Love after Marriage (Akame version - one shot)

Feb 08, 2008 16:41

Title: Love after Marriage (Akame version - one shot)
Author: hanez
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Angst, AU
Summary: Kazuya was forced into marrying her senior of two years after a supposedly scandal, falling into a world she couldn't  very well adapt to. Thus even when the both of them had the 'husband and wife' title, they weren't like one. It was a pretence, perhaps only for Kazuya as Jin deeply is in love with her. For Kazuya, she acted as if the marriage hadn't happened, not realising the hurt she was causing on Jin.
Notes: Based on A Twist of Fate’s, drama story. Read that chapter if you haven’t, and you’ll understand the reason for this one-shot.
Disclaimer: Characters once again don’t belong to me.


They were University students. He was two years older than her, she had just turned 20. They were young and innocent, still oblivious to the real meaning of Love. Due to an unexpected scandal, they were forced to marry. Jin was delighted to hear of the news since he had held a torch for Kazuya since the first time he had seen her. Nevertheless, for Kazuya she treated him just like a stranger even though they were husband and wife in title.

The marriage ring to her is simply an accessory and does not mean anything special.

Despite knowing the fact that his wife had no feelings for him, Jin treated her same, full with love and care she truly deserves.


It was Kazuya's 20th Birthday so her close friends had thrown her a party at a Club, renting a private room for them. Being in this type of place was completely new to her therefore once the party was over. She immediately excused herself to leave despite the protesting coming from her friends.

Making her way to the exit, she stopped when she saw a familiar person slumped on one of the couch at a secluded corner. His eyes tightly shut, his cheeks red, and his hair in a messy state. Acting on instinct, Kazuya had rushed to the unconscious man.

"Jin-senpai." She whispered, shaking him lightly on the shoulder. As if sensing that someone was near, his eyes slowly fluttered open, focusing to the figure of Kazuya, his eyes softened as he looked at her with a strange demeanor. "Kazu ..." He mumbled softly but not soft enough for Kazuya not to catch it.

They were not that close for him to be calling her nickname. Pushing away the uneasy feeling, she helped him to his feet, supporting him by placing her arms around his waist. Amidst the crowd and loud music, she had managed to lead them out of the Club.

Kazuya had hailed a cab, was about to push the drunk man inside when he suddenly wrapped his arms to her, tight as if not wanting to let go of her so soon. Heaving out a sigh, she entered the vehicle, pulling Jin with her.

"Jin-senpai, where do you live? Jin-senpai!" Kazuya shouted, realising that there wouldn't be any response from her senior, she awkwardly said, "Hmm, to the hotel, please." She rolled her eyes in exasperation when she noticed the small grin coming from the driver.

It was not as if they were going to a love hotel.


Kazuya mouthed a soft thank you to the driver, bracing herself to support her senior despite having much difficulty. He was so heavy in his drunken state. She had used his credit card to book a room, her idea was to place him on the bed and leave immediately therefore when the latter pulled her along with him, she shrieked in shock.

Her body crushed against his built chest, her face inches away from Jin. Her eyes widened at the sudden close proximity between her and her senior. The moment Kazuya wanted to pull away, Jin tightened his hold on her. Therefore for the rest of the night, she stayed beside him, soon fast asleep.

This image would look peaceful to others though it may not seem to in reality.


Jin's eyes fluttered open, he was surprised to find the woman he love in his arms, mesmerised by the beauty Kazuya naturally own. Too caught on, his hand lightly brushed away the hair covering her eyes. He wished that this moment could stop but that movement alone had caused her to stir, waking up from her deep slumber.

