I've been wanting to do this for so long...
And finally I have a little time to give my impressions about the dramas that I'll be watching this season that ...trust me....are A LOT!!!!It's too late to write about all of them so today I'll report about the ones I have fully caught up with.
But before all...I will start with the 2 that I decided to drop after watching the first episode (the first one kind of guiltily, the second one without a second thought)
Drops of this season
1)Ikemen Desu ne
I had also watched the Korean "You are beautiful" with great difficulty finishing it though ,since Korean dramas are rarely my style with a bunch of exceptions. When I heard that a japanese is on the way, I was not excited but I had my hopes that it could still turn into something good. Japanese>>>>Korean dramas imo
So I watched the first one.It was pleasant but still nothing that would convince me watching another 10 episodes.I recognize the chemistry between the girl (who is actually really cute and the most successful crossdresser of this season) and Tamamori, the boss is AWESOME with his random English lines and Tanoshingo with Kojiharu were pretty good too but thanks I'll pass this time.I was told that they made it dramatic in the second and third episode so my guilt flew out of the window about dropping this one.
P.S.The only reason that made me think to actually watch a little bit more
"Hikaru is blond...
jizz is everywhere"
I am shallow as fuck and I like me!
2)Hanazakari no Kimitachi he 2011
Fuji...you fucked it up!I I mean I know ratings are good enough reason but you're not laughing now are you?I mean remake?after 4 years?of what?the money they made through its success?
Stop being butthurt and moving on...because I could go on....
I admitted from the beginning that the idea did not make me happy but still I wanted to watch the first episode because I wanted to have a justified opinion.And I watched it only to watch my worst fears coming to life.
First I will mention its good points (yes there are, see?justified opinions and stuff?XD)
Kiriyama Renn (very very good Renn I 'll be watching you, your Namba was great)
Tokuyama Hidenori ( the only two times I chuckled in the episode,both thanks to his awesomeness)
Nakamura Aoi( decent Sano, never been my favorite Shun role)
Saitoh Takumi (<3)
Nishii Yukito (talented boy you!)
And now to the reasons that will make me shiver everytime I think Hanakimi has a remake....
Rest of the cast and specifically:
Kagurazaka-Sato Yuki?ARE WE SERIOUS?First of all, I fail to see how they chose a good-looking guy and make him seem almost difficult to watch. It's not even a matter of comparison with Shirotan, Kagurazaka is major fail in my eyes in this one
Yanagishita Tomo(I like this guy but he is so indifferent in this drama )
Miura Shohei-Nakatsu ( taking away my huge bias for two minutes I think that the director gave Shohei a dvd of Toma playing Nakatsu and asked him to imitate him. It's not about appearance , it's about the voice, the moves, the facial expressions...etc)
Maeda ( telling she is acting would be a euphemism)
St Blossom's academy( HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA)
The what? The first episode was like bits and pieces of scenes from the first hanakimi badly edited,with other actors.It was like the script had a hiccup not knowing how to connect the scenes so it all ended being very tiring and absolutely incomprehensible for anyone who had not watched the first Hanakimi.After the first 30 minutes, I couldn't keep thinking how boring it was.
Chemistry between the actors
Because that was the main reason of the previous Hanakimi success.Not the deep script, not the impressive directing but the chemistry between them.And chemistry is nowhere to be found in this one...
The Soundtrack was the same
At least change the music, the mood is not there anymore
It may be my idea but the whole drama looks cheap.The school looks smaller, the students less...but I guess this could be explained by the "plot"
Still, all of the above is my personal opinion, keep it or leave it but I had to write it at some point.I don't like speaking about something I have not watched (unfortunately and that's the reason I watched Kynodontas damn...) but watching it entitles you an opinion.Better a negative than none at all.