Apparently Handy really loves his Roses. He may be starting a collection These aren't really...verses per se so much as a list of different Rose's he's had specific storylines for. And the details. So I don't mess them up.
Eggs for Breakfast with
roseoflegend, early along the timeline. Probably six months to a year, as there's nothing specific saying when it is, but it is somewhat implied they're at Rose's first birthday together. The TARDIS is old enough that traveling is a possibility, but not a practical one. He prefers the moniker Doctor John Smith.
Easter with
missrosetyler, At the three-to-five year mark, the TARDIS is now fully grown and ready to tackle the universe. And so are they. (He is wary about Tony tackling anything in his TARDIS, however) He seems to alternate between Doctor Smith and The Doctor.
Time babies with
earth_defender They've been married nine months, so one can assume it's been at least something like eighteen since arrival. The TARDIS would thus still be a wee baby. And it seems he may revist fatherhood. This verse has since spilled into Brokenverse, and the two have found themselves stuck in the wrong universe once again. At least they're trapped together.
NOTE: This Handy is still COMPLETELY open to Roses and verses (whether they be loosely termed or something more specific.) Seriously. Hit the mun up for one if you want. The mun will almost definitely say yes (Exceptions being heavy angsty things, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis)