event shuffling and arena sign-ups!

Aug 27, 2010 05:00

This time it is completely okay to punch me, honest. So, arena event! ...We never did get around to it! :( It'll be moved to September since there weren't enough people around to participate, but I'll be holding sign-ups beginning today!

The way the arena will work is as follows: you sign up your characters and work them OOCly into parties that will be ICly randomized and matched up in a bracket system. We have 37 characters, so if at max everyone participates minus a mod's character, that's 36 people put into 3-person parties for 12 parties. There'll be two matches for each of three level brackets, coming down to one champion per bracket. The champion team will earn the right to go up against the current arena emperors, which are three NPCs. 3 on 1 are pretty good odds, huh? If we have less, then we'll just have to make the level tiers broader and cut down to two or even just one emperor.

We really want EVERYONE to participate in this! Please sign up in the comments and work out parties with each other by level, and go crazy with making a team name when you're done, posting it in the subject title. We'll just say the system was a bit glitchy, or maybe the GMs had some fun at the players' expense. I'll post an example in reply to this so you see how to do it!

Don't forget to update your levels with any achievements you've earned, as well! ♥

EDIT oh level tiers... would help rite lmfao I am the best mod. Anyway! The first tier is the Demon bracket, levels 1~10. The second tier is the Holy bracket, levels 11~20. And the third and final tier is the Sage tier, levels 21+.

is a level (#) (class here)!

team derp
team spin me right round
team neo arcadia

alwaysdelivers lvl.29 steam gunner

illuminatism lvl.27 edge punisher/macabre dancer

proclaimedrival lvl.25 harvest cleric

smilesforfree lvl.25 blade brandier

headphonerookie lvl.24 macabre dancer

powerlessfinale lvl.21 blade brandier/steam gunner

ventus_aerius lvl.17 twin blade

sirenspear lvl.?? lord partizan

crasherpacifist lvl.12 harvest cleric

team douchebag
team name
team name

longskirt lvl.01 blade brandier

shotgunfangirl lvl.01 steam gunner

bloody_pissed lvl.01 blade brandier/shadow warlock

lvl.x class

lvl.x class

lvl.x class

lvl.x class

lvl.x class

lvl.x class

And keep an eye out for our end of summer fling event, going up here shortly~

event information, !mod post

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