A Twist of Fate [19/?]

Feb 01, 2008 01:26

Title: A Twist of Fate
Pairing: Akame
Genre: Fluff, Drama, Romance, and Fantasy
Rating: PG 13
Summary: The story of Kamenashi Kazuya who had transformed into a woman permanently, she was not going to return to her original gender, she was given between two choices, and she had wisely chosen one though it would have to hurt for her, as she would lose everything she loves and care about, that includes her beloved Akanishi Jin.
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me in any way, I don't own anything from this fic. 
Warning: GIRL!Kame !!! Read it at your own risk!

Chapter 19


With the Tokyo Dome concert being over, KAT-TUN members had some free time on their own before returning to their respective assigned jobs. During this period, Kazuya was rumoured to have a winter drama coming up. Although there was no evidence to the baseless rumour, fans were delighted hoping for it to be true.

All was unclear even the lady herself was not aware of the rumour spreading wide on the tabloids and newspapers. Not until Koki asked her about it. Of course, Kazuya was totally clueless. She blinked her eyes. Her mouth gaped as she stared at her friend in mere confusion.

Taking a seat on the couch of KAT-TUN's dressing room, she browsed through the newspaper, amazed that the media could dig out information earlier than her who was completely oblivious. The papers only mentioned that she would be in a new Winter drama besides adding opinions of their own.

Since Kazuya had not appeared in any drama for a year long, this had grabbed the media attention's, wanting to find out more news regarding the issue. Furthermore, her new change spiced the rumours even more.

If the rumour were true, this would be her first drama after a year break, and also the first as an actress after her change.

Curiosity speaks her mind and although she wants to find out the truth from all these rumour, she knew too well how her company works. If they have something to inform her, they will. After all there could not be a rumour without a source, wouldn't it? Therefore even if she'll have to wait a long time to hear the truth, she will still wait.

There was no other choice anyway since the Jimusho wouldn't tell her anything even if she did ask.

When Kazuya was called up to Johnny's Office, she was no longer surprised when Johnny-san informed her that she would be having a Winter drama. It was not yet revealed officially to the public since it was still in a midst of discussion. The broadcaster would be none other than Nihon Terebi, NTV. The casts and storyline was unknown.

A large smile appeared on her face once she was out of the office, suddenly feeling excited over this great news. She ran in the direction of KAT-TUN's dressing room to find the first person she wanted to share this news with.


“Jin!!” Kazuya flung her arms onto her boyfriend's neck, jumping in excitement. Jin was surprised at her sudden appearance but immediately secured his arms onto her thin waist, his shocked expression changed into a sweet and loving one. 
“Drama ...” She murmured.

Jin broke them apart, gazing at her brown orbs, signaling for her to continue.

“The Winter drama rumour is true! Johnny-san just told me!” Kazuya cheerfully told Jin, shaking his arms lightly. Hearing this, he smiled at her, waiting for her to calm down before responding to her news.

“I'm happy for you. This is a new start for you as an idol.” Jin said honestly. The drama would take up most of Kazuya's time, which meant less time for them to spend together, but he was willing to go through it. She truly deserved this after all the hard work she put in.

“So what will be the drama all about?” He asked.

“I have no idea ... Only know that I'll be in a drama as a lead. That's all I was told.” Kazuya answered, flashing Jin an unknowing look. She knew that all would be revealed soon enough.

Till then, there won't be anymore secret.


Knowing that Kazuya would not have a peace of mind unless the details of her new drama were revealed, Jin had asked her out on a date, hoping that that would ease her troubled thoughts.

Stepping inside their dressing room, Jin smiled sweetly at his girlfriend who was pacing front and back, her eyes closed. She was probably thinking about the drama again. He stood in front of her causing Kazuya to bump into him with a small yelp.

“Let’s go shopping.” Jin held her hand the next moment, grabbing their bags and left the room.

