May 05, 2008 10:30

It's funny, I've never done well being still for long. I mean, sure I was trapped on Earth for over 100 years but I was always up to something, searching for something, reaching for something.

Sometimes the stillness of this City makes me feel bridled. I'm sure it's a test of some sort, teach me how to calm my own itchy feet but perhaps I'm still too young for the lesson. I don't know.

Doctor? Do you happen to have a insertnameoftechnologicaldoohickeyhere on the TARDIS? I'm trying to make a anotherfancydoohickeyhere from what I could find in a dumpster and I've almost got it but I need a finer tool than I have on me.

Ianto, I apologize for the mess. I promise I'll clean it up.

Tosh, I was in your box of shinies again. I promise I'll replenish the shiny collection this week.

shinythingsyay!, lee, lady who might now want to kill me, cori, jack is futzing, iantocoffeekingjones, my toshiko, the doctor, blue

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