it's pouring outside now. yesss. it has been unbearably humid these past few days. i hope this rain cools it off. I am supposed to be in Criminal Law but i am instead at the library waiting for the Radio city Katrina Benefit to go onsale. It should be really cool in the end and it will make next week interesting and i have something to look forward to. it's also for a good cause so heeey how could i not go!? :) i need to go to the bank asap and i hope PETCO gives me my paycheck soon. very soon. I hope it rains a ton when i am at work so that we aren't busy. oops. did i say that? yes. yes i did.
last night before i went to bed i was able to snag a pair of Trey Anastasio tickets for vegas! sweet. one less thng to worry about. So, now everything is all set with Vegas and everything is paid off. *bounces around the room*
I command you to go to
this site is simply fabulous. it makes me laugh everytime, much like
i wish there was a way to email your spam titles to the guy as suggestions. i cant find his email anywhere on the site even to praise his great site, and great idea. I wish they had merch, like shirts. I would be all over that shit. yeaah yeaah.
I dont have class til 11. eep. but in the mean time i am stuck here in the library because of the rain. i kind of wish i had some textbooks to do some work. i cant do work without textbooks. i know the library has them here but i am way too apathetic and hermity to speak to anyone today or ask for help. i have days like that. sometimes i can go through an entire day without really speaking to someone, and i just realized that. it sucks that i dont have any friends in my classes. most of these people are douches. I miss my Steven, and i wish Mehnaz would stop being a moron and come back to school. My good school friend Mehnaz took some time off. I couldnt get in touch with her so i was so worried. I have to call that ho. She was originally planning on taking off to go to Trinidad with her mom for a vacation. Her mom was guilt tripping her into it because she claimed she was tired of dealing with Mehnaz's father and from being a housewife. wtf? i mean i dont know the whole story but seriously wtf? Dont take your kid out of school to go on a vacation!? But for now all I know is that she is working, probably still in the Queens Center Mall. I should surprise her one day and visit. I do miss her muchly. School is just not the same without Steve and Mehnaz. Steve's schedule is totally screwy and we never see each other for more than two secs. sigh*
i think im going to pee. all of this rain pitter pattering on the roof is making me have to go.