly that of teasing. At this, Kazuya couldn’t control her laughter, her right hand constantly waving while Jin flashed a smile in embarrassment.
“That’s right.” Nakamaru follow up soon after. “Tamori-san, should we get ready by now?”
“KAT-TUN. Stand by!”
Junno stood up first, being the last in the row, followed by the others. Kazuya gripped onto Jin’s shirt lightly as they walked down the steps and towards the stage set.
The melody of their latest single Love was played when they were all ready.
Without them realising, three months had passed by rather quickly. All of the casts’ members except for the main leads had finished filming their parts for the drama. It was a feeling of achievement yet at the same time; Kazuya could not help but feel a tinge of sadness at this parting. She had developed a great bond with the rest of the casts, it was really fun.
And today … was the last scene for both Jin and her.
“CUT! It’s a wrap!” The director shouted. Loud clapping followed soon after. The couple was handed a large banquet of flowers, Kazuya’s one was wrapped in yellow while Jin’s one was blue.
“Thank you.” Kazuya whispered, bowing in gratitude.
“Why don’t you two say something to the camera? Akanishi-san, you first.” The announcer initiated.
“Okay. These past three months had been really fun, with the staff and casts. I personally learnt something valuable through these months of tiring filming. With Kazuya with me, I look forward to the next day filming. It was really fun.” Jin said, turning to face his girlfriend immediately.
“To the audience who accepted me back into the filming industry, thank you.” Kazuya bowed. “Honestly, I was afraid if I would not meet the audience expectation of my character, having a huge gap in acting but thankfully, the response was unexpectedly good. The both of us had developed a great bond with the rest of the casts and staff therefore even though filming was hard, it had truly been an enjoyable moment.” She finished her speech, her lips curved into a smile.
“Yes, thank you.” The announcer seemed awed by Kazuya’s ending speech; it had always been this good. “Can the both of you give us one last pose to the camera?”
“Sure.” Jin said, placing his arm on Kazuya’s waist as he pulled her closer. The couple smiled at the camera, proud at their achievement for the last three months. Their hard work had been paid off, bringing in good result in the end.
“Bye Bye!” They waved before walking out of the door, and towards their dressing room.
Because they had each other, they were able to go this far.
After an exhausting three months of filming, Kazuya and Jin finally had quality time to spend together without any interruptions. It was true that their dressing rooms were next to each other’s and that they practically stayed in one of the rooms given.
The minute they laid down next to one another to have a rest or a snuggle, someone … someone just had to knock at that damn door, be it one of the staff or casts. There wasn’t any peace at all, to tell the truth. Jin would always have to untangle himself from his girlfriend as he got up to answer the door while Kazuya sat up straight, her gaze locked to the door.
Back to present time, Jin was done parking his car, the engine switched off completely.
“Let’s go?”
Kazuya nodded, getting out of the car and waited for Jin to come to her side. He held her hand warmly, locking the car with his free hand, placing the remote back into his jeans pocket.
The couple headed for the elevator, they couldn’t wait to be home.
Just by a simple tapping onto the card reader, the door to their home opened instantly, the lights brightened up the once dark corners of the apartment as the couple walked inside, hands intertwined.
“Tadaima!” Kazuya said out loud, even though there was practically no one in the house before them. It had become a habit ever since reuniting with Jin.
Jin smirked. “Okaeri, sweetheart.” He abruptly pulled his girlfriend closer, crushing their lips together causing her to squeal in surprise, dropping her handbag to the floor. Kazuya hit him playfully on the back as punishment for startling her like that but did not pull away, instead she closed her eyes and lean deeper to the kiss.
“Jin ….” Kazuya smiled, totally enjoying the moment. She pouted when he suddenly pulled away. Jin’s heart melted at that cute pout of hers and so he planted a quick kiss on those lips before breaking away yet again. “Why, Jin?” She complained, obviously not satisfied.
“We could spend the whole night just kissing. I’m sure we have other important things to do, right?” Jin pacified his girlfriend, flashing a smile.
“Such as …?”
“Hmm …” Jin placed his thumb on his chin, pretending to be in a deep thought before answering Kazuya’s query. “Like taking a warm bath together, with kisses a part of it … and then we could cuddle to sleep. What do you think?” He winked playfully.
“Love it.” Kazuya replied, wrapping her arms around Jin’s neck. “Jin, I’m tired. Carry me?” She whispered in a tired tone.
“Anything you command, sweetheart.” He immediately carried her bridal style, holding his baby firmly as he headed towards their bedroom. It had been a tiring day for the both of them, and they were glad they were finally able to have some moment alone.
Just the two of them …
The once sleepy Kazuya became wide awake the minute she entered the warm filled water, her body soaked wet. She heaved out a sigh of satisfaction at this feeling of luxury. Blowing a handful of bubbles, Kazuya giggled as she was reminded how fun it was to do that, she felt like a kid every time she does that.  
Jin, who was seated not far from Kazuya, smiled at this childish side of her. It had been five minutes since the both of them entered the Jacuzzi, and they hadn’t had any contact since then. Shaking his head with a smile, he too understood that sometimes they need some time alone … even if they’re practically in the same space, and only an arm’s away.
Foam of bubbles fly his way, Jin tilted his head instinctively, only to hear small laughter from Kazuya. He blinked.
“You looked lonely, Jin.” Kazuya teased. Moving closer to her boyfriend, she sat on his lap, her head leaning on his shoulder as she looked up at him. “Better?”
“More than you can ever imagine.” Jin leaned down to capture her lips into a kiss.
Lying on the bed, Kazuya’s eyes gazed at Jin’s tiredly. Understanding this, he kissed her lovingly on the forehead, switching off the lamp with ease as he wrapped his arms over her waist, to which Kazuya responded by snuggling closer.
“Good night.” He whispered.
For the entire week, the couple had nothing in their schedule, simply spending alone time together, creating new memories at the same time. So when Kazuya suddenly received a phone call from the management, informing her that she had a magazine photo shoot in the afternoon, she scowled in irritation.
That photo shoot out of nowhere ruined her day with Jin as she was in a middle of yet another date with him. She hated it, knowing that she had to cut their date short.
“I’m sorry, Jin.” Kazuya apologised again when they’ve arrived in front of a familiar building.
“Don’t be.” He reassured her with a smile. “You know how our management works. It’s unpredictable especially with Johnny-san. Besides we did get to enjoy a week’s break without anyone disturbing us at all. That was pretty much a luxury.”
“True.” Kazuya sighed.
“Call me when you’re done, okay? I’ll pick you up.”
Kazuya nodded, kissing Jin on the lips before walking out of the car, waving to her boyfriend till the car was out of sight.

