Had a bad day
As bad as they come
Time to get a real job
You gotta stop having fun
So I got a real job
I'm working nine to nine
I'm making five bucks an hour
'til the day I die
And what a long, tiring hump day it was! I had chem lab today and it was THREE fucking hrs long. This was the first lab too. It was brutal. Easy, but a repetitive son of a bitch. I have to get a lab coat by next week and a decent pair of goggles. any suggestions? i HATE HATE HATE the big plastic goggles. They fog up every 3 secs and make my hair and forehead sooo sweaty. I am about to break out from it too which is terrible since Ive been really crazy about keeping my skin nice. My chem teacher makes us keep them on ALL lab, even if we aren't working with anything harmful, even when we are cleaning up. I mean we were working with nitric acid, fine. but c'mon lady! dont make me wear them when i am standing at a centrifuge waiting for a sample! jeez. She had to yell at me a few times because i have a habit of proping them on my forehead.
I dont get her. I like her and then there are a lot of strange things that i dislike. She was being very mean in lab today and yelling at people for doing things that she didnt explain or silly little mistakes that are expected from students. THAT pissed me off. No one is perfect, and we all have our own little way of doing things. I just didnt need that kind of shit. I didnt need anyone to get involved with the way i do my labs, etc. I hope all of them arent such a pain in the ass. I have A LOT of chem work to do. Last semester was really terrible for me, school wise esp. chem. I failed with like a -10 because i didnt care, was lazy, etc. and now i am paying for it. My professor was nice enough to pass me with a D. It's really embarrassing to me as a science major. I have to catch up with the stuff we have done so far and I need to review. I have to sell last yr's chem text book because the dept decided to fucking change the book. So i have an almost unused copy of Raymond Chang's CHEMISTRY available for sale. I figure I will try to put it on EBAY this weekend to make a little money along with some other stuff that should make me some cash. I'll try and post the listing here when i am done. Any other advice about selling my book? Campus wont except it because they dont use it anymore and I want to get a decent amnt for it since i paid out of my nose to get it.
i'm just rambling. it is humid. i want it to rain and stop.
tomorrow is Thurs. which means that it is my Friday. BUT i do still have to go to work at 5 even though i am quitting. I have to tell them first which i am not looking forward to. I may have to work on Friday, Im not sure yet. I hope they pay me soon because i need it.
The Vegoose fest. has decided to release more tickets for the AT NIGHT shows TOMORROW. Now, this would rock ass if i actually had money. I have about 20 bucks in the bank and another 250 that is not in the bank. I didnt have any way to get to the bank. :( feck. I cant get in touch with Nick. They go onsale tomorrow at 1. i would have to skip part of a class or something if Nick cant get the Trey Anastasio tickets. I got the Dave and Tim tickets the other day so I am all set with that.
In addition to that, Dave Matthews is playing TWO Katrina benefits in NYC on the 20th. One is at msg and one is at Radio City. I prefer the one at RCMH because of the people there and I love the venue. That goes onsale at 10 am, also a time when i am supposed to be in class. wtf. I hate bad timing and no money in the bank. I am secretly hoping that Nick can front me until i see him on Friday and can pay him back. We'll see..
i should sleep soon. I am not happy about having to go to PETCO tomorrow. I just want to get home and read and sleep.
oh and i loves
_chloe_ monster. She is a great girl.