She sat up straight as she looked at the older man in fear. "You were drunk yesterday. Since I don't know where you lived, I brought you here. You just refuse to let me go after that." The last sentence was barely a whisper. Without wasting any second, Kazuya got up from the bed. "Nothing happened. So please just forget about this incident." She bowed and left.
Alone in the room, Jin's expression turned that of sorrow.
The newspapers on Monday morning was all about them, pictures of them entering the hotel, reporters writing false news furthermore since both of them was from a well known family, this piece of news had tarnished their family name.
Kazuya, being an easygoing person, had managed to convince her parents that there had been nothing going on between Jin and her, but it had not been easy for him. His family did not take it in a negative way but was more excited when the supposed scandal broke out. They really believed that the two had something special.
"But you love her, don't you, Jin?" He remained silent when his mother brought up the question. Though Jin refused to answer her, she knew. Her son could never lie to her, unable to meet her gaze.
That was enough to answer her question.
Akanishi family was hanging out together, doing some shopping. The men carried most of the items while the lady of the house only carried a few light ones. Kazuya happened to be at the same place, walking towards the car park where her eldest brother was waiting.
A car was suddenly speeding in the direction of Jin who hadn't been aware. His mother was about to shout out his name when Kazuya appeared from behind and pulled Jin towards her, missing the vehicle only by a small distance. This action being watched by his family.
"Are you okay?" Kazuya looked at the older man in concern, still holding him in her arms. Jin nodded his head as he moved apart, "Thank you." He flashed her a small smile. Releasing her hold on him, Kazuya left the scene, rushing towards her eldest brother's parked car.
Meanwhile Jin looked at the retreating figure with a longing gaze.
Jin's family suddenly grew a liking to the girl named Kamenashi Kazuya. They had seen for themselves how she had reacted instinctively to Jin being in danger, pulling him to safety. She had almost risked her life if things hadn't gone her way.
Kazuya had the qualities they wanted for a daughter in law and so they suggested a marriage proposal. Jin on hearing this declined at once, reasoning that there was nothing between them to begin with, what more to tie them together with marriage? Mrs Akanishi walked towards her son, patting his shoulder, she calmly said, "But don't you want to hear her answer?"
He became eerily silent soon after that, falling into a deep train of thoughts.
The Akanishi had a way in having Kazuya's agreement to the marriage proposal. Without Jin's knowledge, they had blackmailed her family, offering them more business if the marriage is successful. This had caught Kazuya into a dilemma, unsure of whether to do the right thing or follow her heart.

She was just twenty! She's still too young to enter the world of marriage.

Furthermore she has yet to experience what love truly is.


The marriage eventually did happen, Jin and Kazuya held their wedding Banquet at one of Japan's famous hotels. Kazuya had relented to the marriage proposal, acknowledging her agreement even though her heart feels otherwise. The moment they were pronounced man and wife, she realized that she had made a mistake. She felt nothing when her newly-made husband bent down to kiss her.

It had been too late for regret.

Akanishi Jin flashed a smile bright as a sun, his happiness clearly evident by his expression. He gazed at his wife full of love, not believing that she was finally his. All throughout the Banquet, Kazuya smiled but it wasn't a smile coming from her heart.

She acted cheerfully alongside her groom when their wedding photos were being taken.


The couple had moved into their own luxurious apartment, a wedding present from both of their parents. Kazuya was standing by the window of their bedroom, anxiously glancing at the bathroom door every one minute. She immediately turned her gaze back to the sky once the door opened, feeling uneasy when she felt arms wrapping around her waist.

"I'm really happy." Jin whispered in her ear, kissing her neck as he pulled her close.

Kazuya's heart was beating rapidly, being in this position felt too awkward to her thus she pushed Jin away, her expression changed to that of frighten. "I'm sorry but I can't be more of what you wanted. This marriage ... I agreed because I was forced to, not because I wanted it. That is why ..." She crossed her arms warily, looking down.

"Did my family have something to do with this?" Jin's voice soft, totally not expecting this to happen. When he received only silence, he understood. Taking his pajamas from the closet, he turned to face his wife for a moment. "Don't worry. I won't do anything you don't want to. I'll sleep in the guest room." His eyes reflected sadness the minute his back faced Kazuya.

Though she felt guilty for hurting him, Kazuya was glad that Jin understood.


From them on, it was just pretending from the both of them. They slept in different rooms, eat alone, something that married couples shouldn't do. Kazuya treated him the same as before, almost made it seemed like a senior and junior relationship but in the views of the public and their parents, they made sure that they acted normally like a married couple.

Kazuya had no problems with acting but what she did not realise that all the pretence was hurting her husband deep inside, moreover with the way she treated him, and it hurts even more. She had not noticed the look Jin flashed whenever she acted close with him, her hand placed on top of his as she gazed at him sweetly.

All these were fake, just a mere pretence.


He treated her lovingly, caring her with tender despite Kazuya still not accepting him as her husband. This was the only was he could tell her that he loves her. He hoped that one day she would come to love him and accept him as who he was. Months passed by, the situation remained the same though.

Kazuya had made new friends, enjoying her youth partying, coming home late at night. Jin became too overly worried one night so he followed her, watching her close at all times. When she made a move to leave, he immediately got up from his seat.

A group of drunken man gathered around her the moment Kazuya walked out of the Club, teasing her with crude words. Being the strong woman she was, she pushed them away hard, giving them a deadly glare. Even so, it was just one against many others, she wasn't strong enough.

