This post does not run on happy faces.

Aug 28, 2010 15:50

Okay, so...first and foremost, I feel awful about doing this. But looking over my schedule recently - along with pulling myself though my first week of school - has made me realize that I need to seriously reorganize myself RP-wise. Not only am I already in another fairly active game, but I will also soon be moderating another that will leave me with many more responsibilities. This, on top of advanced classes that I'm taking in school, means that I cannot give - and, thus far, have not given - this game the attention and time that it truly deserves. Goodness know that, for the past month or so, I've been doing little more than character squatting, which isn't good at all.

So for now, Sora will be saying goodbye. I really owe everyone in this game a huge thank you. All of you have been incredibly warm and welcoming, and there was never a second where I didn't feel comfortable here, even if I never did play enough to show it. This is a wonderfully set-up game full of great people, and I hope that it continues to grow and get even better.

I really do hope that, one day, I get a chance to come back, or at least to see all of you again. All of you are welcome to friend my personal journal (rox_chan) if you happen to want to, or to just poke me randomly or...whatever, because I still love you guys.

Thank you all again for making my time here fun, and I'm sorry that I have to do this.


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