handy_psychic May 15, 2009 02:00
emo bridgey is emo, ~rain (grimmjow), +sky (spike), ~renae, ~ghost, +bastet, ~harry (prongs), hiding in my happy place, ~tatsu, ~dyad (p/raise), event: revolving reveries, ~lucy, ic, +allen (cross), this is your brain on bridge, not quite all here
handy_psychic May 09, 2009 20:57
~tatsu, event: fire ant invasion, king of the pillows, ~lucy, +sky (spike), ic, ~renae, ~harry (prongs)
handy_psychic May 06, 2009 00:47
~tatsu, event: fire ant invasion, king of the pillows, ~lucy, ~doll (motoko), ic, ~renae, ~ghost, bridge!!!!, ~rose (kitty), this is your brain on bridge, ~harry (prongs), bridge is a dork
handy_psychic Mar 28, 2009 19:44
~tatsu, emo bridgey is emo, ~lucy, +sky (spike), event: a trip to the fourth floor, ic, ~renae, ~ghost, +bastet