"Stay away from her!" Jin suddenly appeared in front of Kazuya, shielding her from the men. He punched the leader hard when he tried to attack him. That verbal action made the other guys to run away in fear.

Jin grabbed Kazuya's hand, guided her towards his car without saying anything.


The couple sat opposite one another in the living room's couch. Kazuya with her hand crossed, Jin looked at her with concern.

"I understand your hunger for freedom, you're still young. It doesn't matter how you treat me but could you at least respect me as your husband? It's okay to have fun once in awhile but don't do it as you like. This house is not a hotel." Jin spoke calmly, trying to reason with her. He was not trying to offend her but it did, she took his words as an insult.

Kazuya looked up at him with a glare. "You were the one who agreed to our marriage condition, that you wouldn't interfere in my affairs." She stopped for a second before continuing, "I have the right to do whatever I want! I've been suffocating all these while being married to you! I couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything I want freely without your consent! Why am I doing all these things when you're nobody to me? Can't you just leave me alone?" She vented her anger, letting it all out.

"Is that what you think of me?" Jin whispered, his tone that of hurt. There were traces of tears in his eyes, glazing brightly at his wife. The living room was filled with silence before Jin broke it, gazing at Kazuya full of hurt. "If that's what you want ..." He got up from the couch, heading in the direction of the guest room. Jin stopped midway.

"One more thing … I want you to know that I love you ... I thought that I could make you feel the same for me but I guess I was wrong." He smiled at Kazuya sadly, “After all, I’m just a nobody to you.”

Akanishi Jin had never looked so broken. It was as if a part of him was gone. With heavy steps, he disappeared into the guest room. Kazuya watched with an unsettling heart, realising that her outburst had caused much pain to Jin.

His words affected her greatly, seeing a side of her husband that she never knew existed.


The next morning, Kazuya realised that Jin’s belongings were gone, only a note was left for her on the dressing table. Her heart felt a pinch of pain when she read it.

I’ll be staying in a hotel for awhile. That way, you can have the space to yourself.

This was what she wanted, wasn’t it? But why does her heart ache so much? It felt as if it’s bleeding with hurt.


A week had passed. Jin still had not returned home resulting in Kazuya feeling worried. He was nowhere to be found when she tried to search for him in school, neither was he contactable by phone. Hence when Kazuya finally met him by chance in the library, a small smile appeared on her face.

Jin locked gaze with her for a split second, his eyes reflected the same pain as that night. Holding his books firmly, he walked pass her without a thought, acting as if he had not seen her. It hurts too much knowing his feelings weren’t returned.

For Kazuya, she now understood the pain Jin felt whenever she took chances to slip away from him. Though until this point of time, she still doesn’t understand the meaning of all this. Instead of discovering the source of her pain, she had chosen to ignore it.

Everything would go back to normal, she believed.


Despite the torn relationship between them, Kazuya continued to make full use of her youth, partying like there was no tomorrow. There was no one who would give her an earful the minute she stepped inside the apartment, greeted with only darkness and silence.

The loneliness was slowly getting to her therefore to get rid of it, Kazuya headed straight to the Club after school. The loudness of the music made her forget everything for a short moment. Her heart would already be numb when she reached home.

It was lonely, so lonely.


Jin hadn’t been home for a monththerefore when Kazuya heard the clinging of keys and the sound of the door opened and closed, she hurriedly walked out of the bedroom. In front of her stood none other than her husband, looking really worn out.

“Just give me five minutes then I’ll go.” He whispered, handing her a brown piece of envelope. “I thought I’ll fulfill your wish of freedom. With this, there won’t be anyone stopping you from doing anything you like.”

Kazuya looked up at her husband in shock, knowing very well what that meant.

“Because I love you, I’m letting you go.”

Her heart froze, dropping the envelope at the same time the door clicked closed, her eyes glistening with tears. Her strength of power instantly vanished as she dropped to the floor, dejected.


Six months … they had been married for six months,all this while Kazuya had been blind of Jin’s unconditional love towards her. He had given her the perfect care while she simply treated their relationship nothing more than a mere acquaintance. Due to her ego, she had refused to give in to his requests.

Jin had treated her like a wife but she had never treated or respected him as her husband. Only now did she realise that she had inflicted much hurt on him. Jin was always there for her, he was by her side when she needed someone to turn to. He had taken care of her without a word of complaint the times Kazuya had fallen ill.