“Bikini???” Her mouth gaped open when the stylist informed her of the costume she was supposed to wear. It was true that Kazuya had experienced half naked photo shoots when she was a male but that was different. She is now a female hence innocence of her body was one of the important things that she had to protect from now on furthermore she couldn’t do it without consulting Jin.
It was just a photo shoot but still ….
Kazuya turned to face her manager with a pleading look, there was no way she would wear that two piece lingerie. It would be too revealing! The one that was able to see her sexy body was Jin and only him. Kazuya’s manager was about to voice out on that issue when someone interrupted him.
“Good evening! I’m sorry I’m late!”
Kazuya’s eyes widened her thoughts fuzzy with puzzlement as she gazed at the taller man that had just entered the studio.
Mizushima Hiro?

She blinked.
Kazuya heaved out a sigh as she changed into a tube dress, the length reached slightly below her thighs. She was thankful that her manager had understood her hesitance in wearing a bikini therefore he had talked to the stylist on her behalf.
“This is so short.” Kazuya whispered, scanning her dress as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She sighed yet again. “Well this is better than a bikini.” She put on the shoe the stylist had given her, walking out of the dressing room and towards the stage set.
Kazuya bowed at the actor who would be her partner alongside the photo shoot. Thinking that the latter would act all cool, judging from his demeanour, it rather surprised her that he bowed as well, gulping in nervousness.
At this, Kazuya could not help but flash a small reassuring smile.
Taking a deep breathe, she nodded at the photographer, signalling that she was ready. It certainly would be a sexy photo shoot with Mizushima Hiro in a black suit, but if the poses required of them were too extreme, Kazuya knew what she had to then.
One will never know when it comes to An An magazine …
Author’s Note: This chapter is short, I know. Had been having writer’s block for this story, took me a really long time but in the end I managed to finish it. Feel free to suggest on how you want Jin to be jealous of the An An magazine photo shoot between Kazuya and Hiro-kun. Definitely expect some jealousy from Jin in the next chapter! *winks*

a twist of fate

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