Feb 21, 2011 20:30
Just a heads up to everyone that I've changed my LJ name, something I've been wanting to do for a while! Don't worry though, I'm still Aerith and I still love Aerith; I just didn't feel like the name was me anymore. I don't really feel "dark" anymore; that was more my "emo" side, but I'm not a moody teenager anymore. just a moody adult and a weeaboo lol >_<
What it means:
Hana is Japanese for flower (as in "flower girl", as in Aerith ^_^) and Rina is my real name (Karina) shortened. ^^; Together it sounds like a name doesn't it?
私はハナリナちゃんです! よろしくね~ ( ´∀`)
name change,