“Jin!” That familiar voice brought him back to the real world as he turned to face the love of his life, sporting a new pair of clothes she had tried on. It was simple, a pair of faded bootcut jeans paired with a white long sleeved lace blouse but it displayed Kazuya’s beauty. “How do I look?” Kazuya spin around so Jin could have a better view.

“Sexy.” Jin whispered, pushing Kazuya into the dressing cubicle and locked the door.

The couple walked out five minutes later looking all flushed. Realising that she was still in the outfit she had chosen, Kazuya immediately entered the dressing cubicle, not giving Jin a chance to react fast to that action.

Inside, she touched her lips unwarily, a smile creeping onto her face as she recalled the hot atmosphere that had occurred just a moment ago. It was a kiss overflowing with passion and love, Jin kissing her senselessly while she returned the favour by indulging in the great moment, allowing him to take complete control.

Jin was one hell of a good kisser, and only Kazuya could taste the luscious lips of his.


Besides purchasing clothes for herself, Kazuya had helped Jin out in choosing his, giving him a piece of her opinion as well. She had pushed him away whenever her boyfriend tried to pull her into the dressing cubicle with him. With a furious blush, Kazuya waited patiently outside.

An hour had passed by quickly. They were too indulged in shopping that they had not taken note of the time. Therefore without wasting any moment, they headed towards the counter.

Once they were done with the payment, Jin took a few of the shopping bags out of his girlfriend's hold, his free hand encircling Kazuya's waist as the couple walked out of the Boutique side by side.


They were in disguise, walking along the street shops in Harajuku. Neither of them was afraid of getting discovered since this was a place where shoppers were mostly in street style fashion. Nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to wear sunglasses to cover their faces. Only a minority of fans managed to recognise them of which the couple just smiled and continued with their shopping.

While strolling down the shops, Jin held a protective arm around Kazuya's waist, guiding her amongst the crowd. Unless he had to, he would not let go of his hold on her. Even so, he made sure that Kazuya would not be an arm's length away from him, constantly looking out for her.

He was a protective and caring boyfriend after all.


Kazuya slumped down on the bed beside Jin the minute she walked out of the bathroom, still in her robe. She closed her eyes and snuggled in closer when Jin pulled her towards him. She felt soft fingers brushing her long curly hair, a movement that had tempted her to fall deep in sleep.

It was peaceful just lying next to one another.


The promotional video of the Winter drama was shown, and since the casts had not yet been finalised, only Kazuya was filmed. It was rather nerve wrecking for her as she had been informed about it in the very last minute. Furthermore she was alone, simply following the instructions given.

Thankfully she was given the script beforehand and had read it, understanding a little about the character she would be portraying for the next 3 months. The storyline was revealed to the public.

“Love after Marriage”

Matsushima Yuna, a 20 year old university student who was forced to marry her senior of two years after their alleged scandal. Fujiwara Hiroki, 22 years old, came from a wealthy family and is the school's eligible bachelor. Hiroki's family took interest in her when she had saved him from a tragedy that would have happened if it weren’t for her.

The family proposed marriage to Yuna who had no choice but to accept since they would resort to blackmailing if she were to disagree. Hiroki knew nothing about this though. Yuna’s life had turned to hell the moment she married someone she didn't love, Hiroki was just a stranger to her.

But without her knowledge, Hiroki in truth is in love with Yuna, he had been the moment he saw her in University. And now, living a marriage without love from both sides truly hurts. He truly wished that one day Yuna would come to love him.

Would his love be returned by the stubborn and arrogant Yuna? Or would she still refuse to listen to the voices of her heart?

It was certainly a heart whelming love story. Kazuya really liked it when she read the script. Nervousness filled her system not knowing who would play as her love interest.

Somehow for this part, she couldn’t think of anyone else but him.


KAT-TUN all gathered at Ueda’s apartment to have dinner together, Kazuya being the one in charge of cooking and the rest helping out in setting the table. As they munched on the delicious food the youngest member prepared, Koki broke the silence and started the conversation among them.