She looked up at their framed wedding photo sadly. Memories came flowing back, she had crushed Jin’s heart on the day of the wedding itself, suddenly remembering the sad expression he had put on when she had told him of the truth.

Kazuya was too involved with the freedom she felt she had been deprived of that she forgets that she had a husband named Akanishi Jin, that he was a part of her without her realising and that without him, she was nothing.

She felt the ring on her finger, brushing it lightly. For the first time in her life, she finally realise what she truly wants.


Pressing the bell to the hotel room, Kazuya waited anxiously for the door to open. Seconds later, Jin came face to face with her, surprised at her sudden appearance at this time of the night.

“Can ... can we talk?” She gripped the handle of her handbag hard, nervousness in her system. Once inside, Kazuya slowly pulled out the divorce papers from her bag. Jin acted on assumption the moment he sees the papers, his eyes reflected sadness as he finally understood the reason why Kazuya was here.

“I didn’t sign it.” She whispered, holding onto the papers rather firmly as she looked up at her husband with mixed emotions. Confusion arises in Jin, not getting what Kazuya was trying to tell him so he remained silent, and just listen to what she had to say.

“I’ve just entered the world of adulthood so the idea of being married doesn’t really sink in to me. I thought I couldn’t fully enjoy what the other single youths are experiencing. It would have been really fun if I was in their position. Since a child, I had dreamt of finding my true love, getting married and have kids with him. So when I was forced into marrying you, my dreams shattered.”

At this point of time, Jin looked at Kazuya thoughtfully. He too felt that he was partly responsible for their current state of marriage. If he had taken the chance to get know her well before the marriage, perhaps this wouldn’t have happened.

“That is why I acted as if the marriage hadn’t occurred. But when you handed me the divorce papers, my heart crushed. I started to realise important things that I thought never existed. You were always with me, the thought of not seeing you again finally dawned upon me. It scared me even. At that moment, I realise … I can’t live a life without you.” Her brown orbs glimmered with tears, her tone cracking. “I would be lying if I say I don’t love you. Jin, I …”

Kazuya’s words were interrupted as Jin engulfed her in an embrace, holding her firmly as if afraid of her slipping away. “… love you.” She whispered, placing her hands onto Jin’s broad shoulders, grasping his shirt tightly. “Can we still save our marriage?” Kazuya blurted causing Jin to break away their hug and looked at her tenderly.

“I thought you would be happy with me out of your life, that way you could have the freedom you’ve always wanted.  Perhaps it would be better for me to just forget you even if it hurt because … wouldn’t it be useless to protect an empty marriage?”

Kazuya looked down in shame, fresh tears rolling down her face. Jin lifted up her chin, whispering in a soothing voice, “But I’m happy to know what you truly feel for me. It took you a lot of courage to come here, am I right?” Seeing the nod from his wife, he smiled, pulling her back into his arms. “Then I’m sure we can work things out between us.”

A part of Kazuya broke, touched at how caring Jin was. “I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry.” She sobbed, the tears flowing freely. Meanwhile, Jin simply comforted her with reassuring words, brushing her long hair gently.

Jin was her one true love after all. They were made for each other.



In the school campus, the married couple was inseparable. Despite being in different classes due to the fact that Jin was two years senior, they made it a point to spend some time together during their break. Kazuya was glad that she didn’t give up on their marriage for she felt the pure happiness after resolving things with Jin.

If only she had accepted Jin as who is earlier, she would have tasted the happiness of being married to a wonderful man as him much earlier. But what matters now is their present and future, the past she would lock it as her memories.

Kazuya squealed in excitement as she sees her year-end exam results, “Jin!!!!” Holding the small envelope, she ran towards the place where she knew her husband would be waiting. Without any hesitation, she jumped onto him.

“Good results, huh?” Jin teased, wrapping his arms onto her waist. “So … now that the exams are over, we can finally have our honeymoon as we had planned. Right, honey?”

“Hmm.” Kazuya blushed.

It took them long enough to find a way to each other’s arms but it was never too late to share their happiness together. Love after marriage hadn’t stopped them from getting to know each other better, for every moment they spend together, they would surely cherish them. Therefore even at such a young age, the both of them would protect their marriage with all their will.


Author’s Note: I hope you understand this story well despite it being a one-shot. I tried to include only the important points so there you have it with Love after Marriage, Akame one-shot version. I don’t think I’ll have the time to write this story as a multi-chapter unless anyone wants to co-write it with me. I’m struggling with two ongoing multi-chapter fics, it isn’t easy switch to one fic to the other. For you writers, you’d understand. *winku*

fanfic: one-shot

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