
Aug 10, 2009 10:13

Looks like I missed an exciting weekend.

Anthony, are you doing all right?

Kyle, were there pictures?

I remembered that I was going to put in a pond for the ducks. Would it be all right if I came over and started work on that? I imagine they're getting to a point where the bathtubs are too small.

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1/2 coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 14:25:32 UTC


coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 14:26:14 UTC
Yeah, I'm fine.

[ooc: HAI!!!!!!! and yes, strikes are hackable. as always]


Private // Unhackable handsomejack August 10 2009, 14:28:33 UTC
Just for future reference, I'm incredibly nosy and a hell of a hacker. So, I'll ask again, how are you doing, Kiddo?

[ooc: Hai! And consider yourself hacked Anthony. :D]


Private // Unhackable coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 14:35:05 UTC
I've been worse?

[ooc: sorry, he's a bit traumatized in a serious meaning of this word. he'll need poking. just don't poke for details as the tag's still ongoing]


Private // Unhackable handsomejack August 10 2009, 14:41:32 UTC

[ooc: Disbelieving Jack is disbelieving.]


Private // Unhackable coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 14:48:41 UTC
No... Not really.

I don't suppose we could just move on and not talk about it...


Private // Unhackable handsomejack August 10 2009, 14:52:24 UTC
We could but if there is one thing I can promise you, it won't make it better.

I'm not saying that every last detail needs to be hashed to death but it's not good to say you're fine, if you really aren't.

Anthony, I don't know the details but you didn't do anything wrong. You were under the influence of a curse.


Private // Unhackable coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 15:00:59 UTC
I'll still have to appologize to Cassie. It's only right... I mean as soon as I get myself together, find some courage and go see her at the hospital...

See, I know it was a curse, and... I know nobody will hold meresponsible for what I did or said or thought... And I'm pretty okay with forgetting the entire thing even happen. It's just...

Those powers that I had? They belong to someone else. Someone I know. And...


Private // Unhackable handsomejack August 10 2009, 15:05:30 UTC
Now you're aware there is this other side to your friend and you're not sure how you feel about it?


Private // Unhackable coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 15:12:04 UTC
That's the thing. I know exactly how I feel about it. I'm scared out of my mind. And I don't want to be. Thomas... He deserves my trust.


Private // Unhackable handsomejack August 10 2009, 15:43:04 UTC
Anthony, there is nothing wrong with having a healthy respect and understanding for a person's potential. Talk to Ianto about what it was like, living and knowing me.

In our right minds, Thomas and I would never deliberately hurt people we care about or innocents but it's like handling a gun. There is always the potential for danger and you need to always be aware of that.

I can understand you want to trust your friend and if you believe in him, you should but I don't think he would feel betrayed if you also showed you now have a healthy understanding of what he is capable of and won't put yourself in harms way out of ignorance of what could happen.

In fact, he'd probably find it comforting.


Private // Unhackable coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 16:02:05 UTC
Yeah... Right. I don't know about that comfort bit... If I were him, I'd prefer to keep that part of me hidden as deep as possible...

I don't know how someone could live with that kind of power inside...

[ooc: well at least unlike kyle, jack doesn't tell him to stay away from thomas. /hugs]


Private // Unhackable handsomejack August 10 2009, 16:07:23 UTC
Sometimes you don't have a choice, Anthony and if it's all he's ever known...

Hiding who you are never helps. The truth always comes out.

[ooc: Jack would point out that at least Thomas's power comes from the need to feed. Jack is a killer without remorse for lesser reasons. At least, in his eyes. :)]


Private // Unhackable coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 16:16:00 UTC
Is there... Is there something equally scary in you, Captain?


Private // Unhackable handsomejack August 10 2009, 16:19:09 UTC

In fact I'd say it's worse.


Private // Unhackable coffeenspeed August 10 2009, 16:23:00 UTC



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