“Do you know … since the cast still remains a mystery, fans had started to write in requests on who they think should be the lead actor.” Koki said, suddenly appearing knowledgeable on this matter. “Do you want to know who has the highest requests?” He grinned knowingly.

“Of course, it would be me.” Junno said in a teasing tone only to receive a whack on the head by Kazuya and a hard glare by Jin aka The Boyfriend. “I was just joking!” Junno defended, waving his hands.

“So who?” Ueda ignored the other man, crossing his arms in irritation.

“Jin.” Koki answered, continued on with his dinner resulting in the dumbfounded looks on the five members. All but Jin seemed to process the information. He had the word confusion written on his forehead as Jin stared at Koki.

Fans had started to write in requests on who should be the lead actor … Jin.

“Ahh!” Suddenly it dawned on him, finally understanding what Koki had meant. “Fans wanted me to be Fujiwara Hiroki?” His eyes wide, feeling excited.

Koki sighed and nodded. “Who wouldn’t want to see the famous Akame acting together again? It’d be like Gokusen2 times; only that Kazuya’s a girl now.”

Fans had requested but they did not know that the role of Fujiwara Hiroki had already belonged to Akanishi Jin from the start. It would be a good surprise to everyone when it was time to reveal everything to light.


Jin stepped inside the NTV Building, totally clueless as to why he was here for.  Johnny-san had called him suddenly, instructing him to be there immediately. That was the boss. He could not possibly say 'No', could he? There will be a staff waiting for him at the lobby.

"Akanishi-san." The staff bowed, guiding him to the arranged place. Jin's eyes wide in surprise when he realised that he was being led into the studio's meeting room.  The door opened to reveal Kazuya and what seem to be the cast members of her new drama.

What is the meaning of this?

“Jin?” Kazuya mouthed her boyfriend’s name, looking equally puzzled as Jin who stood by the door in uncertainty. Feeling the sudden awkwardness in this meeting room, she left her seat, took Jin’s hand in hers before settling down once again.

Somehow Kazuya could deduce the good news by now, silently hoping.

“Akanishi-san, you would be acting alongside Kamenashi-san as the lead actor. I apologise for informing you late but this was the request from Johnny-san so it couldn’t be helped. Don’t worry.  It won’t be until three weeks later for filming to start so you would have ample time to study your character.” The director explained.

Kazuya turned to face Jin excitedly. She looked at him in concern when he did not respond to her callings. “Jin?” She shook his arm lightly.

He blinked as his mind slowly processed the newly given information. Jin took everyone in surprise when he suddenly stood up, his eyes shone in delight. “Eh? Is this really the truth, Director-san? You’re not playing a joke on me?” When the director shook his head, Jin pulled his girlfriend up to her feet and embraced her happily, forgetting that they were not alone.

Kazuya however was aware that they were being watched nevertheless this moment was too precious to let go, it would be selfish of them to keep their happiness all to themselves so let it spread to others.

Their love is without any barrier.


The press conference of ‘Love after Marriage’ was held. Jin and Kazuya who sat beside each other took away most of the attention from the media being one of the hottest couple in the entertainment industry.

The three months of filming would certainly be filled with sweet memories of them together.


Author’s Note: The first clothes Kazuya had tried on while out shopping with Jin, casual yet sexy. Pic click here! The small angst will come soon, I’m still thinking on how to write it. I’m really considering writing ‘Love after Marriage’ Akame’s version. Maybe just a one-shot, let’s see.

Hmm, because I’m really desperate in owning KAT-TUN’s Calendar ... any Singaporean able to purchase it for me via YesAsia? I don’t own a credit card, and have no idea how Money Order works. CDJapan is too expensive. So this is probably my last resort. I’ll write you a one-shot Akame fanfic in return? Should order early from Kinokuniya next time. Sigh.


a twist of fate

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